Start of a half marathon

Blogging had indeed opened a new world up for me. My first book was published only because of my blog and the overwhelming response I got for my posts. If at the time of starting this blog, someone would have told me that I would make great friends solely through the Internet, I would have scorned them in disbelief. Whoever heard of real friendships, being made because of blog or Internet. Yet, fact is some of my closest friends today are the ones I made because of my blog/book. Of course, the friendship grew because we invested a lot of time and effort into it (like all other relationships) but the connect happened because of the blog/book. Incidentally,today happens to be the birthday of one such  very good  friend.

(Happy Birthday Mayank Mittal )

So many of you write in to tell me how much my blog has become a part of your life, and how eagerly you look forward to reading my posts. Truly I am flattered, honoured and humbled by the number of mails as well the emotions expressed in them. You all shower me with so much love and praise! (Yesterday too, there were three such mails). When I last checked, the number of subscribers were more  than 860.

Sometimes, I meet people who talk to me as though they know me really well.  (they tell me they are regular readers of  my blog). Perhaps they do know me well, as I bare so much of myself on the blog. But the thing is they would have never interacted with me--they would mostly read silently (for whatever reasons). Then when they meet me, they are all very warm and loving. I am usually polite but deep down, I feel uncomfortable with a one-sided relationship.Most people who have written to me will know that of course, I am interested in you. My replies will always ask what you do, where you are based and what your interests are.

When  I had started the blog, there were just  two people (apart from me) who would read everything I wrote. Yeah--TWO. Both were brothers, both were in UK. One of them (Tim Young) had stumbled upon my blog, by accident and then told his brother (Niall Young) about it. I was at that time in India and had never even been to the UK. I still remember the excitement when I got a comment on my post, that too from someone whom I have never met before, who was thousands of miles across the ocean, in a completely different part of the world. That was the start of a beautiful friendship.Over the years, we exchanged mails (a lot) and then finally we met when I travelled to the U.K.  Later, I moved to the UK and we met so many more times, each meeting as cherished and as treasured as the first.

The regulars here would know that in the past, I have done two blog marathons--blogging every single day for 30 consecutive days. Each day I had to write a new post (and it is truly not easy especially when you have a myriad other commitments and all my posts were 'solid posts' not merely fillers.) Some of you committed to leaving a comment on each and every post. (I was happy for the support and encouragement) So many of you have written in asking me to do it again.

Well--it is blog marathon time again! But hold on--this time I am commiting myself only to a half marathon. My second book will be out next month, and hence there is a lot of work regarding that. ('Like' this FB page to be notified for update about launches). In fact, to commit to a half-marathon itself took a LOT of thinking.

Starting today, for a month, this blog will be updated with a new post, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. (count this post as Monday's post). Wednesday is likely to be wordless (But I haven't decided yet).
But a new post, you shall see thrice a week.

Thrilled? (See I have cleverly given you only three options, cheeky ain't I? :-) )

Then please tell me so in my comment box :-) ( Well, I am  making time and writing , am I not?)

See you around a lot more often now!
Love and Sunshine


  1. When i read the title,in my sleep induced state I thought you were going to run half a marathon :-)

  2. Super Happy, super delighted... I am loving it preeti :)

  3. Yes, we are happy, delighted and thrilled to read more and more from you...:)

  4. Best of Luck for your new book.

  5. Ok..the one-sided relationship bit scared me,hence the comment.As I have mentioned to you before too,you have a way with words which makes even the strangest of strangers connect with you like they've known you forever.I have recommended and gifted your book to many of my friends and family.Eagerly waiting for your second book to release!!

  6. Hey Preeti, your post encourages to write to you... otherwise am apprehensive.. I have commented earlier also. I feel I know you well cause of your blog. Appreciate your frankness, creativity and dedication in maintaining the blog and sharing nice posts with us.. looking forward to your marathon. Happy new year 2011, wishing you a wonderful year ahead!

  7. Hey SP--sorry to make you apprehensive :P That wasn't my intention at all :P Thanks a lot for commenting and encouraging.

