Siblings without rivalry

Really sorry--I have had to remove this post as it will soon appear in a book. Making it available online would have been very unfair to my publisher who has placed so much trust in me. I hope you enjoy the other posts as much as you enjoyed this one. A heartfelt thanks for your support and understanding.Thanks for continuing to read what I write.


  1. Awwwww!! You have two very precious kids there, mama! You must be so proud of them! This post brought that lump to my throat which I had to explain away as allergies :P

  2. Getting there now: I am so moved--
    and yes--at the moment a happy, proud mama too!

  3. That's so sweet! There are times I am sure my three year old would push the baby out a window if I weren't watching. But there are times when we're walking with the stroller, and my own son will chide me for letting the stroller get too close to the street. There's a great deal of ambivalence, but you just hope everything will turn out okay! What a great day.

  4. How wonderful and selfless. I am very moved by this act by your ten year old son, that many adults cannot seem to manage.

    It has also made me a little sad. As the eldest child I often did similar things for my younger siblings, so it has bought into sharp relief the emotional and verbal attack that my youngest brother visited on me a few weeks ago. I am still reeling from it.

  5. Wow Preethi.. that was so adorable.. I am sure you are bringing them up right.. what a nice brother!!!

  6. Oh my!...what a perfectly honourable thing to are a true Gentleman! There is a lesson for all of us !

  7. so touching...
    you must be doing something right.

    i don't have babies but the way you deliver it, seems like being a mother is very fulfilling. ;0)

  8. Just this morning while I was getting my older one ready for school...I was thinking of the same issue...sibling rivalry. Tho it has reached gigantic proportions at my house.....I always pray that one day they'll reach the stage your babies are....give both of them a nice big hug from me...For A cos he was brave enough to be 'the brother', and for P for being part of that wonderful circle of love..and one for you...cos I know how you muct be feeling right proud and smug...

  9. That.. really.. moved me. Hugs.. BIG hugs to Atul >:D<

  10. Ur kids' mature behaviour reflects your own upbringing and the values you are trying to put in their 'growing up' days !! So, all credit to you and your husband who are trying to be model parents and succeeding very well in the herculean task.

  11. Aww...rt now we have the mahabharath on at home with each one insisting the other is at his throat, but there are these rare moments when i see a lil solidarity bwteen them...they r also te reason i'm reading everyone's posts so late...:(

    But atul rock, both literally and figuratively ;)!!!and a hug for you, proud mama!!! lucky purvi..too :))

  12. awww that is so sweet! But i can totally understand...having a younger brother i can positively say that i would do the same for him if it meant so much to him... :)

  13. hey preeti.. came to ure blog thru ur profile in
    glad i did.. u have a great blog here..
    and ure kids are very cute..
    keep up the good work..
    bye tc..

  14. Thats so touching Preeti. Atul really is a luvly child. Lucky Purvi!!! Give Atul a tight hug frm me, n Purvi too.
    U can always sleep peacefully, as u have brought up ur kids very well!!!

  15. hey, big bros are cool, not that younger ones are not, it reminded me of my school times, my brother and I used to fight like mad, but man! when he went to college, i missed him a lot.

    And till this day my bro is very protective, very concerned, when i think back i only feel guilty about so many times he had to face my father's anger because of me :(

    Thats the sweetest thing i have read in a while. Your kids are fabulous.

  16. Oh that's so lovely! How sweet of him. My heart is warm and fuzzy too now.
    But didn't they say anything about her blaser being so big ? ;)

  17. DM: It wasn't against the rules! So they couldnt say anything!

    Padma: I always wished I had an older bro.I have a younger one and I too used to take care of him.Hey--thanks for the compliments!

    Pai:Thanks--right away!


  18. Sunshine:you really have a heart of gold! Apt blogging name too!

    Thinking aloud:Thanks!!

    Punam: Husband s happy that you gave him credit!! I heard him mumbling that i steal all the credit!:-)


  19. Prats: i did feel proud--for a while! I guess incidents like these make one feel its worth it!And hey--thanks!

    Reign:To me it is! Very!!

    Niall:I told him you said so.He gave a shy smile!

    Preethi:who knows! Time will tell--but yes--it was nice of him.

    Bob-kat: You know during such times, one really feels bad.But like everything else, it blows over too, and one ends up forgiving.(but not forgetting)--Dont you think?

    Julie: Yes!I can imagine how your 3 year old must be!

  20. Now there's a young man I can respect; in a world that's very me-oriented, his actions were selfless, a reflection of how well his parents have raised him.

    Way to go, mate!

  21. I totally agree with Niall, Atul was a real gentleman with such attitude! In place of rivalry, a true act of chivalry! Congrats, mama, for raising them so well!

