Turning forty

Image from  http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
Why do people feel a need to hide their ages? And why are people so darn apologetic because they are over a certain age? 

There is so much emphasis associated with age and realms have been written about 'turning forty' and 'turning thirty'. 

My age is something I am darn proud of! I proudly tell my age, if anyone asks.I will be turning forty soon :) Funny how I have had thirty-nine birthdays and yet I still look forward to my birthdays with the same childish enthusiasm and I am still excited about birthdays. ( Who can forget the 'aaj mera happy birthday hai' scene from the movie Rangeela.I am a bit like that) :) Of course, I keep asking my family "What will you get for me on my birthday?" :)

The other day I was speaking to a friend and asked him how old he is. He said he is 42 and added that he is 'over the hill'.
I told him "Maybe you are over the hill, but I have not even climbed it yet!" 

And honestly that is what I truly believe.
Another friend of mine, a yoga instructor completely agrees with me. She is 37 and looks so much younger than her age. She says that it really is the attitude and the way you look at life that matters. And of course Yoga helps :). 

One thing that people constantly tell me is that I do not look as old as I am. (click here for photos).

I have been practising yoga since I was 14. Yoga is truly magic. Yoga (traditional yoga--not the hundreds of versions that have sprung up now) if practised right, does work wonders in reversing aging process. Click here to read a nice article about yoga and reversing aging through yoga. Go here to read about a very inspiring 77 year old  yoga pracitioner.

But I digress. We were talking about age.

Age is simply a number. A hype created by media mostly! At forty I am so much more content, happier and so much more surer of myself than I ever was in my twenties or thirties.

My children are now 14 and 10 and boy am I glad that the toddler and baby days are over! ( I did enjoy both my babies a lot but no way do I want to go back to those diaper changing stage!).It is great to have children with whom you can have intelligent discussions about a variety of things and it's great when you learn so many new things from them and they teach you  'to be cool' (pun intended) :D

If one has invested well in fitness and health when you are in your twenties and thirties, then it is time to start reaping the benefits in your forties. If you are in your twenties or thirties, I can't emphasize enough how important it is to take care of your diet, your health and do some amount of physical exercise everyday. (get up an hour earlier if you say you don't have time). Yeah, boring, I know! But anything worth having involves a lot of hard work :) (and a lot of discipline too!) 

This birthday of mine, I will be celebrating on the beaches of Bentota.  (yay! Really looking forward to it):) (yes, I plan to click lots of photos and yes, I will share).

See you when I get back! Enjoy your Christmas hols!

You can interact with me on my Facebook page if you have something to say and don't want to comment here!


  1. oooh..Bentota? that does sound heavenly! have fun, Preeti!

    Btw I turn forty too, in a little more than 45 days *goes away to plan her 40th birthday somewhere erm...anywhere... :))

  2. Aap Bentota mein majha karo aur hum idhar hamari beti ka diaper change karenge - bilkul theek nahi :)

    You are indeed a role model for all the women in their late 20s and 30s out there....and you are right - 40s and 50s are when you reap the benefits of your efforts towards your health n fitness.

    I'll go for my run now - I still have some souvenirs (pounds) from pregnancy that refuse to leave me {sigh}.

    Wish you the happiest of birthdays. Much much love and hugz and blessings for a healthy, fun, and blessed year ahead!

  3. I agree with you .. it’s completely in the mind. I am going to turn 37 in a month and a good friend just turned 38 and we both were discussing how we don’t feel any different than we did when we were at the university:P And taking good care of your health is the best gift you can give yourself.
    Bentota WOW !! Have a great birthday and a fantastic and fruitful year ahead. Good Luck to you and here’s to many more bestsellers!!!
    All my love !

  4. And as I am reading this, my copy of Life as you make it arrives from Flipkart! You made my day too :)

    Have a wonderful Birthday and a exciting year ahead :)

  5. Bentota!! Wooooow!!! Once again ur post has charged me up for much needed physical work out that i need to do. I'm 25 and I really feel I need to take care of my health!! Thanks for the energy punch ;)

    Have a blast on ur b'day!!! Enjoy!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I should add one more thing here ;)

    I keep on opening ur blog every now and then to check whether there's any new post. Yesterday when I was reading ur post, one of my colleague came and asked "what is that website (she meant the 'blog') that u keep on reading regularly?"

    I instantly showed her ur blog page...she said "oh... ye ladki blog likhti hai" (oh, this girl writes the blog) ...I started laughing and said "yaaa...the "ladki" is going to turn 40 soon..." :D She was bit shocked but I kept on laughing even after she left. See!!! U look so much younger than ur real age!! What can be better than feeling this youth when u r turning 40!! Have a beautiful year ahead!!!

  8. Wonderful post Preeti!!
    You have a lovely and fun filled birthday!!!

  9. Durga: Thank so much!!

    Bhavika: Thanks so much :) Yes I do take it as a compliment!

    Rach:Thanks a lot!

    Ruch: <3 <3 Thanks so much <3 <3

    Shachi: Ruhi will soon be talking to you and discussing things with you! :) Time flies! :)

    Suma: same pinch! when is it?

