A rose in december

There is this rose bush in my garden, which I planted with a lot of love. For months and months, I waited. I had no idea what the flower would be like. I would watch it somedays and wonder why it wasn't blooming. I had done everything right--the manure, the watering, the sunlight. I .had done everything I could. There was nothing more I could do really.

After a  few months I gave up thinking about it and it just stood there, sullen , defiant and almost mocking me. There were a few insect eaten leaves and I dutifully sprayed  a herbal bug repellant.

It made me think that sometimes, relationships are like that. You want it so badly but the other person does not respond and there is nothing you can do really. You learn to live with it.

When I left for Bentota (to celebrate my birthday) it did not have a single bud on it. Or if it did, I did not notice. I had nurtured it so much for so many months, and had got nothing in return that I had stopped noticing it even. It was just a part of the foliage in my garden.

But this morning I had a marvelous surprise.  Yes, it had finally bloomed, rewarding my months and months of effort.

And what a magnificent flower at that! A single one. A very large one. it stood proudly, like royalty among the Plebeians.

Of course I had to click a picture.

And here is a close-up.

What a lovely little reward for months of effort! And how fleeting and transient--in a few days the flower will be no more. Yet, the joy it brings.
Teaches you a thing or two about living in the moment, doesn't it?

And this picture below, was clicked on 21st December 2011. (My birthday)  I had uploaded it on my personal  FB account  and Shachi was kind enough to praise everything in the picture--she loved the outfit, the shoes and said I looked fab :)

Of course, the show-off that I am,  I had to share this too ;-)

You can interact with me on my Facebook page if you have something to say and don't want to comment here!


  1. Life's pleasant surprises:)

  2. Looking fabulous P!! n lovely rose...mehnat ka phal u got na ;) :) Have a happy year ahead!!

  3. Looking fabulous in this pic P! Lovely rose too..mehnath ka phal u got it na :). Have a happy year ahead!

  4. Looking gorgeous!!!!!! No one would believe that u just turned 40!!!

    Keep blooming like the flower ;)

    Lots of love,

  5. Yes.. it indeed is a nice pic... the only thing missing is prolly a smile...u cud have added that too :)

  6. Looking really gorgeous!! No one can believe that u just turned 40!!!

    Keep blooming like the flower ;)

    Lots of love,

  7. So rightly you have compared the painful 'wait' to how one does in relationships. You just keep wishing and nothing ever happens. How much ever you say to yourself it doesn't matter, deep down, you keep wishing.

    Gardening has so much to feel for!

  8. Aathira: yes! You said it so well!

    Bhavika: thanks so much! Much love to you too!

    Pointblank: I don't always smile ;-) And people have to accept that too!

    Chandni: Thanks a lot! *hug*

    Raksha: Yes!

  9. Truely No one can belive tha tyou are turned 4o and still this enthusiastic and energitic.
    If someone said you are a show off you need to be one to inspire mom's like us.

  10. You look gorgeous! I love the sandals :P

  11. 40? I don't believe it! I mean if had not known your age, my heart may have had filed for a love shot! Absolutely amazing post or I should say filled of Life. All the three pictures were beautiful and what ensued was: Preeti Shenoy = One in a million Red Flower. :)

    And of course, the show off that I am, I have to tag you as one sole inspiration to writing and blogging. Belated Happy Birthday Preeti, I'm sure you had fun! :D

  12. This is what life is all about isn’t it ! almost giving up on something and then getting pleasant surprises when we least expect it! And yes things are so transient aren’t they – enjoying the moment is all that matters and yet we hardly do it !
    BTW, you my dear have been awarded and tagged – pls hop over to my blog to read what I have to say :P

  13. This is what life is all about isn’t it ! almost giving up on something and then getting pleasant surprises when we least expect it! And yes things are so transient aren’t they – enjoying the moment is all that matters and yet we neglect to do just that!

    BTW, you my dear have been awarded and tagged – pls hop over to my blog to read what I have to say :P

  14. Oh I can very much relate to this feeling of joy you have described.

    And this photo is also perfect coz you have a demure look - if you were smiling full-blown, it would change the appeal of this photo :)!

  15. Oh I can very much relate to the feeling of joy that you have described.

    And this picture is perfect just because of the demure look that you have going - without the full smile :)

  16. What an analogy! True... to the core...

    Efforts are the most important thing in any relatioship. We just need to keep putting them till we get to see results.. when we quit, it could be that we were close enough to make everything right.. but we failed just because we quit...

  17. You look lovely :) and I know the wait to see a flower bloom from a plant you nurtured with so much care....In childhood,I used to run to the plant first thing in the morning to see the amount the bud grew....:)


  19. Life is full of miracles :) When we need something badly..we rarely get it..but if we follow our hearts and do our duties with sincerity and love..we get what we want :)Life is so beautiful :) & your posts are always so lovely :) & also that red rose :) truly a miracle :)

  20. Hottie! you take "hot mama" to a whole new level :P

    The rose is lovely! Kind of nice that they wither, no? A chance to be happy again when another one comes out :)

  21. The truth that even after nurturing a lot some relationships may not blossom unlike the rose nurtured by you.Rose is more receptive than some hearts.

    Of course you look younger than your age and pretty too...keep rocking!

  22. Awesome lady and a great outfit.

    Belated happy birthday.

    Lovely rose :)

  23. okay.. that was just what I needed.. After giving so much into a relationship, I guess I will now have to wait and watch ! :) Much love to you too !

  24. hi,

    I just read your second book by chance. It was lying around at a relative's place. I enjoyed the story and then came to your blog. One grammatical error caught my attention -- usage of site instead of sight in one of the places. I am a Content Writer, a proofer and an editor, and I just can't help noticing mistakes. Very happy for you for the way you have taken your passion for writing to penning down books. I plan to read your first book now. And, you do look really hot at 40! Nice to come across your blog.

  25. Rachna: Ok :)

    D:Thanks! :)

    Horizon: thank you!

    Pradeep: very true..Some do not blossom at all and remain foliages.

    Sucheta: :-) :-)

    Me and amp: thanks so much :)

    Bubblegum: Thanks :)

    Anusha: Thanks :) I still do it :)

  26. Abhi: And sometimes no matter what we do, it does not bloom.


    Ruch: thank u! :)

    Aishwarya: Charles and Keith. really expensive but worth it :)

    Deepins: Oh i love to show off ;-):) Thanks :)

  27. belated birthday wishes Preeti.. you look gorgeous and I am jealous :D :D

    As I told you earlier in a mail the first thing I did was get your books reading the 34 candies...every story is so beautifully narrated.. and totally loved the gas cylinder changing incident with your friend lol

    hey and I just noticed some links below this comment box..I think your backlinks options in settings says yes and people are coolly posting their links on your blog..but if it is with your knowledge then fine.. otherwise they are eating into your popularity ..

  28. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Hi, you have a very interesting blog here!
    Love your style. Will try to get hold of your book and read it too.
    Have a great year ahead!!

  29. @suku: What links? Where? i haven't seen any! Do clartify--thanks :)

    Hema: Hope you like them :)

  30. ohhh now even i don't see them...but yesterday there were backlinks being posted on your site.. maybe if its not there now.. then it was a glitch or u could check ur backlink settings ...but abhi nahi hai links..


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