She loves me more.

"Siblings fight, pull each other's hair, steal stuff, and accuse each other indiscriminately.

But siblings also know the undeniable fact that they are the same blood, share the same origins, and are family.

Even when they hate each other.

And that tends to put all things in perspective."
              ----Vera  Nazarian.

My two children (my son who is 16 and daughter who is 12) are no different. They fight, tease each other, bicker, play together and  have their own secret language, which all siblings who are close do. Sometimes I eavesdrop on their conversation, when they think I am not listening. I enjoy it immensely.

Overheard yesterday:

My son to my daughter: You know what, mummy loves me more.
My daughter: Of course not, she loves us both equally.
My son: No, she doesn't. They haven't told you, you are actually adopted.

My daughter pauses for a few seconds. I hold my breath.

Then she says " At least they chose me, but they are stuck with you."

Yes, I am still smiling, and this one is straight going into the memory box :)


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  1. aaaw ur daughter always makes smile with witty answers :D jst like mom ;)

  2. Amazing tale of family love.

  3. How sweet... just subscribed to receive your posts in my inbox.

  4. How sweet is that!!!!

  5. How sweet is that!!!!

  6. Brilliant nd witty :) just like you..

  7. That was an awesome reply. I believe it was an unexpected one.

  8. Ur daughter were brilliant like you mam

  9. that was an brilliant reply. I believe it was an unexpected to any same age child .

  10. so cute she is as always!! Brilliant reply Purvi:-)

  11. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Haa Haa..superb answer..she is soooooooooooooo sweet. :-)

  12. She's inherited your wit!

  13. Loved it Preeti

  14. Brilliant and rational answer by an intelligent girl. Yet my son (19) and daughter (17) also keep indulging in such contestation often. Perhaps they all do. It will be so till they become parents themselves and only then they would realize the truth, that was always there.

  15. That ending was a good sweet punch
    God bless

  16. haha good one.. Is your son on FB --there is one on sibling adoption doing the rounds recently.
    My parents used to say this to me and I would answer back--too bad, now you ar estuck with me coz I am not leaving you'll for anything :)

  17. When I read this, I felt a sense of deja vu. :)
    My brother and parents once said this to me (when I was around her age) and my reply was the exact same!!! :D :)
    I'm now 16 and my brother is 18.
    I've read all your books - Life is what you make it is a book that touched me the most though. There were also a few phrases I read again and again. :)

  18. Anonymous7:16 PM

    pretty nice blog, following :)

  19. So witty at 12? That's something! Definitely a sign of your traits in her ma'am! :)


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