  10. Very uplifting article indeed. Have a wonderful birthday:)

  11. Happy Birthday in advance, Preeti akka! You really are an inspiration to stay healthy! I am already planning my post preggy fitness regime! and yoga it is!

    *psssst, down the line, would love it if my kids' friends ask them "is she ur cousin?" ;) ;)

    and enjoy ur vacation and make me jealous! :) i'd love it.

  12. "Age is simply a number. A hype created by media mostly! At forty I am so much more content, happier and so much more surer of myself than I ever was in my twenties or thirties"...... totally agree with you. What matters is your enthu for life and not a statistic:)

    I just cross checked your FB profile. It doesn't say WHEN your bday is... so do TELL us... so that we can wish you.

    Now, i hadn't heard of Bentota beach, but one click and i saw the gorgeous pics. Maldives and now Bentota.... lucky you :)

    Well deserved... have a wonderful Bday!

  13. That's such an amazing attitude and you almost echo me-though I'd be damned if I'd look half as hot as you in six years when I am at the same threshold:-)

    happy birthday and may you turn years into just dumb numbers with every candle you blow:-)

  14. Have a wonderful Birthday..Advance wishes!

  15. From someone who's going to cross a decade more next year, I can rightfully say - Happy Birthday Kiddo !!!

  16. Happy B'day in advance..have fun and nice post once again.. U are a true inspiration :)

  17. Have fun and enjoyyyyyyy and hey naughty fortiesssssss :) he he he

    all the best and wishing you a very happy birhtdya to you in advance


  18. hmmm..i have no clue how you are supposed to look at forty or thirty or fifty...but i do know that if you feel good you look good..so going by how you look, I presume you are feeling extremely mind-blowingly wonderful and of course you have a great attitude...and you exercise and ...

    as for my b'day, it falls on the second of the second month of the year :)

    happy happy birthday much in advance! may you always feel loved and special :)


  19. have gr8 fun Preeti..have a super birthday and may God bless you <3 <3 <3..looking forward to your trip pix :)

  20. Suku:Thanks so much!

    Suma: Thanks so much! Tell me date!! :) And dont you hate it when people stereotype ages?! In twenties you should be this way, in thirties this way etc--rubbish, don't you think?

    Bikram:Thanks so much.

    Nitu:Thanks a lot!

    Ramesh: :) I aint no kiddo! I am forty plus :)

    Suruchi: You look great!Loved your blog :) Left comment too :)

    Aabha: I call all my good friends m'am sometimes, endearingly. Apologies! I shall remember to call you Aabha :) Many young kids address me as M'am and now i don't mind it at all :) And thanks for asking! I have indeed removed it from FB :P It falls on twenty first.

    Purnima: Yeah You must do yoga! Its really good! thanks a lot!]

    Tarang:Thanks so much!

  21. Hi,
    Wow!lucky you :)
    yes will look forward for snaps and looking forward for my life @forty . Right now am full time mom handling the toddler years of my son :).
    I draw inspiration from you regularly. me too have quit my s/w techie job to live every minute of my motherhood with a son doting on me :)

  22. Deepins: Enjoy those moments! :) Thanks a lot :)

  23. Preeti,
    I am happy to nominate you for a blogger award. Please visit the link to know more http://nishdil.blogspot.com/2011/12/award-for-me.html

  24. Anonymous11:34 PM

    A very Happy 40th to you Preeti!! I agree with you about age being just a number :)

  25. I was ok with reaching the 30's but the 40's somehow spell doom....the word "middle age" writes itself on the wall of my head in multi-colored CAPITAL letters;-(
    Honestly even the 60's dont sound so bad;-D

    Have a heppy heppy budday Preeti Shenoy!!!!!

    ps: Never hrd of Bentota till u showed me.....it looks beautiful. ENJOI!!!!!!!

    pps: Next post.....we want pictures;-D

  26. I completely agree with u.each year lived enriches ones life and i always say that to my friends.i am rich by so many years.Granted i didn't invest in health in my twenties and hence am obese and with a bunch of lifestyle diseases on the start but i can definitely say i am happier and more content than my teens

  27. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Warmest wishes to you Preethi! Hope your enthusiasm stays and brims over... always :)Have fun!!

  28. Happy B'day Preeti...!!!!!!!

    May God Bless you!!!!!!!!!


  29. Preeti,


    I will come back to read posts later.

    Take care

  30. Came through Gayu's blog.
    Happy Birthday!!
    Many happy returns of the day!!!

  31. Hi,

    I am a 60 year old retired school teacher. Inspired by the writings of young generation like you, I've also started blogging.. Please go through it when you get time and post your comments..

  32. Hi thats very beautiful and fresh rose i have ever seen...and what have you said is really true.. we cant make other person feel the same way as i feel about her...but still wish it may blossom day like this red rose... and your looking as your name Pretty(PREETI) ...just love to read your blogs ..can spend whole day reading your blogs ...it teaches a lot..


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