  22. Ps: It was lovely reading this post. Well... I dont have kids, so cant talk but them, but when I was a kid myself, I hated my younger sis. It started off as small scuffles which were not immedialtely settled. Small scuffles led to bigger ones and ultimately we were not even in talking terms. We lived like total strangers in te same house!!! But today, we are closer than ever before. So I guess these fights r jus part of growing up.

  23. I can't tell you how touched I was! I just wanted to give a nice little hug to your son.

  24. Gosh.... That was so utterly selfless.... Atul sure does deserve a HUGE hug.... Give him one from me...and one to Purvi too....

  25. wow! what a sweetie pie brother he is...I have one like that too!! :)

  26. i love ur son, he is so cute at heart, and looks cute 2, wats his name

  27. am not sure if it's something.. rather i think it is everything!! I mean it is only den dat u get to see wot u saw today... it was really sweet on the part of your son... it requires a decent amount of courage and values to do what he did!! I never got a chance to do something like for me and my sis studied in different schools.. but den having grown up with loads of tiff to pass under the bridge.. ultimately now as adults we both know that we'd stand by each other through thick and thin.. and its been tried and tested!! :)
    ur kids r going to be just like dat or better!! :)
    dats sibling love... :)

  28. Really sweet post! The sibling revelry moved me. All credit goes to the parents. Cheers!

  29. Moments like this make the mom and dad really proud. when we where kids we - me and my bro - sometimes used to fight with all the might; but that fight is just 4 da moment. after the moment passes, we are best buddies again :) your son's act was really commendable :) am sure he got a bear hug from you for that.

  30. Oh thats sooooo sweet !!

  31. Very sweet of the big bro. The y might have big fights but these little touches make the moments of life to remember. Enjoy!

  32. And that, is why you are such a great mom.
    The proof is in your two puddings!
    What great kids.

  33. WOW.:) This post left my face with lotsa smiles. You surely must be doing many things right.


  34. Well done Atul! kudos to you as well P, afterall, every child is a reflection of his/her parents. :-)

  35. Misti: :-) Thanks!!

    Sweetsticky: thanks!!

    Gillian: For NOW, I'm happy!


    Chitra: thanks!

  36. xh: bear hugs and lots os kissies--but he would rather have a playstaion!;-)

    Romila:This is the first time I'm seeing you here--thanks for stopping by and thanks for the compliments!

    Pretty woman: lucky you!

    Pooja: His name is Atul--what is your son's name? 9i saw your blog)

    Sam:Who knows how they will be when they grow up..But for now its nice!

  37. Scotty: i told him what you said and showed him your pic too!

    Guto: i told him, he got compliments all the way from Brazil and showed it to him on the map!

    Sunshine: you are welcome!

    Poinblank:Glad you could relate!

    Nm: i did that for you!! :-)

    Ritu:I was moved too!

  38. hi, thats not my son, he is my bf, i had created a blog for him on his budday, and written something, which i deleted cos it was too personal, and now the blog still exists. may be i should write more, y dont u give me some ideas

  39. Seldom do I come across posts that have a tinge of realism and feeling in them. I love your son already.

    Am glad I stopped by.

    Peace :)

  40. You know, this is one of the most beautiful posts I've read.. Am reminded of my elder sisters who've done so much for me, loved me so much and always been there for me without fail, and I didn't even realise it till I read your post..And i have to thank you for it..
    I guess my parents too would be thinking the same when they see us all together: they must have something right!! :)

  41. Hey! I can't tell you how much I loved this post. (I'm on a stupid dial up connection right now and this is the 4th time I'm trying to leave a comment, so you can imagine!). I have a younger brother and I'm so protective about him - I could so relate to your son's action. I remember how when my brother was a new admission in school I'd go and be with him every break, just to ensure he was comfortable. And as I often remind my mom, you parents do it right, just relax and watch the results unfold, I'm sure they're going to be really, really good.
    Cheers to your family!

  42. There is only one thing I would like to confess, from the bottom of my heart - Wish I had a sister in flesh and blood. :-(
    A great post

  43. I always longed for a sibling esp an elder brother.. Just loved this post :)

  44. Sibling fight while trying to change a channel. But when it comes to dad's news Vs siblings' cartoon, they tag team to wrestle out the dad. Soon u'll encounter such incidents. When you do, jus post them in ur style. U rock Ma'am.... Am now an official fan of ur blog.. Reminds me of my moments with my big bro.....
    Wishes to ur son and daughter (PS love to know their names)

  45. these words dont come from me often..but that was "sooo sweet"!! I feel like buying him a big box of chocolates!!:-)

  46. Lovely :) Thumbs up to you too :)


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