    Divya: :P :) Glad you commented but of course I have seen you around. Really happy you liked my first one. I promise the second is ten times better :)

    Prats: thanks so much

    Sundari: Thank you, thank you :)

  8. Rinki: Broad smile! :) Thanks :)

    Ruch: Now you know :P :)

  9. Monday - Always boring to come to office after a weekend
    Wednesday - Most boring day of the week.

    I'll have something interesting and great reading to look forward to now on the most boring days of the week :)

  10. Wow Preeti .. am really excited abt ur Blog marathon... i stumbled uppon your blog recently so have not been part of your blog marathon earlier.. will be eagerly waiting for Monday , wednesday and Friday...:) ur Blog will surely make my week go by faster :)
    All the best for your book too.. awaiting its release ..! :) smrithy

  11. Smrithy: thanks a lot! :) Hope I do not disappoint :P :)

    Varun: Thank you! :)

  12. Looking forward to hearing more from you...always a pleasure!

  13. Hello Preeti! i'm one of the silent readers :), who come, read, absorb and go..i deeply admire your posts and thinking behind them. eagerly awaiting half marathon!


  14. check all 3 :)
    looking forward to the coming 2 weeks...and more, for the book!

    p.s. yes, the internet (esp. blogging) is a surprisingly good way to meet interesting people and make friends!

  15. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I thought you were referring to the Delhi Half Marathon that you were planning to run. Anyway, good luck on your new book release.

  16. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Hi Preeti... my first time commenting here. Sorry about the silence. I come to your blog because of your writing style. Also because your first born and mine share the same name and their b'days fall in the same month. My Atul is a few years younger.

  17. Super!!!!! I am thrilled :)

    All the very best for your book. Please have a book launch in Mumbai :)

    I am one of those who read each and every post of yours though I may not comment each time. You inspired me to write a list of things I am grateful for daily.

  18. I am Thrilled to know about it, will definitely look forward to it.

  19. It's not an easy thing, so hats off to you....will wait for the posts... :)

  20. Caterpilaar: Thanks :)

    Gagandeep:Thank you!

    Palsworld:Thanks a lot! Will try for Mumbai--not sure :) Mumbai seems to value only BIG celebrities like Salman Khan and the likes :)

    Sushobhan:Thanks :)

    Aswathi: me too! :)

  21. Zigma: very nice to know about your Atul!How old is he? Thank you for breaking your silence and commenting :) Nice to know you :)

    Firecrystals: Iguess people from Delhi are thinking that :P But on reading post it becomes clear(er) I hope :) Thanks a lot and wlecome to my blog.

    Sucheta:Triple thanks :)

    Loud and Proud: Thanks Brinda and thank you for de-lurking too :)

    Prerna:Thank you!

  22. Hi Preeti,

    Waw that's a great news, I started reading your blogs from last 2 weeks and I became and instant fan of yours..Keep posting would love to read you..

  23. All the three:)

    I very much relate to this post because I used to read your blog almost everyday, but never left a comment :-)

    Then , I guess I commented on a post and your reply made me realize, the person who I know so well(from reading the blogs)doesn't even know that I exist in this world;). It was a weird feeling. Now, every time I read someone's blog and like it, I leave a note to them:)

  24. Hi Preeti,
    I think I'm repeating myself when I say that reading your blog is like reading my mind. I also feel the same way about readers who just tread by softly without leaving their footprints.
    Looking forward to reading your posts more often now :)

  25. Wow I am thrilled , delighted and Happy.


  26. Wishing good luck for your book and blogathon

  27. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Preeti,you are an epitome of optimism and your blog posts do spread hope and cheer.everytime when I feel low ,and happen to blog hop,I always find a post that really make me think if it is worthy enough to spend time brooding or being depressed.though I don't comment regularly,I've left comments once in a while ,but a regular reader. Happy marathoning.looking forward to it posts and will pop in to say a hi more often going forward.

  28. Looking forward to your half marathon posts.. getting addicted to your writing.. may be learning too :) ;)

  29. Happy New Year Preeti....
    May God bless you always with Happiness, Good Health, Wealth, Peace and Prosperity...
    Best Wishes for your half marathon

  30. Ruj: Thanks a lot!

    Naan Podum Mokkai: Thank you so much! :)

    Sweetmixture: Much appreciate your words and your encouragement.

    Asha:Thanks a lot!

    Inder: So am I with your comment :) thank you!

    Sheila: same pinch for the same thoughts then! :) Thank you

    Prathima: Much appreciate your breaking the silence and leaving me a comment . Thank you :)

    Seena: thanks so much! :)

  31. Kudos to you...its definitely not an easy job to commit to such a marathon..but it would definitely make us more happier, delighted and thrilled to see more posts from you regularly!


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