Notebooks for thoughts and doodles

Any place that I travel to, anywhere I go, the one thing that always catches my eye is any shop that sells stationery. I have a wide range of notebooks collected from my travels to different places all over the world. I hoard them like a miser hoards his treasure. I love the texture of handmade paper. I love moleskine notebooks, I love nightingale--basically I just love any texture that is sensuous to touch and aesthetically appealing.

My handbag will always have pens and a notebook, and whenever anything strikes me (especially lines for my book that I happen to be working on) I immediately jot them down. My notebooks are filled with my story outlines, descriptions, doodles, poems--anything that is running through my head which I feel is worth capturing.

Right now, this is the one that is next to me .

I had bought it from a street vendor in Mc.Leod Gunj.  This is the first page. Inside, the pages are full of my third book outline, plot, dialogues, planning and more stuff. So I can't show you any more pages until the book is published! :)
It will be out in February !

Yesterday, at the Bangalore book Fair, I bought another notebook--the  you see on the left in the picture below. I also bought a few Stabilo pens.

And naturally,  notebooks like these and pens right there beside them, it just beckons me (well actually screams at me) to do something with them!

I did not realise that the brown notebook was ruled as it was packaged. I usually buy only unruled ones, but what the heck! It is  a nice notebook.

This is what I did:

And then I did this:

Notebooks--oh I would be so darn lost without them!

Psssst:  So you now know what to gift me on my birthday. (It is next month) ;-) Heh heh.
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You can interact with me on my Facebook page.  I reply to almost all comments and I check it very regularly. I do read all the comments left here too  and manage to reply most of the time even if slightly late :)


  1. You know what preeti i love notebooks as well. I can keep looking at them on a stationery shop for hours together but the only difference is that i seldom buy any. I wonder what i will do with them. Now you have given me a great idea

  2. preeti i like the way you use the notebooks and your creativity..

  3. The first thought that came to my mind seeing this was, "Wat super creative she is!!" Keep rocking! :)

  4. ma'am, its the same case with me.
    I love to buy stationary items specially the spiral notebook and ink pens.
    I have more 200 ink pens which i am collecting from my school days.

    They all have a different attraction me.

  5. A very useful tip for for bloggers... jot up whatever strikes u at any moment of travel time in ur notebook.

    A gr8 collection and lovely artwork :)

  6. Wow!! cool notebooks..
    I'm a great lover of diaries.. i just love all types of diaries.. :D

    liked your creativity

  7. It's a nice habit to carry a notebook all through the way in life . Don't know when the new thoughts will blow and erase from our senses. It's always better to put a note to make it more memorable.

  8. Even I have a collection of notebooks. I shall post some pictures for you. And haan..thanks for the ready for lovely ones:)

    Have a gr8 day

  9. Oh Woooooooooow!! Lovely notebooks!! I'd fall for such notebooks!! I'm trying to develop the habit of jotting down the thoughts as and when they start playing in my head :)

    Beautiful pictures and post once again!!

  10. hey preeti, gr8 notebook note. i too am notebook collector, but ppl around me think its a crap and i pile on things for no gud reason, as they are empty till date, u have motivated me. u know i too hv some short stories with me on my blog but i am not gud at expressions. but ur buks are inspiration to me.

  11. ur writing is an inspiration
    happy writing and keep blogging

  12. Hi Preeti, I love notebooks too. Though these days I feel more or less too lazy to write in them.

  13. Lovely notebooks!

    I have been a person who collects writing paper... the handmade kinds.. different colored stuff and all. But nowadays, I find it so difficult to post these letters to people.

    Seeing your notebooks.. I think I should go back to the letters!

  14. i too love notebooks and i too was born on the same day...

  15. I have the same fetish too.... handmade paper with dried flowers gives me an urge to write

  16. Hi Preeti,

    I discovered your blog through your book "Life is what you make it". The book was fantastic. I absolutely loved reading it and felt that the Rs.65 I paid for it on Flipkart was too less for such an amazing piece of work :-). It has a lovely message conveyed so beautifully through Ankita's life story. Your writing gives out so much of positive energy and the same is true for your blog. I read through a couple of articles and one thing was common in all of them. You totally enjoy everything you do. Whether it's being with your children, cooking, painting or writing! I would love to read more stuff from you. Waiting eagerly for your third book. Happy Writing :-)!


  17. Great Blog You have ...
    Just finished your book "Life is what you make it" and thats how came across your blog.

    I write poetry too and was curious to see your blog for the same.. hoping to read some of your work..



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