My wish for you

Photo clicked by Atul age 10

Yesterday morning I was as enthusiastic about the New Year as an ant on a warm summer’s day, even though the air was cold outside and there was a nip in the air. Like an explosion of greenery that arrives with Spring, there’s something infectious about a date that reads 1/1. New beginning, Wishes, Gaiety, Hopes, and a renewed vigour about leaving everything unpleasant behind makes even the grouchiest of people shed aside their pessimism for a while and they respond to the “Happy new year” that everyone has displayed on their status messages as well as their hopeful faces.

I am no different and I decided to begin the day by speaking on the phone to my closest friends and wishing them. A text won’t do, I decided—It was just a day that I had to hear their voices. As soon as I called up one of my closest friends, I knew something was terribly wrong, just by the way she said ‘Hello’.

“Preeti—do you remember Varun?” she asked.

I did. Varun was one of her good friend’s son—a 19 year old good looking, pleasant well mannered guy doing his Law at Symbiosis, Pune. I had met him at her place and he had made an impression on me and I had hoped that my kids would be as polite, focused and well mannered as him when they reached his age. Yes, I told her, I definitely remembered Varun.

“He died last night in a car accident,” she said and could not go on.

I was too shocked to speak. Later I saw that it was the front page story in Times of India. It was right beneath the Cheerful picture which showed people welcoming the New Year. Click here to see the newspaper story.

I told my friend that it makes me even more determined to live each day completely as if it were your last. It reinforces what I believe in so strongly. Life is very unpredictable. What you really have is just this moment. It sunk in like a hot knife through butter when my dad who was in his prime of health passed away so darn suddenly. It sunk in like a pebble thrown into a placid lake when a friend lost her spouse. It sunk in again yesterday morning when I called to wish my dear friend a happy new year.

A year is a long time. Suddenly wishing a ‘happy new year’ did not make as much sense and I realised that what I actually want to say is GRAB today. You never know--It really may be all you have. Call your friends even if they have been busy and have neglected to call back. Connect to your siblings, to your family. Forget that petty little argument you had.

Now stop reading and grab a pencil and paper. Take a moment and think of five things that make you really happy and jot them down. (Not drinking happy—but deeply happy!) Did you do it? No? Then please do.

Done? Good! If you are like me (and I suspect you are—else you really would not be interested in reading this far would you?) chances are these are things that money cannot buy, right? Now aim to do at least one thing out of this every single day.

That is my wish for you this year. At the end of the day when you lie in your bed to go to sleep, may you have a contented smile, a song in your heart and a deeply satisfying feeling that whispers “Yes—today I have lived.”

I shall not say happy New Year but I wish you a Happy new day—Everyday for the next 365 days.

These are my wishes for you.

Warmth, joy and laughter

Preeti Shenoy


  1. Happy New Day! A post that seems to reinforce the message I have been hearing on and off for the past two days now.

  2. Indeed, Wishing you a Happy New Day every day you awaken... Life is soo damn unpredictable.. see so many examples of it everyday at work.

  3. Happy New Year Lady......I love thy thought, the movie Dasvidaniya and life in totality!

  4. true...

    live life as it comes...

    happy new year..

    kudos to atul for the lovely picture

  5. The first half of your post made me shudder and while reading the second half I was nodding my ahead in agreement.

    Why do we need occasions to celebrate our relationships. This is one reason my Ma used to never appreciiate mothers and fathers day. :)

  6. Happy New Year Preeti. You are damn right.

  7. Happy New Year Preeti. You are damn right.

  8. :( A silent prayer for Varun's soul to Rest in Peace...i cant even imagine wat his loved ones will be going thru'.

    n u said it very well..its important to seize each day...A Happy New Day, or actually taking it further..Wish u a Happy New Moment!

  9. Hey Preeti,

    May you, Satish, Atul and Purvi have the most wonderful 365 days ahead :)

    ..sorry about Varun and other 2 kids.

    **Yes—today I have lived**...Thats true ... I think thts why I love the mornings.. I feel like "I will live today"

    Very nice always put smile on my face :)

    Thanks! :)

  10. I Pray for Varun's Soul to rest in peace, and pray that God gives his family the courage to face this!

    And absolutely factful thought, Preeti! we need to Fulfil our wishes each day...well said!

