Are you in 'drift mode'? Post 2. Blog marathon.

Apologies if you have come here looking for a post to read. This will soon appear in my book  which will be like a sequel to  '34 Bubblegums and Candies'. I had to remove it as making it available online would be very unfair to my publishers who have placed so much trust in me. A heartfelt thanks for your support and understanding. Thanks for continuing to read what I write.


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  1. Hmm I am going through that drift mode(what and apt word ) I have been giving lots of excuses to myself saying that I am doing this because of such and such reason..I was really fooling myself...

    Now its high time I get off my comfort zone and get going and do what I want to do the most..I keep worrying about what "log kya kahenge" and kept ignoring my inner voice..Your post hit the nail on the wall...Thanks for showing opening my eyes..

  2. oops showing me way and opening my eyes

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It was really motivating ma'm... We face so many difficult situations in life and we wan't to change but lack the final urge...And this blog provided the needed final push to do the change...Thank you for such inspiring words...Please Keep Writing

  5. Anonymous11:22 PM

    I was in the drift mode till last december. It was then I discovered what I wanted to become, how I saw myself in the future. I want to take up Journalism and writing, but hailing from a lower middle class family, my parents seem to think Engineering is the only step forward. And I haven't done justice to my wishes either- when they told me to apply for various entrance exams, I played along. That was partly because of my curiosity to see how these tests are, and partly due to fear of my parents. Now I feel I've to tell them. Proclaim that I'm not going to be the usual midclass kid. They'll be shattered at first, I know. But they'll agree eventually. Probably they're in their own drift mode now, and they need to be shaken off it. I'VE NEVER READ YOUR BOOKS (I'll do soon), but I've become a fan of your philosophy already. Thanks for being a person in whom I can search for inspiration. Thanks again. :)

  6. I guess m living in the drift mode too....will surely think on it...actually I feel when I was running after good job and good money, I never listened to my heart...and now when I got a fat pay package, I can not listen to my heart due to the EMIs that are like hand-cuffs necessary to maintain so called 'social status' ...but after reading ur blog will take a break from this drift..will live a MEANINGFUL Life..Thanks! :)

  7. I guess m living in the drift mode too....will surely think on it...actually I feel when I was running after good job and good money, I never listened to my heart...and now when I got a fat pay package, I can not listen to my heart due to the EMIs that are like hand-cuffs necessary to maintain so called 'social status' ...but after reading ur blog will take a break from this drift..will live a MEANINGFUL Life..Thanks! :)

  8. Anonymous12:54 AM

    You are bang on m'lady! Most of us need to give ourselves a little shake and Really start LIVING!

  9. True that! As you know, I am in a take-one-day-at-a-time-manic-mode :D :D!

  10. Most of us spend our lives drifting along, flowing with the current, never having the courage to do what we really want to do. And when it’s too late we repent over what could have been!
    I believe it’s very important to take stock of your life every six months or so and ask yourself if it is going in the direction you want it to go in ….

  11. I feel this post is what you hsv written after knowing me or after peeping into my life. I feel this post is written exclusively for me.

    I am exactly in this phase of my lofe write now, am I am in drift mode. But I still contine to be in this mode even after 2 long years of struggle to come out of it. I don't to stay away frommy kid for a career outside home and nither do I want to see my life going nowhere.

    Hopefully I will be able to get out of it soon. Thanks for talking to me( i really feel you just spoke to me).

  12. Motivating writing here. Thank you.

  13. Maddy: Thank you!

    Pinky: really glad that it spoke to you. Don't worry, each phase of life comes with its learnings and lessons.

    Ruchira: yes, very rightly said.

    Shachi: yes, i know. :-* :)

    Cozylittlenook: Thank you!

  14. Suhail: All the very best. Indeed one should follow one's dreams.

    Rajshri: I do not know whether they will be really shattered if you sit them down and clearly explain your vision? Thank you and all the very best to you!

    Parth:Thanks! I will!

    Anu: Glad!

  15. It is easy to surrender yourself to the drift and many of us do that before we know. Your post is a gentle nag to check the vital statistics of life's path. Nice post.

  16. I would say Live your Dreams!!!

  17. Hi Preeti....
    U just made me realize my drift mode, yes i was facing that in my life too.... thanks for ur inspiresion words.

    I first read ur 'Life is what we make it' i was surely fell in ur words... it was touching...
    Now iam reading ur '34 bubblegums and candies' and i already bought ur 'Tea for two and a piece of cake' u r amazing in ur words u just make ur reders feel into it...

    Ur '34 bubblegums and candies' is inspering me very much i started to enjoy every moment of my life and got enthu to do any thing thanks, thank u very much dear(u became my personal friend)... expecting ur another work....

    With Love

  18. Preeti, You actually made me think about what i cherish to do. This is surely an eye opener to most of us.. Thanks for the wonderful post..


  19. sometimes certain things need to be told out loud for us to realise, though we think we already know... this is one such matter.... this post a kind of "wake up" call...

  20. Am absolutely in love with this post :)

  21. Can't imagine you drifting...I guess we all have our own struggles no matter what we may seem like to those around us. Am glad you are now able to be such a wonderful example for so many. Thanks for this post!

  22. u know i was in drift mode...and it was you who helped me come out of all thanks to you beautiful lady:)

    God Bless

  23. No No No. There is much joy in drifting ......


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