A little note to someone special.

How is it possible for two people to be so very different, and yet so alike in so many ways? How is it possible for two people to fight over the silliest of things, argue, sulk, and yet the next moment look at each other and burst into laughter, all anger dissipated? How is it possible to get so mad at each other that you want to kill the other person, yet not be able to sleep unless the other is with you?

I don't know how it is possible, but I can tell you it very much is.

He is one of the most determined people I know. He really has an iron will and once he makes up his mind about something, it stays that way. He will not be swayed.

The other good thing about him is his patience and accepting nature, when the person means something to him. No matter how much you irk him, he would still be patient with you.

Professionally, I have seen his career soar. The people who he has worked with tell me what a great team-player he is. Almost every management trainee who has worked under him, has been over to our home, for a meal and I am used to them raving about him and singing praises about him.

For each of my books, he is always my first reader and my first editor. It is him I first mail the chapters to, as and when I finish writing. I can count on him to give me the harshest of criticism and also the most wonderful praise and I can be sure it is well-deserved.

I can also count on him to calm me down, when I am exasperated about something, which I often am. At my book events and at my speaking events, I am always overwhelmed and deeply moved to see the pride on his face.

He  is always there for me, when I need him. And only he knows how much I need him for even the smallest of things and the biggest of things. (Baby did you see my pen? Baby, will my book do well?)  :-)

He always tells me 'Remember Preeti, In life, there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies'.

But he forgets one thing--that there can be permanent best friends :)

Happy birthday to my bestest friend ever!
May we celebrate many many many more birthdays together.

With all my love and then some more :)

Photo by Ranna .M.V    E mail: R@ranna.in

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  1. That was so touching. And yeah, it is so difficult to understand how two different people can live happily. But it is the little differences that make life interesting. God bless both of you and a very Happy Birthday to the determined, proud, patient, loving Satish

  2. Thank you so very much Prats. Your wishes mean a lot and you have always been one of our biggest well wishers and supporters. <3 <3

  3. Ha-ha:-)I would agree to whatever you have written. I am not married but in relation and we too fight but in end its difficult for us to even ignore each other for a day! Without saying gn and GM our days and nights are just not complete. :-) Life without him is life without oxygen. And to be frank we are way too different shenoyji but still are madly in love :-)Newaz opposite attracts ;-) warm wishes to your special person shenoyji :-)God bless both of you :-)

    1. heh heh..Please call me preeti. Thanks for the wishes :)

  4. What a lovely post Preeti. I have met Satish, and however brief that meeting was, he came across as a very gentle and very nice person to me. Here's wishing him a very very Happy Happy Birthday !

    1. Thanks a lot Ruch!! :) yes--he is gentle and nice :) i agree :) Your wishes mean a lot. Really appreciate. <3 <3

  5. awwwwwwww such a warm loving post - he's chatted with me on your behalf and I adore his sense of humor. Hope to meet both of you some day. May you share the same bond as you grow older and enjoy your friendship even more as each day goes by. Happy Birthday Satish! Hugz!

  6. You both are lucky to have each other.Such a loving post....:)

  7. Such a lovely n touching post :)
    Blessings n good wishes to the depth of love n happiness u both share..
    Happy birthday ! to ur hubby.

  8. Such a lovely n touching post :)
    Blessings n good wishes to the depth of love n happiness u both share..
    Happy birthday ! to ur hubby.

  9. Anonymous11:43 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anonymous11:46 AM

    i am so happy to hear from you once again..
    i love your books and the way you write.. and i am willing to write one.
    once I've mailed you but you didn't reply.. of course you're busy.. i just want to know what all the stuff that one have to do for becoming a writer... i mean the process of writing the plot.vocabulary usage, tense usage .editing the book..and then publishing... please mail me in detail or atleast give me as a reply to this... i"ll be waiting

  11. Lovely post. God bless you both...

  12. Great Mam!
    Convey my wishes to Satish.
    I wishing you all the best.


  13. Lovely post. Lovely photograph. Love that shade of blue. Love the love.

  14. So touching Mam!!! infact I just felt "Rab ne banadi ek haseen jodi ! ":)

  15. Anonymous2:42 PM

    It really amazes me to see that you describe your feelings so well and that to which such simplicity!!! Wish you both a very great day and many more birthdays together!!!

  16. Happy Birthday Satish:) :)
    A post filled with so much love and gratitude...loved it :)
    And the pic of you both is so lovely...<3 <3 <3
    God bless you both!!

  17. Happy bdy satish,
    you have a great support at home ...u both rock ..!!
    Keep up the spark alive

  18. What a lovely post and the pic is so awesome!
    Happy Birthday Satish :)

  19. hey preeti.. firstly happie badae to sir
    n yes an amzing post ..Stay Blessed!

  20. You both seem to be so perfect for each other in so many aspects. That's a lovely post and totally loved everything about the picture. The blue background and both of your costumes make it look so grand and graceful. Mr.Satish looks handsome and you look gorgeous. May you both celebrate many many happy birthdays together :).

  21. Such a wonderful post. Happy Birthday to Satish!!! Wish you both many many more birthdays together!

  22. beauftiful note and a beautiful picture .. :) .. belated happy birthday to Satish..

  23. Happy Birthday to your hubby.
    Picture is really great. you both look good


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