    And Have a great (1st)weekend of the year!

  11. May my namesake's soul rest in peace.

    I have quoted an American proverb in my latest post that says, Live life as though 'Today is the first day of the rest of your life'.

    You post strengthened my stand :)

    It is so very important to call and talk to all near and dear people whenever we feel like talking to them instead of procrastinating and repenting at a late stage. You've hit the nail on the head.

    Have a wonderful year ahead...

  12. Please convey my thoughts and prayers to Varun's family.

    I've been asking myself what is my path in life? Can anyone really know? I've been thinking about this a lot over the last few days, and it goes along well with what you are saying. I hope to be more aware of my purpose this year, and do the things that make me and everyone around me happy.

    I hope your path is also open to you, and that every day you walk along it and enjoy it.


  13. Thnx Preeti
    Wish u a happy prosperous & healthy new year u too
    Varun RIP.

  14. All I wanna to say is AMEN!

  15. Life and its unpredictable nature, ensures all of us on our toes.

    Don't know around which turn, the earth is going to open up and swallow your life.

    Here's wishing you a wonderful day.

  16. Right said i always say too...chaar din ki zindagi...make the best out of it. live every day to the fullest. hope dat u have wonderful days ahead, wid ur family n friends n all u love!! Keep Smiling!!

  17. life is unpredictable and those who decides to live the day succeeds to make the most out of it...

    my prayers are with the family of three...

    and agree to the list - the things which make us deeply happy r usually things which money cant buy....

    a belated happy new year to you and family :)

  18. Such things do sink in very deep. Plan for tomorrow, live for today!

  19. very nicely written preeti!!truely, we have to live each minute of the day as if it is a 'present'! not dwell too much on the past or future :)

    Have a great day!!God Bless!!

  20. Hi Preeti,

    Wish you a very happy new year.. and wishes for each one of us to live each day,


  21. hi really found the article very thoughtful and at the same time thought prvoking.May Varun's soul rest in peace and wish you a great year ahead.

  22. You are so right...we just should not waste our precious moments each one to the fullest.
    Its very sad what happened to Varun's prayers to his family ( I know that it will never be enough..but one moment for him hoepfully will take his journey along better)

    Loved the green in the picture by Atul...fresh and the symbolism of a beginning..

  23. Preeti,

    Sad. But that is the way of life. I too read this and felt sad that 3 youngsters had to go in this way. May God bless peace to their souls. And strength to their near & dear ones to bear this tragic loss.

    You are right we need to give up petty mindedness and try to spread happiness any way we can. That is what will make us truly happy.

    Take care

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Hi Preeti
    I really love reading your blog...and though I am not on your official "followers" list, I have been following you blog for some time now. Its really easy to relate to and that makes it addictive. I have been meaning to write to you for some time but do not know what stopped me. Did not want to let another day go by without letting you know...Happy new year n a happy new day...

  26. That's such a thoughtful wish.. Wish u the same!
    and today.. I can truly say that I have lived today :)
    Not really sure I'll be able to do it everyday, but what's wrong in trying? :) Have wonderful days ahead this year! Cheers!! :)

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Happy New Year Preeti.. Rather A Happy New Day for the next 365 days :) And yes I would live every day to the fullest.. No doubt in that :)

  29. This was amazing to read. Thank you for posting it.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. This was amazing to read. Thank you for posting it.

  32. This was amazing to read. Thank you for posting it.

  33. It was saddening to read of your friend's son. Life is so strange...In a moment it takes away everything from someone..and the same second it gives something that means everything to someone else.. May the family find strength to sail through this difficult phase and may all of us put behind the little things that pull us down and be grateful for yet another day.

    Happy New Year to you and your family

  34. this reminds me of atsong sung by kishore kumar,i think u too would have heard it ,it goes something like this
    "aanewala pal jaanewale hai ,
    ho sake to is main zindagi bitalo
    pal yeh jo jaane wala hai"
    a nice message put in a lovely song,helps us live life well
    happy new year to u. and yes live life like there is no tommorow.

  35. Thats quite a sad news to hear on an occasion. nyways..

    Hav a FuLLFilling and A CheerFuLL yr ahead :)

    with LuV,

    ShiMmeR ;D

    -- Life is like an IcE CreaM... enjoy it B4 iT MeLtS -- hu hu hu :P

  36. Shimmer: Some icecreams are too frozen to enjoy :P :)

    Leela:Yes--very true and beautifully said.

