A recap of my last few days--A picture post.

The last few days have been really hectic for me, and I have just got back from Hindu Lit For Life in Chennai and a few events in Kolkata, where I had some good sessions, met interesting people and had a pleasant time.
I am sharing a few pictures with you:
A picture of the audience at my session at Hindu Lit For Life

With my fellow panelists--I am sure you know who they are.

I admire her a lot. I don't think she needs an introduction!

A section of the audience at DPS Kolkata

Got a standing ovation.

As you might have guessed I am EXHAUSTED, travel-lagged and sleep deprived. Many a time I am asked if I enjoy these events. I do. But it takes me days to recover. I do prefer writing to addressing large crowds (even though I always get standing ovations).

Will blog again soon. Till then, keep smiling.
ps: Get my new book: http://preeti.io/3


  1. Loved meeting you! Phuchkas promised on next visit to Kolkata :)
    - Tanushree

  2. Looks like you have been having your roller skates on and traveling from one place to another. Anyone who attends your lit sessions or book launches are extremely lucky. Hope to meet you one day as well. Thanks for sharing1

  3. Great :-) lovable and inspiring authors together!

  4. When I Start reading you I am happy


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