It happens for a reason. New novel releasing on 10th December 2014!

Here it is! My 6th book. Remember I had told you about  a conversation that involved a red and blue in the cover in one of my previous posts about the things that happen after a novel is written?
What you see above is what we were talking about and discussing.

The story of this book is a very unusual one. It is about a feisty young girl called Vee, who gets pregnant at the age of 19, out of wedlock and decides to keep the baby. Vee now is 34 and has two very unusual careers. She runs a dog-boarding facility and she is also a gym instructor. Her son Aryan thinks Vee is quite the 'cool mom'.  Then, there is Suchi, who is Vee's best pal, almost like a sister as Vee and Suchi went to boarding school together. There is Ankush (who is Aryan's father) and many more interesting characters. Their story (with each other) starts with a car-ride.
And no---am not giving away anything more. I hate spoilers :)

Here is the back blurb of the book:

Like all my other books, this one too draws heavily from real life and of course you would recognise it when you read it.

I am so excited, I can't wait for it to be out! :)

And guess what--as soon as the pre-order links were put up, the book catapulted into the best-seller list on Amazon.
 It was No.1 on 'Movers and Shakers'!

Through out the whole of this month, and through whole of November, my publishers have planned a lot of fun activities around the book.

You can follow my Facebook page for updates about it.

We also plan to run a column on this blog called 'Ask Preeti' where you can ask me anything! Every week, my publishers will pick one question (or maybe two) and I will answer them on my blog. Nice? Like the idea?

Like the cover? Isn't it fab, racy, energetic---a lot like the spirit of the book? (And personally I think the guy looks hot :) ) Don't you agree?

Talk to me, in my comment box! :)


 Pre-order the book:  Amazon:


  1. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Hey! Preeti! Congrats for this one and looks like a sure shot winner, striking chords with the heart:)

  2. Hi Preeti ! I have been pre-ordering & reading your books religiously since I happened to pick up a copy of 34 bubble gums at a book fair some 4-5 years back. I have enjoyed each of your books more than the last. Your books are my bedtime staple on a bad day & my companion when I travel. My friends get amused on seeing the childlike excitement in me, whenever you announce an upcoming book. I missed the opportunity of seeing you at Litomania ( Mumbai) because of some prior assignment. But someday sure.

    The cover looks chic & different. So does the plot. Waiting eagerly for my copy !

    Love & best <3

    1. Thanks a lot Ipsita. A time before the novel releases is a very hard time--whether one is an established author or not. Support from ardent readers like you, means a lot! I do hope to see you another time :)

  3. The girl looks hot too.. ☺

  4. I guess that is for the guys to decide Umesh! :) In the book too, she is hot. She is a former model--so I guess this one on the cover matches the description :)

  5. Congrats Mam for your new release, I have per-ordered your upcoming book on flipkart, is there any possibility to get a copy signed by you?...

    1. Anup--thank you so much. I will be signing 3000 copies, like I did last time. Flipkart handles the logistics. So I won't know whether you will get a signed copy or an unsigned one. I really hope you get a signed one. Will try my best and request Flipkart to give signed copies to the people who placed orders earlier.

    2. Thank you Mam, I wish I could be lucky enough :) keep writing and inspiring us....

  6. Preeti mam, I completely love you! Your books are my perfect companion while travelling. Reading a story from '32 bubblegums and candies ' is a ritual everyday. Can't wait for this one too. Pre-ordered already! Much love <3

    1. Dear Divya--Thank you so very much. Encouragement and love from readers means such a lot to most writers and I am no different. Much love to you too. Glad my words bring you happiness!

  7. Hey Congrats! The cover looks inviting and fab!! Can't wait to read it.

    1. Bala--thanks a ton! As a special treat fopr my blog readers, will try and put up a sneak peek! :)

  8. Hi Preeti

    Many Congratulations.. definately the cover looks fab and definately the guy!!! Just cant wait to read this book.. Hope it reaches to Bristol Asap. Eagerly waiting :)

    Best Wishes

  9. Eagerly waiting to read this one as well.. Waiting to sense those sleepless times spent till reading the last word.

    Along with my friend,
    Tharsha K

  10. super job preeti!!way to go!

  11. awesomeness defines you mam! your way of expressing d thoughts of protagonist is lovely!

  12. All the best,Preeti.


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