Number three--My first tagged meme post

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There was something else that I was going to blog about. I had the picture ready and the post too (in my head) when I got tagged by Roshan to do this meme.
I usually don’t do memes. But this one made me think.

3 things you should know about the number 3

1. The number of men who are in love with me at any given point in time
2. The number of women who want to kill me at any given point in time
3. The number of people my husband would like to kill at any given point in time

3 things that scare me

1. Truth
2. Lies
3. