10 easy ways to stay positive and upbeat--even when the chips are down

Things won't always go the way you want them to. How do you stay positive and upbeat even when they don't?  Here are ten easy ways to pep you up.

1.Focus on one activity that makes you happy: My latest addiction is organic terrace gardening. No matter what is going on in my life, my time spent in my terrace garden, gives me bliss.

Satish harvesting the spinach in our organic terrace garden.

 Find one activity that works for you. Focus on it. And spend a dedicated amount of time on it every single day. Be regular. Start with a small goal--say ten days. You will see a difference in how you feel.

2. Remove yourself from 'downers': You know the kind. You ask them how they are and they give you a long list of what is wrong with the world today. You ask them about their health and they have a hundred complaints. You tell them about something good that happened to you and you get a snide remark. Minimise the time you spend with this kind. If you can avoid them altogether--that is the best option!

3.Unfollow: With Social Media comes a flood of negativity. Most people crib, rave, rant. they flood your timeline with unhappy thoughts, with angry articles, with stuff you really do not need to burden yourself with. facebook has a 'Unfollow' button. Twitter has a 'mute' user button. Use it!

4. Connect with Nature: For me, what works every single time is connecting with nature. It might be as simple as stepping outside for a walk, and feeling the sunshine beat down on my face. It might be as small as removing my footwear and walking on the lawn. Right now I am on vacation on a beach.

 The ocean feels like heaven. We can recreate these small slices of heaven in our daily life by taking a mini-break during the day from whatever is bogging you down.

5.Try to see 'beyond': Why does someone behave the way they do? perhaps it is a desperate plea for attention? Maybe the person wants more of your time? Maybe they are just being selfish. Maybe they are trying to tell you something you do not want to hear. Try to see 'beyond'.

6.Go see a friend: Go see a good friend whom you have not caught up with for a while, because you have both been so darn busy. Pick up the phone and call them. Make a plan---and stick to it!

7.Read! : Research has proven over and over that people who read are smarter than people who don't. The average adult reading speed is 300 words per minute.Reading for just ten minutes a day will mean 3000 words a day---and 10,95000 words a year!

8.Watch a good movie:  A good movie makes you forget your worries. It gives you life lessons. It entertains. it makes you laugh, it makes you cry and most importantly it makes you think.

9.Music! : Instant bliss. Play it loud. Dance like no one is watching. And if you are afraid of someone watching, bolt the door and dance. (One of my characters does this in my book 'The Secret wishlist')

10.Plan a surprise: Plan a surprise for a loved one who likes surprises. Nothing like the excitement of a 'secret plan'.Think of what they would love. A quick getaway? A cooking class? A bicycle ride?

These are wasy ways in which I lift myself up, even when things don't go exactly the way i want them to.

Which of these work for you? Anymore to add to this list? What do you do when you feel down?

 Go on and tell me in my comment box and I shall update the post with the suggestions.

Buy my last book 'The One You Cannot Have'--a contemporary love story by clicking here: http://tinyurl.com/nzfu3v2


  1. Preethi, I am one among those many who watch you closely and really like the way that you try to make a positive difference in many lives.

    1. thanks preeti for all your valuable tips that has brought a positive difference in my life

  2. Preeti! All your suggestions for staying positive and be happy may work for you but not necessarily for everyone. For example, when you do something that you love to do, your mind is always focused. However, when you have to do something, which you detest (like in work or in job situations), it may be difficult to focus. Similarly, music can give you pleasure only when your mind is in peace. The same music can irritate you, if you are in a bad mood. While your methods are surely for good, however, people must know when to use and how to use. That needs practice and wisdom.

    1. Nowhere have I preached that it is a one shoe fits all scenario.
      As regards music it is backed by psychologists research that the best way to enhance one's mood is to listen to a melody that matches current mood. Then one which is slightly more peppy. And finally a very upbeat one.
      If you have to do something that you detest maybe it is time to start thinking about what would make you happy. In the end you are responsible for the situations you create. Watch the well known movie *Life is beautiful* set in a concentration camp.

