(In)human behaviour

Heartwarming Photo of a Dog Sleeping in Its Owners Arms Goes Viral

  In case any of you aren't on the Social Media and do not know about the above story, then please do read it in the link above. I cried when I read it.

The dog's name is Schoep  and his owner is John. They have been together  for 19 years. Schoep now suffers from Arthritis and the condition is terribly painful. The pain was so intense that the dog couldn't sleep. John discovered that water soothes the pain. The water in Lake superior is quite warm at this time of the year and John started taking Schoep into the water and holding him there, so that Schoep could have pain free sleep.

The compassion, the kindness and the pure love moved me to tears. I cried when I read the post and saw the photo. John says that he had rescued Schoep when he was an 8 month old puppy and Schoep had saved him from commiting suicide many years ago.

Do read the link for the whole story. (It has got more than 3 lakh shares!)
It is a shining example of selfless love. This is as pure as it gets.  John is truly a beacon of kindness and people like John make this world a better place.

And then there are folks like these who abandon their pets when they reach middle age (which is when they need the maximum amount of care). I cannot imagine the cruelty involved here. They just leave them on the roads and abandon them totally. It is a case of supreme selfishness. Deplorable really, human nature shocks me, makes me want to weep.

Keeping a dog isn't an easy task. It is exactly like deciding to have a child. It is a LOT of work. Unless you are prepared for the work, do not bring a dog (or any other pet) home. Abandoning a pet because one is fed up  is one of the cruellest things you can do to a voiceless, helpless animal, which loves you with all its heart. (If you live with animals you will know what I am talking about)

 I am so glad there are organisations like Freindicoes who are doing a splendid job for the voiceless.

And I am so glad there are still people like John, in this world.
May their tribe increase.

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  1. As long as there are people like John (and thank God there are many), the world will always be a great place to live in.

  2. There is something called leap of faith .... this is sleep of faith ... great ...

  3. Compassion - getting harder and rarer to find but I'm glad its exists in many!

  4. Genuine care and compassion have become a rare entity these days...

    lovely post..thanks for sharing!

  5. Schoep and John have a page on FB now :)


  6. Touching story and lovely picture! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. very touching..!!
    Thanks for sharing.


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