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Amazon India--Indian fiction best-sellers

If you click on Amazon India's best-seller list right now (updated hourly) this is what it looks like. :) . 'Life is what you make it' is on Number 4 and 'The Secret Wish list' is on No.13.(a record of sorts as it is the highest it has climbed so far). Needless to say I am thrilled to bits. (If you haven't read them, go get them now!)

Apart from the above, some  nice things have been happening in my life.

The Doon School has invited me for a talk, at their campus. I leave for Dehradun on 7th August.

IIT Kanpur has invited me as  speaker at their E-summit 2013, which is happening  at their campus. I leave for Kanpur on 18th.

I am going to be speaking on 'The secrets of success' at both these talks.

What makes people successful? What exactly is success? Do you really think hard-work is all that is needed to be successful? Or are other skill-sets necessary? Is success determined by the choices we make? Does destiny play a part? What are the qualities one should cultivate in order to be successful?

These are some of the questions I would be addressing.

In case you wish to explore this topic an excellent book that I recommend is

 Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers 

However the talk I would be giving would completely be from my own experiences, not Gladwell's :) After all, looking back, I can pin-point with accuracy, all that has worked for me and how my life and views changed, with each step that I climbed.

That's all from me, for now.
I shall try and post snaps of the very picturesque Dehradun.

Till then-- Keep reading great books, guide your mind to happy thoughts and may you have peace and positivity.

Stay blessed.

Buy my books in India,  here

(You can pay cash on delivery. You don't need a credit card)

Buy my books on Amazon, (outside India)  here


  1. Wow!! Congratulations!
    Best wishes...always:)

  2. Congrats again..waiting for your updates on the speech.

    1. Thank you :)
      But what updates on speech?!

    2. oops-- I meant post on the speech and your experience there?

  3. Best wishes preethi.

  4. Congrats Preeti :) wish I too get to hear what U say on these topics.

  5. vow that's so nice..):)... I really hope we get to see the videos of these talks like the Ted talk.. (yeah feeling greedy :P)

  6. Great!! Big congrats.Looking forward for event pictures & next blog about itsy bitsy details of your speech.Best of Luck!!

  7. Hello mam,
    I have read all books(including two by pre-ordering :)) and I simply love your style of writing and expressing yourself. I have been following your blog for more than 18 months now. What could be a better moment than to meet 'The Preeti Shenoy' right here, in my hometown!
    I live in Dehradun. I would love to meet you. I know you'll be on a very busy schedule but if in case there is any chance of meeting you, I'll be very glad ma'am. It would be a pleasure.

  8. Ma'am am waiting fr ur next book!!

  9. Wow!!.. all the very best .. waiting to hear about your experience there.. I wish we could also listen to your speech...

  10. Congratulations :D

  11. congrats :)
    and one more book like that is "The Secret"by Rhonda Byrne

  12. Hey Preeti , its surely going to be a good experience for you and the attendees.
    Just that , we hope to hear about it too , and for those who cant come for the talk should get a chance to read about what you have to say! :)
    Pls do write about your experience and success story.
    I am a new fan :) have started blogging recently and by now you would know i look upto you for inspiration :) Have fun!

  13. Dear Preeti, Just finished reading 'Life is what you make it'. All I can say is I have someone very close suffering from Bipolar Disorder and things are not upright now but reading the book gave me strength and hope and some more insight into his problem. Hoping to see someone like Dr. Madhusudhan, very soon in his life. Wish you all the very best to continue writing with this sensitivity- lots of love-aarti


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