    2. OK I take your point. I myself love music and also read a lot. But you will agree that there are many who just don't want to read. Do you not think that only those who wish to explore the world through the eyes of their mind and imagination love to read. For many others, who are still at their physical level, books are boring. They may not read them, even if they are paid for it.
      I am just giving another perspective which is little different but also true.

  3. A blissful and thoughtful morning now when i read yours :) Keep blogging..Always used to visit your blog to see any updates there . I know you are a busy person .But also think ,some people like me waiting for ur blog to get inspired ,preethi . I want to thank you for making me to come up from my sorrows and build my confidence for what i am now .

    1. Thank you Mahi. May you succeed in all you do.

  4. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Awesome idea mem i like your thoughts and the way you are sharing informations to us is very very very impressible. Yes i also like gardening :)

  5. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I like your Terrace garden very much

    1. Thanks a lot Rinku. A lot of hard work went into it.

  6. Readin ur posts always makes me happy ma'm ^_^ the little garden <3 and pic near sea <3 love it ^_^ post helped me ^_^

    1. Thanks Sachin. You are a huge support!

  7. Lovely! Coincidentally i follow most of these activities when I feel sluggish or dejected.Very Well explained by you and I really like the way you provide solutions to complicated situations in simple and beautiful manner! I am indeed a big fan of your writing. Its really amazing to read your inspiring words!

  8. its nice of u to post ways to lift up our spirits ....earlier i used to b a late riser,but now being an early bird i have a walk on my terrace,admire nature,nd as u said reading is one of my passion...and ur blogs are simply the best and a great inspiration.

    1. I agree with everything you said, Preeti. Eagerly waiting for your next book.

    2. Happy to help Viji!

      And thank you Shruti! You share your name with one of the characters in my last book! :)

  9. Thanks a lot for the tips on how to keep positivity in life.
    Ma'am,i just want to know how will you deal with the situation when downers are your family members only.
    For instance,i want to give u my situation,actually mom is more or less similar to what characteristics you have mentioned about downers,so how can i avoid her or stay away from her? She is no less than my life for me.

  10. Lovely...Thnx..... Mam... I needed this so...... Badly.... :)

  11. Thank you Jude. Unless one is a professional writer, it is the thoughts that count more than 'good English'.

  12. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Love the list, Preeti..music on full blast, serene vacations, remove yourself from downers and unfollow works big time for me. Also, loove going on vacations solo and it's the cherry on the cake for me:)

  13. Lovely post...I so much agree with you...and I could connect so well...
    I enjoy my morning walk, gardening, reading and dancing... makes me feel so happy...
    Eagerly waiting for your new book...
    Keep inspiring....

  14. Excellent post! your post always have a positive impact in my life. esp your weightloss tips posts made me loose 15kgs in a span of 4 months.Thanks a lot my virtual happiness giver!

  15. That's a lovely post Preeti ma'm ! While I love doing all that you mentioned in your post such as reading, spending some time with nature, listening to music, visiting friends etc, I really feel the 2nd tip and the 5th tip are something that would make a lot of difference in people's lives and I'm Speaking from my personal experience ! Thanks a lot for the post and I wish you all the very best for your next book. I'm looking forward to read it !

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Will follow u words preethi

  18. great tips. and i wonder how you got the narrative skills. Maybe they are the result of determination and perspiration. I am great fan of your narrative skills then your books.

  19. Anonymous10:49 PM

    HI Preeti, presently reading, the one you cant have, like it.

  20. Anonymous10:49 PM

    HI Preeti, presently reading, the one you cant have, like it.

  21. HI Preeti,
    Accidentally came across "The one you cannot have". Just finished up reading it and all I am left with is a sense of gratitude to have chosen to grab it. I have always felt this connection with the supreme energy out there in the universe to always throw me to confront good stuff, people when i need them the most. And this gratitude & faith keeps me positive in dealing with anything. Gratitude and the desire to love everything works positively for me.
    Thank you for the good work of yours.

  22. Inspired by ur books..I started writing my own funny,Lovely,cherish,happy n aaha moments...
    Thanks a ton Ma'am


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