A timeless love story

This is a painting I made in February 1996. It hangs on the wall, in my mother’s cottage, in Kerala.
It shows Lord Krishna and Radha. Theirs is an immortal love story that that has inspired painters, musicians, poets and artists for centuries. There are thousands of songs and paintings ,dating back to the 16th century,describing and expressing this love affair .It has an element of adultery too--but oh, the passion! The story is indeed timeless and continues to inspire and fascinate people, even in this age.
I was no different. I remember that day, when I made this painting. I was just 24 then and barely 10 months, into my marriage. I hadn’t had my children. I had accompanied Satish, on one of his official trips, to this beautiful place called Hyderabad. He had taken permission from his company, for me to accompany him. We were staying in a luxurious and posh place. He left for work early that morning. I was free, to do what I pleased-- to explore the city on my own or just laze around. We had decided that once he completed his work, we would go to see some places together—otherwise I would go on my own to some art museums and galleries.

That morning, I was sipping my tea and browsing through the well stocked collection of books and I came across this image. It was compelling, fascinating and alluring. I simply loved it. I felt this intense urge to copy it. It was a small image.(perhaps 8cms by 6cms) I wanted to recreate it and paint it much bigger.

I always carry my art supplies, when I travel. I can never say when I am seized by this uncontrollable urge to paint. That morning I was.

I spent the whole day painting this picture.(The finished painting is about 2 feet by 1 and a half feet) I did not budge till I completed it. I did not even take a break to eat. I was so engrossed in it.

When Satish came back from work that evening, that’s how he found me—huddled over the painting, ecstatic about how it had turned out—and very very hungry!

It has been 11 years since I made that painting. Looking at it, transports me back in time. It definitely is not easy to resist a good love story! ;-)


  1. What can I say. Wow

  2. Superbbbbbb painting..wowwww P u r a grt painter, writer, mother, wife, n wat else dear? may God bless u wid happiness n joy always!!

  3. This leaves me speechless! This is awesome!


  4. Marja: :-)

    Pai:Thank you!Thank you!You have been one of my greatest supporters.I'm grateful!

    Vidya:Thank you!

  5. Nice, especially also because you say it was completed at one go!

    (My favorite aunt is '72 born too!)

  6. Spunkey Monkey:Thanks! I'm born in 71--but in the latter half of December.(so its almost 72 but not quite!)
    Do you paint?

  7. Hey,,,,that was just amazing!!!!! it is a time less love story...gr8 title!

  8. Quite good...Do you still paint???I like to dabble too, but am nowhere as good as you

  9. hey i rem the apinting.. it sure is beautiful.

  10. Akanksha;Thanks pal!

    Diya:You must have seen it at mom's right?

    Kartik:Thanks.Yes I do paint.But i dont copy any more.Click on P's art site on the right side of this blog and you can see my original paintings.

  11. Lovely painting. You leave wanting to see more of your work

  12. Great piece of work:)

  13. Lovely how that moment of passion caught you. The intensity of doing what you love is amazing.

    beautiful painting.

  14. Keith: Thank you! I dont do copies anymore.You can click on P's art site which is right inder my picture on the right side of this blog to see more of my paintings.

    Me in my world:Thank you!

    Dame's diary: Am smiling now.

    Sweetsticky : Oh yes--sometimes the madness just takes over--but i love it!

  15. Excellent painting, u r so talented..

  16. So u not just a good writer. Ur a talented painter too! wow!

  17. Painting's beautiful. Shows your skill and enthusiasm. :)

  18. Beautiful painting! You are too good woman!

  19. Anonymous8:15 PM

    You paint quite good.. and you seem to have loads of patience. Which is a good thing.

    Now can you lend some patience please..

  20. J: With paintings I am patient--otherwise not really!

    NM,Rads,Tys,timepass and point blank: Thanks so much!!

  21. Wow, that's not a painting - that's a whole experience of emotion and personal voyage :) How wonderful that it can take you back!

  22. Hmm. Used to, but these days I make random pencil sketches and call them "modern abstract art in the school of Chagall" or something like that.
    So, to answer your question simply, No. But I wish I could. Seems to me like a very interesting, engrossing and at time cathartic exercise.

  23. I like the way you euphemistically refer to 'Hunger'..who can fathom the ways of the heart?..love is not rational..it can't be..it is driven by passion and hunger..to this your picture is dedicated. I like it.

  24. Your painting is beautiful. Now I must go look up the love story; D

  25. I am in love with your being in love with that love story. I have heard of it. I have not learned it. And I am a bit ashamed of that. Most everyone, I think, has heard of Lord Krishna. Time to delve.

    Thank you, Ps.

  26. Anonymous9:43 AM

    This is a simply lovely lovely painting...and you ares so true, the Love of Radha & Krishna is so eternal and immortal...Really timeless, your painting too!

  27. WOW what a lovely painting!!

    PS ur so talented.


  28. TS:Thanks!

    Niall: Yes--that element in the story appealed to me.

    Nessa:The story is worth a read.

    Kalyan:Did you know that even after radha was married off, she continued to have these clandestine meetings with Krishna?
    Krishna too was married.

    Keshi:Thanks!! But I honestly feel that there is more talent in creating original pictures--not merely copying!

  29. I adore the tales of Lord Krishna, and I always see him depicted this way, blue.
    So in love am I.
    Your painting is timeless, tasteful and full of life, I love it!
    WEll done you.

  30. Loved your painting! So full of movement and great colours!

  31. Beautiful painting!! Stumbled upon your blog. Enjoy reading it. Which part of Kerala?


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