Ten things needed to be a writer

Saturday had a nice surprise for me. I was featured on the cover page of  Calcutta times of Times of India along with Ashwin, Ravinder and Amish.

And  the Deccan chronicle (Kerala) which came out with  a special two year anniversary issue today featured me as well.

Click to enlarge and read.

For more Media coverage click HERE.
Of course I feel super proud about all of this. Cris from Deccan chronicle who had contacted me said that my life really feels like a fairy-tale. (after reading the piece in the paper). I told her that since the newspaper article had a 250 word constraint, I really couldn't elaborate the struggle and the work that was involved in getting here. Today I was interviewed by E-fiction India as well for their April issue. They had a video interview as well as a print interview.

Most people see only the glamour and the shine. They ask what is my advice to writers. They ask what my books are about. They ask where I get my inspiration from.

What most people do not ask is what it involves.

If you plan to write a book, or be a writer, here is what the newspapers don't ask and what I have to say to you :

1. Grow a thick skin. You will face a lot of criticism, harsh comments and scathing words from people who wouldn't have written a single article in their life. :-) And of course it will hurt. Which is why the thick skin will help.

2. Be prepared to be alone. Writing is a lonely profession. You will perhaps have to give up time with friends, social outings, parties in order to finish that book. Churning out 75,000-80,000 words (which is what will constitute a full length novel) needs a lot of hours of sitting by yourself.

3. Be prepared to lose a few friends. It will happen. Trust me on this :) I speak from experience.

4. Stop waiting for inspiration, mood or 'right time'. You have to write--you damn well write!  Don't make excuses. Make time!

5.If you feel you aren't good enough compared to other writers, it is a great thing! It means there is room for growth.

6. Ignore the ones who discourage. Avoid them like the plague. If you have made up your mind to write a book, do it.

7. Rejections are going to hurt, hurt, hurt and hurt. Face them!

8. Believe in yourself and be honest in all you have to say.

9. Read a LOT.LOT. Lot. Lot. lot.

10. Write a LOT.LOT. Lot. Lot. lot.

This is all I have to say. Good night to those on this side of the planet and good morning to those on the other side.
Until the next post.
Check out my latest book here where it has been getting some fabulous reviews. You don't need a credit card. You can even pay cash on delivery.

And hey--If you like my blog, you might enjoy my books :) Grab them here. :)


  1. hey Preeti
    This what I need!! I started a novel writing 10 pages and its left for a year or so. Thanks will keep this advice.

  2. Awesome post. I am inspired.

  3. A very useful post,Preeti.

  4. A very useful post indeed!! And yeah it has come from the horse's mouth...can see apart from talent of course unconditional involvement,immense passion and perseverance has made you what you are today

  5. Very informative post...:) It would be nice if you paste the newspaper's link, as enlarged image of above is also not readable.

  6. congratulations .. been reading all the newspaper articles about you :)
    Loved this post .. motivating as usual !

  7. Congratulations on being featured in such esteemed newspapers..
    All the Best for your next novel...
    Thanks for being such a lovely source of inspiration for all of us and giving us wonderful tips and advice always
    God bless u always with lots of joy & happiness

  8. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Truly Inspirational! I can tick all points except the ones wherein writing are there...so I guess once I start writing, I might be a good writer. :-)
    I guess years to go...

    Till then I am happy reading the ones you've penned. :-)
    When's the next one due?

  9. Read lot,lot,lot,lot
    Write lot,lot,lot,lot...so true. or else u end up producing crap.
    A great motivating piece...

  10. feels good to read this

  11. Out standing your posting style so i am saying many many thanks for sharing/.....
    Cccam Server

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  14. At first thanks a lot for all the tips dee...Now I can partially understand the pain you might have gone through for your book..I mean maintaining a blog is this difficult then imagine a whole length novel being published..they must have drained out your blood...Damn! I always ponder how you manage everything- two kids, home and writing. But you make it out striking a perfect balance. We all love you for that. Seriously you are a muse to all who thinks after marriage everything stops. Keep writing. Keep surprising. Keep touching more heights. Love you from heart.<3 :)

  15. What you said is so true. People only see the glamorous side of it.
    They do not comprehend the hardworking efforts and sacrifices put to reach there.

    Happy for all your achievements. Bask in the glory girl!

  16. Congrats on featuring in both the papers. You deserve it :)

    Thanks for the pointers! I enjoyed mentally checking them off one by one! ;)

  17. Folks,
    Thanks for all the comments :-)
    I did read each one of them.

    Just want to clarify that these two newspapers were just two recent ones.
    For more coverage, go here

    Preeti :)

  18. nice motivation...i am also planning to become writer...thankyou

  19. Perfect, people always tend to overlook the struggle, all they see the success and the money, however Hardwork and persistence is what matters a lot:)
    This post brings out the other side effectively!
    So happy....to see your pics:):):)

  20. You are a true inspiration for me

    Love you,
    Preeti Chandrashekar


  21. Very inspiring post....a quick question...if you feel there's scope for improvement, or perhaps feel you're not good enough, how do you go about and try to fix that....I feel my writing doesnt measure up a lot of time.


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