    Stillness speaks:Yes it was indeed devastating.My thoughts are with the family too.

    Samosas for one:Thank ufor taking the time to let me know.

    Dhanya:Glad abt that!

  37. Shruti: Yes--worth trying!

    Abhilasha:Happy you decided to delurk!

    Jack:I feel very bad for the family too.

    Prats:Thanks and wish you the same!!

    Sushobhan:Thank you--wish you the same.

    Veena:Yes--wishes for all of us.

  38. Suparna:Thank you..and we do have to seize the moment.

    Santulan:But don't freeze the plans :P

    xh: The funeral was yesterday in Bangalore :(

    Pai:You do practise what yo preach and I feel blessed to have you in my life..Thank you!

  39. Laksh:And are you doing it? If so--I'm happy!

    Roshan:Ye--but the good thing is despite that you have not become immune to it.

    Radz:Haven't yet seen it.

    Gazal:Happy new year to u too!

    NM:True--we don't need an occasion--but some people feel very awkward and they feel justified expressing it on a 'day'.As long as it serves the purpose having occasions are Okay too!Whatever works.

  40. Jaanvi: Yes--happy new year

    Pavi: yes and happy new year to u too

    Prakhar:Happy it did :)

    Durga:Thank you--yes having a great weekend indeed--very lazy and full of movies--heaven!:)

    Varun:You too.

    Sue:I did convey your message.And you are so right about choosing a path.The good thing is as long as we contemplate we are at least not drifting along.

    Sunny Raju:Wish u the same.

    Only one: Dunno what to say to that..Amen to living life fully.

    Aathira:Wishing you a wonderful ay too

  41. I love this post - now I will go and write my five things. thanks PS

  42. It is instances and events like these which make you more determined to live life to the fullest! and it goes with one of my new yr resolutions which is to "Live Life King Size!" - something i truly believe in!

    Here's wishing the same for you! Have a Happy New Day for the rest of your life!! :)

  43. Happy New Year Wishes to you and your family!

  44. Thats such a wonderul thought Preethi and I feel that it is sometimes when we come out of (or when we are going through)deep sorrow or grief that we make discoveries about some realities which we choose to ignore otherwise. This year I have made a resolution to keep in touch with all my friends and all the people who have made a difference in my life. Your blog surely has made a differnce:) I wish you wonderful thought provoking moments and bright and shining days :)

  45. Inolongeram:Thank you for those warm wishes!And it is indeed true that death puts things n a diff perspective.

    Sri:Thanks--wish u the same!

    Sunshine:Thank you for those lovely wishes!I feel enthusiastic reading it :)

    Pink dogwood: :) I too did.

  46. All smiles for u too each and every day of this new year and for all the years to come.

  47. Happy New Year! How was the holiday???

  48. Hi, Happy New Year!!!

    What you said is absolutely right!!

    Have a great year!!

    Cheers :-)

  49. Inspiring post!
    Happy new year, though it started on a sad note for you.

  50. a lovely new year wish 2 u , ur kids and ur hubby ...
    and yes deepest condolences to your friends' friend's family.

    It was really a shuddering news .. i culdnt read .. but then thats life .. unpredictable .anyways take care ..
    nmot been able to come online often .. did mess u on orkut .. getting held up .. with work ie y !!

  51. Meenu:Yes it is sad.But we can learn from it.Happy new year!

    Bindhu Unny: Well--I don't believe that starting a year well is any indication that rest of the year will be smooth.Everything has ups and downs.

    Karthik:Happy new year to you too.

    Wannabe writer:Vacation was superb!

    Life Begins:Wishing you the very same!

  52. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Thats a wonderful thought. I did pen down the 5 things that make me really happy. I hope to remember this post the year through and try to 'live' each day. Thanks.

  53. Wish you and your family a very happy new year.
    This post has really touched me. Life can be so unpredicatble and cruel sometimes!!

  54. and happy new year to you too PS!

    i wish more n more people realised that life is too short to hold grudges and stay upset with people and life in general!



