A fun meme about a lot of stuff :)

Hi there,
Its a long time since I did a 'Fun meme'. I have been doing such a lot of 'serious' writing these days (have already started working on my fourth book!) that I wanted to just do something on my blog which was fun.

So here is a meme from Sunday Stealing which appealed to me..I am doing only one part of it (It was in three parts).

1) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Sadly yes  but only if I was extremely hurt. I do want to let go. Holding a grudge is like harboring poison in your soul. It's truly horrible to hold a grudge.

2) What is your astrological sign?


3) Do you save money for anything? What?
Used to save when I was a student. I don't consciously 'save' anymore. Thank Lord.

4) What's the last thing you purchased?
Some superb DK books for my children from Pageturner Bangalore. (They have a good collection for kids)

5) Have you ever had a relationship that you realized was lust not love?
Of course! :) Don't tell satish ;-) :D

6) In a relationship?
Yes! :) Sweet Bliss! :)

7) How many relationships have you had?
Hahahaha.. Far too many to list :P Really!

8) What do you want to tell us about your day?

I learnt an important lesson today. To completely ignore those that attack you senselessly, out of jealousy mostly. Also learnt how important it is to not always take another person's advice and to listen to your gut feel.

9) Where were you yesterday?
Was at home. Did not step out yesterday.

10) Is there anything interesting within 10 feet of you?

Many things really. Books, a little wooden trinket box that my daughter made for me, my BB Bold 9900, My Ferrari cap, my silver ear rings, a bookmark I made, to name a few.

11) Are you wearing socks right now?
I am in India right now and it is summer. Need I say more?

12) What's your favorite animal?

My Dobe.

13) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?

Tell them I do realistic portraits and tell them a detail about themselves which I noticed. I also  slip in that I am a best-selling author. :P :D

14) Where is your best friend?
Norwich, UK

15) How did you end your last relationship end?

I did not end it. I dazzled him so much with my brilliance that he felt so inadequate and faded away. *shrug* what can I do?!  :D

16) What is your heritage?
This amazing country I am born into. Truly proud  to be Indian.

17) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?

Finishing some unfinished business. It's still unfinished. Sigh.

18) What's new?

I have been asked to write a serialised fiction by one of India's leading mags. Details soon!

19) What is the key to seduction?

Eye contact, Interesting conversation, Flirting, Wit, An awesomely intimate meal.
And if all of it does not work, try subliminal suggestions ;-)

20) What was the weirdest thing that happened to you this week?

My dog got invited to a doggie's birthday party! Not kidding. How weird is that?! :)
She did enjoy herself though. She even wore a bow! Not kidding :) Here is a pic:

21) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?

Of course I will save the dog. Jobs will come again. A dog's life will not. And if my boss objects when I turn up dripping wet in the office, I would push him/her into the canal as well..and tie a stone too around their neck so they can't emerge :D

22) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?

a) Of course I would tell everyone.I would announce it on my blog, FB, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest--everywhere!  I would make the best of it, write a book about 'my last 30 days', get TV deals, sell movie rights etc :) Am anyway dying--might make the best of it.
b) Fulfill every wild fantasy I have ever had.
c) No--have never been afraid of dying.

23) You can only have one of these things: trust or love.
 Love ,always :) Who needs trust when you love with all your heart! :)

24) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?

My English friends might want to watch this :) I always dance when I hear this :)

25) Who has your cell phone number (other than family)?

Many of my friends and a few people who I would rather have out of my life.

If you liked the meme, you can do it too! :) I had fun :)
Stay positive!


 If you like my writing, you might enjoy my books :) Grab them here. or if you are an Amazon Fan, you can grab them here
 And you can interact with me on my FB page. I almost always reply :)


  1. Awesome meme and fun post :)....I feel the same way about the last phone number question :P!

  2. hahaha...wonderful post. Like lostris with the bow...really cute! :)

  3. Fun post...really....

    and U look ravishing Preeti.... I am getting enrolled for a yoga class today itself :)

  4. interesting n nice post :) u ve already started on ur 4th book??!!! so soon! :) gud luck... waiting to cherish it too :) n have u listened to d female version of nakka mooka?? ;) its super fun... dese 2 songs were super hits in 2009 even before the movie got relased! (u might already kno that :P)

  5. Hahha.. loved the answers! And doggie birthday party? LOL! But if they all had fun (only they know!), and with the bow, it's all good. :)

  6. Asha: Oh yes, judging by the wag in their tail and the rate at which they gobbled up all the special treats, they had a super gala time :) I enjoyed the bow (pun intended) :)

    Hanni: Thanks for the info! I discovered Naaku mukka only after Dirty picture released :P :)

    Ruchie: Yoga is magic! U must try! :) Find a good instructor though. And hey--thanks! You are so good for my soul! :-*

  7. Chandni: Thanks!!

    Shachi: heh heh <3 <3

  8. That song was fun!

  9. Yeah Mini! Its awesome for a workout on treadmill :)

  10. relaxing treat for brain!!!!!


  11. Hey Preeti, nice post, had fun reading it. Love your answers to Q. 15 and 21.....he he he :)

    P.S. : Loved your 3rd book....waiting for your next!!!

  12. :P song part is interesting, did you know the philosophical meaning of this song?

  13. Anonymous11:51 AM

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