Measured Love

Measured Love

Measured Love
Doled out in doses
The exact prescribed amount
To keep a relationship from dying

It is only enough
To sustain the bare bones
The flesh has long withered
Dried up, an unused abandoned well

Where there was life once
Not even death wants to visit now

All that exists
Is the skeleton,
Protruding  bones
Hollow cheeks and eyes that haunt
Still subsisting
On measured love

Starved  now
There is not an ounce
Of energy or inclination left
To even beg
For a scrap of affection.

It is raining elsewhere though
It floods and drowns
At all the wrong places
Where it's not even appreciated

Yet the skeleton still stands
Blending in well
With the famine drenched land
Waiting patiently
For its daily dose
Of measured love.

© 2010 Preeti Shenoy

For more poems click here. Some poems have already appeared in print. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.


  1. Why a sad poem?!?!?

  2. Am i not allowed to feel sad? :) There is beauty in pain too.

    1. very true mam... beauty lies in almost everything.. one just needs to live it.., no?

  3. Yep, there is beauty in pain. But always saw u writing happy posts.. I often end up writing sad poems... By the I just checked out ur website. And u have posted only one entry under "poetry". Where can I read more?

  4. You seem to be the ONLY person who has commented on this poem! And that is a first!! :) Thanks so much for the interest..I can see more than 40 poems..either click on the link at the end of this post or on the right side of the blog, see 'what you will find here' and you will find link to poetry.

  5. love is one of the 3 aspects of brahma (existence and light being the other two). as such, it is beyond mind. and hence beyond science. ... (asti bhaati priyam)..

    love sees unity. mind sees separation. btw, science is yet to explain the exact nature of light. can we observe the sun with anything other than sunlight?

  6. Wonderful poem.. :)

    The measured love surely can keep the skeleton but its like worse than hell.. Unbridled love can only bring back life otherwise the skeleton will turn in to a zombie..:)

  7. Sushobhan: So nicely said. i agree so much..It is indeed a fate worse than hell. thanks for appreciating :)

    Inferno: Yes. Very profound words.Thanks for commenting :)

  8. Beautiful, loved the pic you chose to go along with it as well!

  9. super..duper .........good...........beautiful as always

  10. Beautiful Poem!!! the last lines really touched my heart...truly depicts a character of iron willed person!!

  11. Beautiful Poem ...The last few lines touched my heart...truly depicts the character of an Iron willed person!!


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