My next book--out in September 2021 !

 Hello dear folks!

How have you all been? My last post here was in April. After that India was hit with the worst second wave of the pandemic. The images of horror are etched indelibly in all our memories, and I sincerely hope we avoid a third. 

Like many of you, I too lost loved ones. The one thing this pandemic has done is shown us all what truly matters---enjoying the cherished moments we have with our loved ones, being grateful for the gift of health,  doing what you love and  doing a lot of it.

I was also busy with the edits of my next book which be out in the last week of September . It is a non-fiction book on finding that happy space, especially in these times. It was a very exciting time when my editor sent me this photo with  these messages:


As you can see from the messages that my editor shared, the book has a lot of lovely exercises, which make you think. I have shared a numerous anecdotes from my own life too, apart from many real life stories that helped me and motivated me. It is a practical guide which you can use instantly to feel better about your life. It covers a wide range of topics ranging from relationships, finances and health.

The cover reveal will happen in a live video sometime towards the end of this month. My daughter and I will be unveiling the cover, and I am very excited about it.  That is when the pre-orders will start too, and yes, all the pre-orders will be limited edition printed signed copies!

 In case you want to be on the mailing list, where you will be among the first group of people to know more about my books, you can sign up using this link:

It takes less than a minute to fill up, and I will write to you, when the pre-orders open.

 Apart from this, I've started painting landscapes. I've started displaying them on my wardrobe and I intend to cover my entire wardrobe with my paintings :) Here are some of them:

I think it is so important to do one activity every day where you can forget all your worries and relax! It is also good to remind ourselves every now and then to focus on the positives. For this, I started a Telegram channel a couple of months back, and we recently became 2K strong ! You might already be aware of my Telegram Channel but if you aren't, you can use this link:

I shall write more as and when  I have more updates.
Hopefully very soon!

Till then, stay safe and take care.



  1. So two beautiful things for me first thing in the morning 1) Your post after such a long time and 2) Announcement of your book being out soon.
    It is so heartening to see you penning down and injecting positivity into our lives especially in such turbulent times.
    I wish for the success of your book (and promise to pre-order it coz I love your signature and your brilliant writing of course)😊😊 and I pray and hope that we can feel your love,warmth and care through your books for lifetime.
    Lots of love and respect to you Preetiji

    1. Dear Sourabh
      Thank you so very much for this very kind note. It makes me want to blog more, as it is like receiving a letter, but a public one which everyone can read.
      There's something so old-school about blogging and receiving comments and replying back that I love.
      Many thanks!

  2. Hi Preeti! So good to see your blog post after months. As you are a sense of inspiration for many, your blog posts inspired me to start writing a diary and so far in 2021, I have written almost all the days so far - Maybe 10 or so I had to skip due to my hectic routine. I love your Telegram Channel. Whenever you post something, I post it on my WhatsApp Status and many people who never knew who you were have started becoming your fans. They say that your Quotes bring lots of positivity in their life. ☺️ The landscapes are so beautiful and am sure your room is going to bit brighter and more beautiful thanks to these paintings. Eagerly waiting for the Cover Unveiling and Book Release of your latest Masterpiece. I have all your books and look forward to collecting more as the days go by. Each and every single book of yours has played an important role in my life. Thank you again, Preeti. I think reading this blog post has been the best thing that has happened to me today. ❤ Wishing you and your family a very Happy Sutta Punav! Wishing you and your family a very Happy Onam as well! 🏵☺️🌾🌴🌸

    1. Hi Pratima!
      Hope I got your name right. That's so very nice of you to share it on your whatsapp status. Feels wonderful that it is brightening the lives of many and bringing positivity to them.
      Thank you so much for your encouragement about my paintings and my books. It makes me want to blog more!
      And yes--a very happy onam and sutta punav to you as well!

  3. Waiting for your book

  4. Happy Onam Preetiji.❤️💛🙏🙏

    1. Thanks Sourabh! I don't really celebrate it but my mother does --I just go for the onam sadhya!


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