Music connects

There is something so deep, so primal and so uplifting in music that it is hard to pour into words, the emotions they evoke. Someone had said "Music is what feelings sound like". Oh how true!

Rabindranath Tagore had said " Music fills the infinite between two souls". If you have connected with someone over music, if you have liked the songs they have or if someone has sent you a song, and you loved it, then I am sure you will agree with Tagore.

One of my favourite and most inspiring movies, to this day remains ' The Shawshank redemption'  which is an uplifting tale of triumph over adversity and also about deep friendships.( It is a must watch if you haven't seen it). The Opera scene in the movie, is one which I can watch over and over again.

I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I'd like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can't be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free.

These lines from the above scene still move me each time I hear them. That is the power of music.

I re-connected on a new plane through music with someone special last night--my 12 year old son.

We  usually have our 'mother-son' talks but yesterday for the first time, it was a 'friend-friend' talk.
He told me about the music he likes and we heard them together on you tube. They were all the new Gen Y (or maybe Gen Z! ) 'teen sensation' bands, very different from what I  was used to listening. But when I heard them,  strangely, I totally loved them too. He introduced me to Pendulum and we found ourselves nodding our heads in unison to their song watercolour. He also showed me Iyaz's  replay which too I totally loved :) (I also have it in my phone now :) ) Then my daughter (who is 9) wanted to show me Katy Perry's hot n Cold.  
(I couldn't believe I liked that as well! :-))

Then I asked my children if they would like to hear the music which I used to listen to when I was in school/college.  Both nodded eagerly. So i introduced them to GnR's November rain. I was delighted that my son loved it. Then I showed them ' Tears for Fears -Everybody wants to rule the world." 
I love that song and oh they loved it too! :-)

To my surprise (and  delight) they also loved Bon Jovi's Its my life  and Aerosmith's Amazing.

Like I was saying, it is indeed great to connect with another through music. But when they happen to be your children, it is like a whole new door has opened.

It is indeed amazing how music even bridges  age  gaps!

PS: All the above links in colour point to the videos of the songs mentioned.Enjoy! :-)


  1. that scene in shawshank redemption where he's talking to the other inmates about music and hope is one of the best movie scenes i have ever seen!

    and true, music helps connect on many MANY levels!
    also, this post made me realise that I am getting older! (because the artists your kids listen to were so unfamiliar! i relate to your kinda music more. or maybe i'm more of a classic rock kinda person! will go check out Iyaz's replay now..funky name :P)

  2. so true..
    Music has some power :)
    Try Dream on-Aerosmith

  3. Anonymous11:42 PM

    My first visit here, and I couldn't agree more :-) Music does transcend all boundaries!!!

  4. Nice one.. :) Muisc certainly transcends boundaries.. :)

  5. Replay was my ring tone till recently. I love how I could relate to both your son and your taste of music :)

  6. Amazing! And so true :)

    If a close friend or family member remembers me and sends me a song that I would like or that makes them remember me when they hear it, that song becomes so special and I think about them every single time I hear it....I love to connect that way....

    By the way, the last poem you wrote - I read it left me with a feeling I could not put in words....but since it DID make me feel that way, it connected with me somehow...good one!

  7. Shachi: That last poem was disturbing I guess :) Yeah--i can also toally relate to the 'special songs' bit you talk about :) We're so alike arent we?!

    S: Loved replay :) Th girl is the video is sure something :)

    Sushobhan: So true!

    Writerzblock: Welcome aboard :) Yes, it indeed does.

    Nichii: Yes :) I do like it :)

    Sucheta: i am sure you also love the move 'Life is beautiful' right? I agree about the shawshank scene. yeah--we're now a different generation :P :)

  8. Good post! Reminded me an old post and that I have to write more. Thanks!

  9. I loved that scene in the movie too. There are a few scenes that get me *lumpy* in that film, actually.
    The other where Red thinks, "Get busy livin, or get busy dyin." and then he packs his bags and gets on the bus to go meet Andy in Mexico.
    I could watch it a thousand times.
    Yes, music is our universal language. It binds us alright. xoxo

  10. Shawshank Redemption is one of my favs too. Ditto It's my life. I totally get your feeling. I was absolutely thrilled when I introduced my 12 year old son to Metallica and he liked it! And I don't mind his Linkin Park and Nickelback either.

  11. No wonder that movie is IMDB's number 1 for a long time now.

    Music conects, of course...Me and my gal love it when there is a certain part of the song (lyrics or the music) that we hum or sing together...We feel so liberated at that moment...throw in some wine and its divine :).

    Good to be commenting on your blog after a long time.

  12. There's another piece of music just like the Shawshank one. It's Ayub Ogada's Kothbiro (that was there in the movie the Constant Gardener) This is the link
    The second link has the lyrics and translation too.

  13. Totally agree with what you said about music transcending linguistic and age boundaries

  14. Ajay: I agree :) And that piece of music you shared was truly BRILLIANT..thanks :)

    Rohan: yes--wine and music :) Bliss :)

    Dreamer: i like metallica too!

    Gillian: oh yes--powerful words indeed! "Get busy livin or get busy dyin"

    Venkat: Thanks :) will see it :)

  15. I have seen the movie but seems exciting.

    Nice post, ya music is really what feelings sound like.

    I love Iyaz's replay too eventhough got introduced to that song by my brother and he and me really have very different tastes in music. Still that song is stuck in my mind in replay mode :)


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