Why I sign 'with love'

If you have ever got a signed copy of my books, you would notice that I always sign the books the same way. ‘With love, Preeti Shenoy’. I do not know why most people shy away from expressing love. For me, when I say ‘with love’ I do mean it. Always.

 I have put in my best efforts in my book. I have told a story that is close to my heart in the best possible way that I can. You as a reader are spending time and money to read my story. For me, it is an honour. And when you ask me to sign a book, how can it be with anything other than love? For me it is so important to express it. And it is sincere and from the heart. I get tonnes of mails expressing gratitude. I reproduce one such (with the permission of the writer of course) that moved me deeply.

(I had blogged about how I had signed a 3000 books. And of course, they were all signed 'With love'.)

Here is the that mail which made me feel that my efforts--they are all worth it:

Hi Preeti 

I am Rachesh. I work for an IT company and I am on deputation in US now. 

Birthdays are special days for each one of us. And I take pleasure in being with my family during that day (mine is on 22-January) and make it a point that whichever part of the world that I am in, I be home on my Birthday. What makes it more special is that my sister has her Birthday, a day before mine, which is 21-January.
 This year, unfortunately, I just could not be at home. This assignment had to be extended (it was till December-2012, initially) and I cannot make it home. I really did not have a choice, felt helpless and more than any, sadness spread over since last week. I had to get out of this and I went ahead and ordered a gift for my little sister (she is doing her 2nd semester at a Chennai based Engineering college). I wanted the gift to be special and I ordered "The Secret Wish List" for her. It was gift wrapped and delivered to her, today and do you know what she found on the main page - your sign "With Love". Trust me, it made her day and mine too. Your pain is warranted but the happiness that you have passed on to my sister and me, who is so far away from her, cannot account within our limited vocabulary. 

Thank you! I still remember that blog entry where you had mentioned the pain that you had gone through in signing them (http://justamotheroftwo.blogspot.com/2012/12/how-i-signed-three-thousand-books.html). It’s like eating gooseberry and then drinking water – the sweetness just spreads all over. I have been silently following your blog since 2007 (we used to have blog access in office during those times) and I have read every single blog entry of yours.

 I have read all your 3 books except “The Secret Wish List”. There is so much to say about each blog entry of yours that if I start, pages wont suffice. But, they have made an impact to me. I am an amateur photographer and your entry on Manjadikuru had prompted me to take snaps of them and add them as my cover photo snap in FB. After reading your entry on how to say No, I have found difference in life. Above are just few examples, there are many more throughout these 6 years that I have followed. I check your page everyday, whichever part of the world that I have been to. You are special, your gift and talent is special. I secretly wished, long back, that you would collate your thoughts into a book and trust me when “34 Bubblegum’s and Candies” was released, my happiness had no bounds.

 Please do write more because you really do not know, whom you are changing in what part of the world because they always say one thing – Pen is mightier than the Sword. I wish you the best in life. May Satish be happy, always and Purvi & Atul taste the best of flavours in their lives. 


 So, the next time you see my book signed 'with love', please know that I mean it. From the heart.

And yes--thank you for reading me :)

 Check out my latest book here where it has been getting some fabulous reviews. You don't need a credit card. You can even pay cash on delivery. It has a whopping discount too :)

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  1. hey Preeti , just wanted to share something with you. i have started Paper Quilling and its all because of those beautiful cards that you have made. it is big time therapeutic. thanks again

    Swati :)

  2. oh! The feeling that this post evoked is just something which i can't express in words. I am touched deeply.

  3. Ah!....lovely!
    This post got me goose bumps on my body.
    So touching..thanks to you for sharing this and thanks to
    Rachesh for writing & sharing words from heart.

    You know what?...such letters has a hidden Magic in them:
    Its proves that 'what goes around comes around': LOVE
    It emphasis on one thing " DO WHAT YOU LOVE" : "When you wish upon a star, Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires will come to you" (& Preeti your desires of expressing Love, caring, Lifting the lifes of millions of hearts have come true & still a long way to go - touch wood!)

    Have lots to write ..but for the time I close it here.
    With LOVE for your wonderful readers (including me) & you.



  4. Its amazing to get such response from ur readers. Am sure it would have made your day. The joy in knowing that you are touching lives is special.

  5. i love you too, Preeti and I mean it too. Your books do have an impact on me and I sincerely follow your blog, sometimes even the older posts of 2006-2009. Yes, I love them

    Priyaa <3

  6. such a lovely mail:) I do feel the same as Rachesh and have told you soo many times. But really, you hold a place of great respect and love in my heart that I just cant stop conveying how much you mean to me because you have changed my life in many ways--you have changed my outlook towards life, made me feel and do things better(a lot):) [Well, this is gonna sound a little weird or funny to some, but its a genuine comment--when you said 'Always', I'm reminded of Severus Snape's "Always" from Harry Potter.]

  7. This was one such touching post that reminds us of how much a genuine person you are.
    The mail from Rachesh has a gentle stroke of sweetness in it, and if you are reading this Rachesh...then Thanks for letting ma'am share it. :)

    Good Day!

  8. Rachesh.. U are totally good in writing.. And Mam.. Ur the best. Thanks for sharing this post... I too follow you are like your writing skills.

  9. Rachesh.. U are totally good in writing.. And Mam.. Ur the best. Thanks for sharing this post... I too follow you are like your writing skills.

  10. Rachesh.. U are totally good in writing.. And Mam.. Ur the best. Thanks for sharing this post... I too follow you are like your writing skills.

  11. Hi Preeti,

    You know actually I preorder your every book because you signed it.

    You know your personality reflects how geniune you are in everything you do. So we all really know when you write with Love, you realy mean it.

    So Preeti please keep writing, because it make changes in so many lives.

  12. That was indeed a heart felt email! :) I have no words to say anymore! You are a genuine person... it is so evident in your writing. You signed copies for me too... I am not sure I really paid attention to "with love" but this time I go home, i am going to read them, like really really read them and feel them. :)

  13. Much love to you for sharing such beautiful thoughts :)

  14. it was really a 'feel-good post...thank you..

  15. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Hi Preeti
    One should never shy away from expressing with love as it is what keep us going from strength to strength. Everyday is a new challenge and one should keep fighting and fighting. The letter shows the appreciation and proof that you are loved. That's the most important thing:)


  16. Sweet post!

    Recently, I lent my neighbor "34 bubblegums and candies" and she totally loved it. She wants her daughter to read it now...

  17. Preeti Mam....That was such a sweet post with so much of Love.And yes Rachesh was so true.You have been an inspiration for many to change their life for good and Iam one among them.You have mentioned in a post that Read ...read ...read ..a lot...and write write write a lot...those words have struck on my head hard so much that I'am a Lexophile now.Clapture to Rachesh and mam you are a Supremium human form.take my bow mam :)

  18. You deserve sincere love from all, since you reciprocate them through books and blog.Nicely expressed, Rachesh.

  19. Same feeling that every blog follower of yours have.. He has expressed What exactly I feel every time I see a new post from you! Makes my day! :) Great going Preeti..

    And as Rachesh mentioned at the last para, its as if we know Satish, Atul and Purvi in person! :) (Anyways, why has parenting stuffs on the blog come down???.. earlier u used to write a lot about whats going on around them!)

  20. Very nice and touching post....


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