Silence in the blogopshere


Most bloggers seem to have gone on vacation.(I just got back from mine in Kerala) There seems to be quietness and calmness that has arrived on a bus that seems to have lost its way, and is now unwilling to find its track. Niall's blog seems to have been taken over by Oskur. Keshi seems to be whisked away into party zone. Prats is off to Goa. Thinking aloud is thinking quietly, with her parents visiting. Tys is in Kathmandu. Joe is in Fort Lauderdale.

And while all this was happening, my 36th birthday arrived and it left quietly too. (On 21st December) I had to constantly remind myself that it was special. It didnt feel so. I almost forgot my birthday myself. We were too busy heaving sigh of relief that our tickets came through. (Why do I still feel like I'm 20?!)

See you all when you get back.Or rather, see you all when my mind gets back. (It seems to be still on vacation and I am trying hard to drag it back to write mode--pun intended)

I wish you peace, joy, calmness and all things beautiful.


  1. Well, lucky for them...and for you! I'm still here.

    Happy belated birthday! It's funny that you and Niall have birthdays on the cusps of Sagittarius, both on the 21st but of different months.

  2. Hey Preeti, I am a Saggi too !! Mine was on the 10th of Dec. A belated Happy Birthday to you, hope u had a wonderful vacation and a wonderful birthday as well. And yeah, i guess everyone's waiting for you to get back into write mode.

  3. happy belated birthday....

    another sagi! the world needs more :)

    hope u find your mind back...

  4. happy belated birthday....

    another sagi! the world needs more :)

    hope u find your mind back...

  5. belated birthday greetings! U feel 20? now wonder u only look so!

  6. Good to see you are back. Happy belated b'day. My husband's b'day is today but since he has to work all day we celebrated it yesterday.

  7. DM: That was a really interesting observation(Niall and me being Saggi cusps)--had not noticed that!Shall drop by soon.

    Punam: Belated birthday wishes!And thanks for encouraging!

    Tys:You are back?!!I agree about Saggis--they are the best!

    Pointblank: :-) Thanks!!That reminds me--I have to write that post I told you about!

    Rayne:Belated birthday wishes to your hubby!Shall drop by soon--Good to see you!

  8. ....while GAWPO has been gone so long he doesn't even merit being mentioned as having been gone. Yes, I know. I think work has me by the tail, Preeti. But I do think of you. And your birthday is going into my Palm Pilot unto eternity now that I have figured out how to get it to note an event every year forward. A co-worker just showed me how to do that.

    This morning on NPR I could swear that one of the young men being interviewed was named Atul. Yours will be getting international airtime soon enough.

    Happy Birthday.

    And Merry Krishna (?) :-)


  9. Gawpo,Gawpo: You brought a BIG smile to my face as only you can!Merry Krishna was brilliant!!What is NPR? By the way Atul is a common Maharashtrian name.(Maharashtra is one of the states in India)
    Believe me, I haven't forgotten you--I think of you often.In fact I have this feeling that we will meet in the near future--Lets see!

  10. Hey Preeti,
    Hope you had a nice bday. Saw the pics...very nice. Hv moved to the new place and settling in.
    Take Care & My Best

  11. Anonymous7:32 PM

    i simply wanted to write the tenth comment. does that sound very close to the hill thing?
    right mood.

  12. I hereby confirm my cuspid connection!.You did not feel special on your birthday..that is such a shame. You can be very much assured , that you are something particularly special...!!

  13. I hereby confirm my cuspid connection!.You did not feel special on your birthday..that is such a shame. You can be very much assured , that you are something particularly special...!!

  14. Happy belated birthday and Happy New Year to you and your family.

    I always try and remember to do the things you have listed here, though sometimes everyday life can get in the way! It's great to be reminded though!

  15. hope you ahd a nice time @ kerala :) this year, i took 4 days off for myself and spend them at my home with one of my best friends..will blog abt it soon... wish you a very very hapy new year, and lot of sucess in writing :) and before i forget, belated happy b'day wishes :)

  16. As usual a lovely post with words of wisdom sprinkled on it

  17. I guess it was all a Lull before the storm :)

    hey happy birthday!


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