Birthdays are as special as the people who have them! Guest post by Purvi.

 My daughter (who is 13)  came across something today and she wanted to share it. So here is a guest post by her.
Do read and leave her your comments! :)


Hi I am Purvi, and well I wanted to share something with everybody that moved me deeply.  So I am writing a guest post from my mom's blog.

A little while ago I was generally scrolling through my newsfeed  and I came across this particular post, About a 13 year old boy named Odin Camus who has a condition called Asperger's syndrome. He had his birthday today. He had called 15 fellow classmates for his birthday party but none of them bothered to take the time or effort to respond to this invite. Odin used to get bullied all the time in school. He often  had trouble making friends. His mom, Melissa, worried a great deal about giving her child an amazing birthday. She had got him a few gifts, showered him with balloons and got a nice cheesecake for him but he was  feeling down in the dumps about it.

  Melissa then posted in a few groups on Facebook, asking people if they could just wish him a simple happy birthday or call him on his phone (she also posted his phone number) , just to make him feel happy. The post quickly spread and in a matter of hours, Odin got over 5000 texts! Odin told his mom that he would enjoy going bowling and his story quickly spread around all social media. People from all over the world drew pictures, posted videos and wished him. They even organized a stretch limousine to pick him up and as he arrived at the bowling alley. Thousands of people were waiting for him there; Reporters, photographers, police men . And hundreds of children waiting to greet him with a happy birthday. Not only that, they baked cakes, made cards and all showered him with presents. Everybody wanted a picture with this boy.

What touches me is that thousands of people, strangers, all across the world took the time to wish him or show up at the bowling ally but none of the people he knew/called turned up.

I hope the people who bullied him just because he was a little different from the rest of them feel ashamed of themselves. I strongly object to how people can make someone feel worthless just for the fun of it, or to look 'cool' in front of friends and I dont think that anyone should be treated the way he was.

i am so glad he had a wonderful birthday. Since i am 13 too, I can relate to how important a single birthday wish or card is. Imagine his joy, receiving thousands--- including wishes from celebrities and NBA stars! :) 

Here is a link to the story, that has pictures and short descriptions..

 Its amazing how many kind people are out there and this was one thing that really hit me hard. Sometimes  strangers  turn into angels, creating memories that last a lifetime. And a little act of kindness makes a big difference in a person's life.


photo credit: Rafting the Arkansas Cake via photopin (license)


  1. Yup, sticking out like a sore thumb when you're in school can have pretty crazy effects.. I can surely understand what this boy went through.. And he even went to the extent of inviting his friends for his birthday party.. Yet..
    Well, I'm pretty sure that the birthday party with 15 friends would have been nothing compared to the wonderful limousine!
    Tbh, you're a really awesome writer at 13! I'm 16.. And I really felt great reading this blog post! Keep it up.. And surely follow your mom's footsteps and have a rocking blogging time! :)

  2. Hi Mithila, Yes i totally agree with it! He was bullied for what? Standing out? Having special needs? It was really sad, seeing the state of the people who bullied him and didnt even reply to the invite sent! Yes he must have a really nice heart to still call them after everything! :)
    Hehe thanks you so much, And really nice of you to leave a comment! :D

  3. Great post Purvi :-) Thank you for sharing the story that has also touched my heart ;-)

  4. I see a budding writer...I am sure it makes your mommy proud! Great post!

  5. I see a budding writer...I am sure it makes your mommy proud! Great post!

  6. I see a budding writer...I am sure it makes your mommy proud! Great post!

  7. I applaud your empathy Purvi - this story touched a chord within me as well. I totally believe in "doing" vs "talking" and never let a week go by without a random act of kindness from my end. The world needs more and more of such acts.

  8. Wow. A new budding author in making. And a heartwarming story purvi. Keep it up.

  9. Purvi You care for others .This is going to make worthwhile.Keep it up

  10. What a sensitive soul Purvi is at a small age of 13 that she is ! She has miles to go. !!

  11. Kudos Purvi..
    very well written at this age.

  12. Its amazing that Purvi writes so well and such clear thoughts.. Super cool Purvi.. Keep it up!!

  13. it's impressing to know her thoughts! well rightly said, if little gestures can make a person alive, why to shy it away?

  14. Nicely written Purvi. Great story indeed.

  15. Very impressive Purvi. You have written in such a way that it touches the soul of a reader.

  16. hi purvi..nice post. I guess you take after your mom in some departments! I love thoughtful kids and i hope u have the best of things in life. Have a very very happy birthday and amazing days ahead! Lets not forget the lesson here. (aakanksha)

  17. Hey purvi,
    That's a moving post from u. Sad but true, more often than not, known people harm us more than strangers do. You said u r thirteen. But immaterial of your age, a bday message is always special. I appreciate your efforts ino writing this blog.

  18. Nice post purvi.It's so moving.Keep it up..

  19. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Well written Purvi. It is so very touching. Bullying is a biggest problem and unfortunately, it is every one's responsibility to battle it. There are many like him, who are suffering.
    Wish you a belated happy birthday!

  20. This is sad, and it is so thoughtful of you Purvi, to share this!! Now, Odin doesn't need those insensitive 15 friends (I wonder if they should be called friends? I mean what's wrong with them? Children with this condition just need proper interaction, otherwise they are fine. And, yes they should feel ashamed!)). He has lot of nice and sensitive friends all around the world.

    Sometimes, strangers act more thoughtfully than many so-called real (Pretending to be) friends. Very touching! Best wishes...:)

    1. Anonymous3:23 AM

      I don't think, kids are at fault for not showing up for the birthday event. It is clearly, lack of knowledge or they must be ignorant of the situation. People suffering from Asperger's syndrome have difficulty interacting with people and making friends.

    2. True! But they need proper interaction. You are right when you say that kids are not at fault. But parents/teachers are educated adults and they need to make them understand that people with Asperger's syndrome are not aliens. And, they shouldn't be ignored, even by so-called friends.

  21. Very well written Purvi.... I can see how much you've matured from when i've met you.
    Do keep writing...and keep publishing. :-)


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