  55. ......lil drops of air ... thats wat i feel life is .. before we finis the laughter for a joke .. we ve reached somewhere else .. yes do enjoy everyday and to all those who read wat u wrote....

  56. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Dear Preeti, Wish you a wonderful year with many special moments and filled with friends. Your post reinforces my wishes for this year and is put so positively.

    I am sorry to hear about Varun and it brings more the necessity to appreciate the important people in your life. Thanks for sharing.

  57. just goes on to show that how fragile life is.

  58. Happy new day to you too Preeti. My condolences and prayers to all the accident victims.

    When I wrote down my New Year resolution, I recognized that there are at least 3 of them which do not need money to keep me in the happy zone. After I read your post, a year suddenly feels like a long time, doesn't it?

  59. i guess i m bit too late to read this one ..still Happy new year.
    n yup this one was Sweet.Liked the post.
    Discovered a couple of things on Jagriti Yatra ..shall put it across once i m back to campus.

  60. Sorry to hear of the passing of someone so young - that's always sad isn't it?

    And I like the sentiment behind your idea, Preeti, so, happy new day to you and yours.


  61. Its amazing how one sentence about a total stranger could connect you so much to him that reading his death in the next line should fill your eyes.

    You are right about each day... Happy 365-7 days ahead to you too PS.. And keep writing everyday if you can!


  62. long time...m waitin for new post :)

  63. I know it's a clichet, but saying "Today is the first day of the rest of my life" is true..the way you start your day decides the way it will go all day.There's no point getting out of bed the wrong side..especially if your bed is against a wall!

  64. Anonymous7:53 PM

    your wish is really thoughful. you actually filled days into a year. i wish you even end filling moments, minutes and hours in your day.
    i loved the blog! i am a follower too..:)

  65. Happy New day Preeti.. I agree with you.. We should be thankful to god for giving us another day to live, another day to find & give love, another day to forgive and forget.. In this fast moving age we tend to forget the fingers that held us and supported us to our feet. Your post makes me stop for a while and think :) Love to read your posts
    I hope that the god almighty gives enough strength to the parents to overcome this grief

  66. Beautiful words!First time here from Laksh's links. I think I can relate to your thinking.

  67. just got back from a very satisfying holiday with te family...feeling extremely contented...

    funny but this year, i too thought to myself, everything is so unpredictable, let's make everyday count :)

    wishing you a bright new day, everyday!


  68. Life is indeed unpredictable and too short to live with the old grudges!
    Happy New Day - everyday to you too

  69. I feel sad. i keep saying i just wanna live my life as if it's my last today.

    Happy New Year Preeti.

  70. Good Morning Preethi,
    This is ur conscience speaking....reminding U about a particular promise which U made around 2-3 weeks back, to post atleast twice in a week.

    p.s: And oh Happy New Year to U too!!!

  71. I finally read your book...left me with a warm feeling. Gifted it to my sis and a friend. Write another one soon Preeti.

    My fav: My special friend :)

  72. Still thinking: :) Thanks!!I am indeed working on my second book :)

    Reflections:I have obliged :)

    Preeti:True! Happy new year to u too.

    Suma:Heartfelt wishes from my family to yours.

    Anamika:Thanks and welcome!

    Uj:Oh yes--I feel terrible for the parents too.

    Pink orchid: Thanks for following :) And life is too darn sort to NOT enjoy.

    Niall: :-)Well you can always try climbing the wall!

  73. prakhar: new post is up :)

    Cris: i do write every day! But i dont put it on my blog.Happy days to you too.

    Scotty:Thanks--wishing you the same!

    Vivek: Thank you--and a happy new year to you.

    Vidya:Year is long!

    Desperado:It indeed is.

    Pavi:Wishing you the same!

    In a bucket of paint:Loved the name! Will visit soon.

    Abha:A very happy new year to you too.

    Last cigarette:Interesting name! And yeah life is indeed unpredictable.

    preetischronicle:if you have put it up I'll read!

  74. A very happy new year, and happy sankranthi :)

  75. such a lovely post. but to not hold grudges is a hard thing to do when everytime you try, that person just bites you all over again!

    happy new year!

  76. I could remember the movie 'Dasvidaniya'(if you have watched) after reading this blog. The only thing that matters at the end of the day is how happy you are with the tasks you have performed on that day. Are you complacent with the manner you spent your day!


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