Doodle art

Doodling is something everybody can do. But doodle art is taking it to a higher level, really.
I loved both these pictures that my children created. The one above was done by my son who will soon be 12 and one below was done by my daughter aged 8. Both are done on a A4 size paper.

Winter has set in and it gets dark these days in the evenings at 4.30 itself. It is pitch black and biting-freezing cold.
But things like doodle art is indeed time creatively spent instead of being parked in front of televisions and PSPs and X boxes. [Somehow I am partial to Wii :)]

All you need is a blank paper, sketch pens and some imagination.

Want to do doodle art? Tempting, isn't it? :-)


  1. also doodling can get you reach great ideas in any parallel creative field.
    Like all my 'fantastic' design ideas would be achieved while I am listening to theory lecture and accidently doodle something which could be a concept. :)
    keeps u awake, helps with design!

    I still have pages and pages of note books filled with doodles. they are fun.:)

  2. me first, BTW!! ;)

  3. Art is in their genes :)

    This reminds me of my lecture notes as well :)

    Thanks for sharing

  4. Truely art is the BEST compared to those killing video games!!! Good that your kids are do it fine in Doodle!!!

  5. Doodling was very much tempting when I was writing exams... :D during my College days.

  6. So lovely and cute doodle art! Way to go, Atul and Purvi!
    Great work and thanks Preeti for sharing them!

  7. yes very. I use to doodle art in high school after tests but havent' lately...

  8. lovely and it is indeed tempting

    let me try my hand too :)

  9. They're absolutely good at drawing. I remember doodling on notebooks at school/college. Now I draw shapes on MS Word and even excel when the notepads are not around :D
    Fun it is :)

  10. These are really good...I loved it so having them as my desktop wallpaper for the day...thanks for that..:)

  11. I do it everyday!!!
    it's the best stress reliever ever!! :)

  12. They are so lovely!!
    Both of them are tooo gud in drawing..

  13. Spent many a summer afternoon with my aunt doodling or playing squiggle art! :)

  14. Wonderful art work.. I was and still am not good at this.. :( But this one makes me wanna try out once again.. :)

    Winters are amazing,ain't it??Be it be in India or anywhere else.. :)


  15. good work purvi and atul.keep it up.

  16. Thats really luvly. Artists in the making ;) Its really fun to doodle..i luv doing it too.

  17. That is very nice...and thoughful...

  18. Reminds me of the hindi classes in college.. All the pages were filled with doodles.. Once amma saw the book n really freaked out :P

  19. may i know why you are partial against Wii ? :P

    i doodle at times, my mom sees them as waste paper and it usually ends up in the bin :D

  20. Shimmer: because I have a wii :) I like it better than x-box or PSPs as at least you ar active--especially in Wii-sports and Wii-fit :)

    dhanya: heh heh--my text books margins were always filled with drawings :)

    Roshan:Thank you :)


    Jyotiajay: How do you know their names?! :-)

    Multimenon: Somehow I hate winters--especially here. It is so dark and gloomy on most days. I yearn for some sunshine.

    Raaga: Nice aunt you have!

    Sundari:Will tell them you sais so :)

  21. Only one: You must post some pictures! My kids can learn! Mail them to me if it isnt too much trouble--I'll show it to them.They keep searching for new doodle pics :)

    Prabodh: Wow! :-) Delighted to have such appreciation--i am sure they will be too :)

    Meira: But drawing on comp is so different right? I agree about fun :)

    Monika: :)

    Srivats: Yes!

    Marjnhomer: Am sure you'll enjoy if you try.

    Shalini:Thank you!

    Gayu:Thank you!

  22. Neo: Yes--everything seems espeicially interesting at exam time! :-)

    Siddarth: Cool stuff isnt it? I liked it too--and they did it all by themselves.

    Sri:Yes! Tv is suhc a waste of time.

    Savitha: I guess most kids like to do what their parents are doing :)

    Swathy:yes--i agree there about developing doodles into concepts :) and yeah--you first! :)

  23. okay - I admit I never tried this before :) and these pictures are fab.

    I will try it this weekend with my neighbors kids - 5 n 7 yrs.

