Snapshost from my Garden. Blog marathon Post 3.

If you have joined me just now, this is a series of a blog marathon that I am doing. the first post was about making a portrait and what goes into it.
The second asked "Are you in a drift mode?"

This is the third. I am sharing some snap shots from my garden. Gardening is something that gives me immense joy. It is indeed amazing to grow something so magnificent and watch it bloom. Such beauty in flowers! I can spend hours in my garden.

To grow any plant, you really need just good soil, a container, some manure and daily watering. Even if you live in a flat or an apartment, you can grow them in pots. They instantly transform the place and add magic to it. If you live in India, all you have to do is drive to the local nursery, get a few plants and then call your local 'maali' who will happily re-pot them for you. Make an arrangement with him to add manure and loosen the soil, once in fifteen days or so. All you will have to do is water the plants on a daily basis. Not too hard really, is it?

Here are pictures of my favourite blooms from my garden.

 This is a creeper that goes up my white picket fence. White and yellow. Tranquility!

 I really like this one too.

 And this :) There are about 10-12 of them right now in my garden.

 Pretty, isn't it?

And this one here seems to be telling me, "come on and dance and enjoy life!" So colourful!

The thing about plants--you love them and they love you back.
The best part--they bloom! :)
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  1. Wowsome dear... Beautiful Flowers and snaps... iam enjoying ur marathon posts... waiting for 2marows post

  2. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I've always wanted to take up gardening as a serious hobby. We're constructing a house now, and I'm considering asking my parents to have a roof-garden and a balcony one. And yes true! If we love plants, they love us back. :)

  3. Wow beautiful flowers..Gardening is one thing I was planning to take up this summer ..Now will do it asap..

  4. Just BEAUTIFUL! :D

  5. Simply beautiful!! Thanks for continuously sharing the ingredients that make life good. I really appreciate it. I look forward to the upcoming posts. Best wishes!! :)

  6. nice pictures and nice composition..


  7. Jyothi--thanks! but why a congrats?!

    Soul mind body: Aditya pranav --Hope i got your name right..Thanks a lot :)

    Rachit: thank you :)

    Anu: Do! Its great! :)

  8. Jyothi--thanks! but why a congrats?!

    Soul mind body: Aditya pranav --Hope i got your name right..Thanks a lot :)

    Rachit: thank you :)

    Anu: Do! Its great! :)

  9. Rajshri: Good luch and lots of happiness with your gardening!

    Srilekha: thank you :)

  10. hey preeti its really so beautiful lovely snap.. your post make me so excited, continue till you love. you know garden is a man made natural living place, if u feel from heart best way to relax our angry BP etc. cool breeze colors of flowers falling of leaves makes us our mind hot to coolest, enjoy Gardening please plant more tress.

  11. Absolutely right! :)

    Thank you very much!

  12. wow! they are awesome... and m sure u must be glowing in pride! Me loves flowers, but m knowledge about them is very limited. Please do let know what are these pretty beings called. I know, DUH, yeah! :) purple one steals my heart!

  13. Mam the pics are just awesome and your wordings along with it makes it even more beautiful :)
    A request that when ever you have time.please visit my blog and view my latest post.

    Waiting for your next post :)

  14. they are all so very beautiful ..
    what is that purple flower Third from top.. I like that the most I want them in my garden tooo :)


  15. They are all great. No. 3 is a keeper.

  16. Beautiful...:) I love gardening...and have made our balcony a mini garden.

    need to take nice pics now I guess. the old ones are here


  17. so colorful.. must b making your day when you cast a glance on these early in the i feel like having my own pots of fresh flowers..:)

  18. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Flowers make way for the emotions and feelings to express just the perfect way. When you are completely clueless about how to result a simple yet worth memorable gift, its flowers that always comes handy for your purpose. An occasion to remember-that’s the one you always wished for, and collections at will give you something beyond that.

  19. Purple lilac symbolizes "first emotions of love" in the language of flowers. The language of flowers, sometimes called floriography.


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