Finding that perfect moment.

Just a little while ago, I was walking my dog. There were two teenage girls walking in front of me and I couldn't help overhearing their conversation.

'What if you are in love and you share with them that perfect moment, but it was not the perfect moment for them? How awful would that be?' said one
'Exactly! It would be so embarrassing!' the other exclaimed, mortified at the very thought.

I guess, with age you realise that it does not matter if it wasn't the perfect moment for him. If he loves you, he is going to cherish the time he spends with you. If you say that this was the perfect moment for you, it would probably be for him too. If he is in love with you, chances are he was too busy looking into your eyes to even think about the perfect moment.

And here is the thing-- Later, when he is alone, he too wonders about what you thought. He too wonders if  you misinterpreted something he said.

So it really is not about the perfect moment, but a whole lot of imperfect moments that make up cherished memories.

Enjoy the time you spend together. You might not get these exact moments back again/.

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photo credit: Sarah & Warren - Kissing in the shadows via photopin (license)


  1. Its true that too many imperfect moments give us cherished memories. Same way I feel too many tiny things adds up to our best moments. And again nice words!!

  2. This is lovely.. Most of us waste time just looking out for moments when actually every single time with our beloved is the perfect moment 😃 Preeti u always awaken our minds and rejuvenate our souls.. Thank u

  3. I'd rather love to get surprised with the imperfect ones. May be perfect moments are just fantasies. If you feel like staying in a particular moment forever even if it is not how you thought it should be... you have already found the "perfect moment".. Your blog post made me recollect my most cherished imperfect yet perfect moments! :) Thanks!

  4. every single moment with your beloved is a memory that will stay in your heart.and surely spread the fragrance in the years to come..that is the perfect moment!!

  5. It really is not about the perfect moment, but a whole lot of imperfect moments that make up cherished memories.

    Loved this sentence. So true. I feel a lot of times media portrays love in a very glamorous way.Hearts, roses, flowers, diamond rings no wonder people get disillusioned.

  6. Only A writer like you can understand that perfect moment is whole lot of imerfect moments. :-)
    Have a happy Holi

  7. Oh, what a lovely post! It is true and unfortunate that we spend time looking for those memories and always caught up on each of them. What we do not realize is that imperfect and unexpected moments keep happening and start becoming a special part of our lives. Sometimes, I may think, "Should I call my husband just to say hello and see what he is doing?" I may stop myself and think he might be busy, so shrug off the idea. Then immediately I think that it's better to call and then I do. We never know if we may get a second chance to do something good, so better we go ahead and put our heart and soul into it the first time. Thank you!

  8. what i know is i cant wait for the perfect moment i just go and get it! life is too short to wait for someone to come and catch us ;)

  9. So very true.. In this busy world, if we start cherishing the imperfect moments (we feel, might be perfect for our loved ones), nothing can make us sad..!!! Happiness will be at every nook & corner..!!!

  10. Very very well said... We are so concerned about the perfect moment while we succeed with those cute imperfections that make them really special ....


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