    Thanks for the ideas Preeti :)

  24. trust me..even i hv plenty oof memories of these..till final year n even sumtym in offce i do this kinda crzy stuff n aftr this brakeson dat fr sure..good n diffrent

  25. Doodling is way too much fun..whenever I am bored, I don't even realize and I start doodling. Don't believe I have a single notebook from school or notepad from office which is free from doodles.
    Best part is it keeps those brain cells sharp :D

  26. This is real art - smart young A & P.
    When I doodle, the result is like inking a hen's feet and making it walk all over the paper !!

  27. Lovely!

    I loved the way the letters are put in different ways in Atul's sheet.

  28. Cooool.....such a creative time-pass.....good idea, lemme see if I can get mine to do it;-D

    I too used to doodle in college and at work especially when I received a telephone call. They always would be flowers, leaves and a flower pot or a bunch of balloons. If certain pages contained lots of flowers tht meant the call went on for a really looooong time;-D

  29. hehe ahh doodle art... its so temting..i rember trying it out on the desks and notebooks and where not :P

  30. Kewl!!!

    I like the mood steps in Atul's doodle.Who is Sam, btw?
    I liked the way Purvi wrote 'Gross' - quite emphatic! :D

    Should I send across some sun, we've plenty of stock?

    I doodle too - everytime I wanna stop myself from sleeping during the meetings, I doodle! :D

    Doodllly doo! Gawd! I'm losing it! Off I go!

  31. Amazing!! I can't resist the temptation and am already busy collecting the accessories.........

  32. Ranjit : :-) Sene me the pic if you complete it. Welcome to my blog.

    Sparkling: Very observant you are! Sam is his friend--i had missed that too! :-)hee hee about doodling in meetings :)

    Enigma: Yeah! Fond memories :)

    Reflections: :-) I would also draw flowers but mostly a girl with hair covering her eyes and tonnes of Archie characters :)

    Rohini: :-) Welcome to my blog and thank you for commenting :)

    Aathira: :-) Thanks from the kids :-)

    Ramesh: i am sure that would be beautiful too :)

    Thinker: I agree--but mostly we doodle absent mindedly don't we?

    Vineet: Brakeson means what? Breaks on? Welcome to my blog!

    Shachi: I think 5 and 7 might be too young--not sure. My daughter is 8 and she learnt from my son who is almost 12.

  33. aah!!! I ll update u about my DOODLE ART as soon as i get hold f my 3rd std Class work notebook....lolzz Did a lot f things on the last page.......and also a lot f portrait making of our very own teachers.....Missin the skul daysss

  34. Hey there! In the U.K.!!! Okay, looks like I have some catching up to do here.
    I love the art your kids did. I put some of my kids best ones in frames...they make me so happy.
    You could frame these! They are very good.
    It is cold here too, of course we are in Canada, BUT...November has been rather mild so far so we have been lucky.
    I'll be back, I have to go back and read you now....xo

  35. How come their doodles are overlapping? Do they think alike?? And I really think there's a more secret message in these doodles. Something that signals alien invasion of the earth or the likes.. :-)

  36. Vinesh: Yeah--maybe I'll soon find ET in their bedroom :-) Daughter copied from son :-) But please dont tell her I said so :)

    Gillian: Hi! Good to reconnect. I had sent you a message saying we have relocated..perhaps it was lost! :) For some strange reason I thought you were in the US! Yes--great idea about framing.

    Kuunal: :-) Okay :-) we will wait for your 3rd standard book to appear :-) Welcome to my blog.

  37. This is great, thanks to this new idea of doddling, i to going to start today itself and will send you the first link :-0

    Couple of months back i actually had started with sketck (last time i used drawing pencil was back in school days)

  38. please do comment on them if actually critics would be welcome...

    and i missed to thank you kids, for giving me idea relating to doodling

    have a nice day,

  39. Anonymous11:40 AM

    BTW the best time t Doodle is when you are sitting in a meeting.

    i have seen a lot of people doing that but somehow was never able to comeup with somthing good.

    Nice work by Atu & Pui

  40. Hi Preeti,
    I realized i didn't leave any comments on this post but remember being highly impressed by your lil artist's doodling. I guess many of us do it unconsciously but i had not seen something like this, that can be framed as a piece of art.
    I was trying warli on my notepad today and thought of this doodle post of urs.. the day i first read this post, i was telling myself to do it too. i must, today.. :)
    Thanks for sharing such simple interesting bits from your life. They are always appreciated.

  41. i'm not very good at doodling though i wud love to do it...i hv a blog buddy who does it though @

  42. doodling is a great way to just free your mind. Your kid's doodle art is really cool.


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