Thinking..Thinking blogger award.

Bob-Kat had a nice surprise for me yesterday. She awarded me a “Thinking blogger award.” Yesterday being All fools day, I did not react immediately. The waspish cynic lurking inside me felt happy, but did not want to be fooled .So I waited until today. Then I realized I had been a fool anyway, as her post was dated 31st March!

Part of the honour of being nominated is also that I get to give it to five blogs that make me think. There are many blogs that I like, but ones which make me think---well, I had to really think! I went by contents of the blog,on what issues the blogger wrote about .Did it make me stop and think? Did it affect me in any way?

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Here are my choices.

Love is stronger than pride by Devil mood : She posts about different things. At times, introspective, at times about issues that she feels strongly about, at times photos, but every time, it makes me think!

Forever England by Tim Young: It’s a poetry blog. I was delighted when I first discovered it. He writes instant poetry—some of them really touch me deeply—and almost all of them make me think.

TO&TFTBG by Paul: He posts a collection of quotes or things that inspire him or make him laugh. He writes about movies that affect him too. Each of his posts really make me think.

Hooky Beach by Somewhere Joe: Each of his posts are a masterpiece. His simplicity and his acute power of observation, and also what he writes about, really makes me think.

The fifth one, I really could not decide. There are so many posts that made me think. But not the whole blog. There is a blog (Damn,it’s a shitpot) which I discovered recently and one of the posts made me think . Pardon the language—I don’t find it offensive. But if you do, please refrain from reading.Tyler Durden's latest post made me think too.
One of Gawpo’s posts really moved me and made me think.A lot.

The participation rules of the award are simple:

1) If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think
2) Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3) Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.


  1. It was my pleasure :-) Your blog always makes me think, even if it's simply about how lovely your art work is and looking at the composition and taking something from it.

    I will have to check out the blogs you have made an award to sometime soon. They sound like a good read.

    Fancy thinking I would April Fool you! To tell you the truth I completely forgot what day it was!

  2. Way to go baby !!!! The second award for your blog. Preety soon its going to be the booker prize the way you are going and am I waiting for that proud moment...

  3. Bob-kat: Google had a april fool joke going around yesterday, saying they are going to give written copies of mails.Some of the newspapers here too had some funny stuff like that.So I guess I was jut extra alert!!

    Satish: Tere muh me ghee shakkar!!(later dont forget to do 2 hours on the treadmill!!!):-)

  4. Thank you Ps - I'll do my best to live up to the honor... and pass it along.

  5. Somewhere joe: You completely deserve it.

  6. Oh I'm so proud!!!!! And happy! And thankful! You made me cry :)))) Thanks so much! HUGS!
    Now you'll make me think too - can I award you, by the way?

  7. Devil Mood:You deserve it my friend.You write so well. What the original rules said was that you give it to five others.Since I have already got it,I guess it makes sense to bestow it on others who make you think.Thanks!! You made me happy too :-)

  8. Anonymous11:52 PM

    No one deserves it more! Loving the new picture of you too...

  9. got an award..
    that also..a "Thinking blogger" award.
    I wish I don't get this award.

  10. Well, you deserved two, so you got them ;)
    Thank you for making my day, I was so touched!

  11. Many congratulations and very well-deserved! I will continue to enjoy reading your posts.

  12. Congrats. Did not realize about your award when we were google talking,saw the words--- another award ! feels great !!---and rushed to read your blog. Good to be alert on 1st April but it must have been a great feeling when you presume you might be getting fooled and it turns out to be true. Congrats again !!

  13. Congratulations and celebrations, its time for another fantastic post :-)

  14. My prize is for you -the owner of one of the most beutiful blog in Blog spot.

  15. Congrats!!!!!!!! very well deserved...yeh me too awaiting the day u get the booker prize :)

  16. just wanna know abt those animated pics. how??


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