Yet another weight loss Inspiration story. You CAN lose weight with a little effort.

Yesterday, after I published the post on weight-loss, I got a really nice mail from Kavya who wanted to share her story with me.
I found her story commendable and inspiring and asked her if I could share it with everyone. She had absolutely no issues in sharing and in fact said she would be happy to, if it inspired people.

So here is the mail she wrote me and her story in her own words:

I am Kavya, residing in Bangalore. I am into Music and am studying  music for my graduation (B.Music). I have been following  your blog for over a year now and I have to accept have truly inspired me in so many ways! :)  I love you for that and everything that you are :) <3

And today when I saw your 

"5 not-so-hard ways to lose 2 kilos in a week" post,

I thought I must share with you some of my pictures of "then and now" :) 

My story goes something like this,

I completed my 10th std from Kendriya Vidyalaya DRDO (KVDRDO) Bangalore in 2009. I weighed about 60 kilos back then. As I started my college, I just have no idea how,but I  put on a hell lot of weight! Say about 15-18 kilos but I was not very aware of this.
 After a period of one year I got myself tested for TSH and some other functioning tests and learnt that everything was normal with my body and I was shocked about the sudden weight gain in about 5 months. ( after finishing 10th and before getting into a new college for pre university).
 I was not really aware about how being unhealthy and unfit could affect both my body and mind. I started becoming very  subdued and was really not socializing due to my weight issues. I used to feel very inferior in front of others but yet, I did not really take up any measures to lose weight in 2009 or 2010.
 But May 2011- August 2012 was that  turning point of my life where, I managed to lose about 15 kilos. :) I feel really good and happy when I say that ! :) My hard work did pay off :) All I did was walk for 40 mins a day, yoga for about 20 mins, avoided outside junk food and sweets :) 
I was determined and it worked :) 
I have attached two pictures of mine. "Then and now" :) 
I feel so young and refreshed now (I am young btw..I am 21 years and 1 month old now).and I am now addicted to being healthy and having healthy food habits and also regular workouts :) 

So just thought of sharing this with you :) 
Eagerly waiting for your reply :)
 Loads of love your way :)
And here is the other photo she shared:

I was really impressed with Kavya's efforts.

Way to go Kavya!

Applause from my side to her! :)
(and for the over-calculative ones who are wondering how she can be 21 when she finished 10th in 2009, she was admitted late to school :) )

Please do leave a comment for Kavya if her story impressed you! :)

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  1. Kavya - You have been a true inspiration to all who would wanna lose those extra kgs!!!

    You look gorgeous in the August 2012 pic :)

    Thanks Preeti for sharing this!

  2. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Well, I am inspired and yes, my next comment would be when I shed down few kilos ;)

  3. Way to go Kavya... Really inspiring.

  4. Hey all Kavya here :)

    @Gopikaa - Thank you so much :-) :-)

    @Peggy - thanks :)

    @Prats - Thanks a lot!! :)

    Thanks a lot Preeti for sharing this! :)

  5. Way to go :)....

  6. Thanks for sharing this story Preeti :)..

    Vow Kavya!! ur determination is such an inspiration.. & what is more commendable is that u chose a healthy way instead of going into all the 'slimming fads & diets' kudos to u gal :) :)

  7. Wow Kavya.. you look absolutely beautiful. You look like a new person in the 'after' pictures.

  8. Kavya :) great determination and hardwork and beautiful and inspiring result :)

    Thanks Preethi for sharing this story!

  9. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Hi Kavya. That is really impressive! Thanks for sharing your story and inspiring us all.

    P.S: Preeti, I am not able to figure out how to type my name and yet have a link back to my blog. So many blogging things still to learn!

  10. Way to go Kavya! Very inspiring!


  11. Really inspiring!!!

  12. @Sachi - :-)

    @Sukupedia - Thanks a lot for all the encouraging words.. :-)

    @Obsessive mom - Thank you so much... :-)

    @Ramya - Thanks a lot! :)

    @oijuggle - I am glad it inspired you!! Thanks :)

    @Vidya - Thanks a lot :)

    @Annaprabha - :-)

  13. Hey Kavya, truly look lovely in the recent picture!

  14. Kavya--good determination girl..u look lovely in the now pictures.

    Way to go..
    preeti--Thanks for sharing


  15. only one word for Kavya - APPLAUSE!!
    please keep it up. dont lose the track

  16. Oh my! Kavya, you look so nice and young indeed :)

  17. The recent pic is awesome and your smile says it all:)

    you look more confident and bubbly in the August 2012 pic. within one year you managed to do this, your efforts are simply commendable:)

    Thanks Preeti for sharing this, I have lost 4kgs, and 6 more to go:)

  18. jsut a message for kavya...

    She looks really pretty now :)...I wish to get determined just like you both...but it doesnt happen at all :( :(

  19. @me- thank you so much :)

    @horizon- thanks a lot! :)

    @afshan- thanks so much! Yes will surely not lose the track :)

    @subha manoj - sweet of you :) Thank you!! :)

    @Gayu - True :) I indeed feel very confident and very happy now..after sheding thsoe extra fat!! :) Thanks a lot!!! :) :)

    @Ginger - :) thank you so much!! :) and it is definitely possible..keep trying.. :)

    - Kavya

  20. wow :) super thats fantastic!!!

    i too am in the bandwagon.. in fact I blog about my weight loss journey and find that it is a great way to stay committed and focussed!

    Weight is difficult and kudos to those who accomplish it!


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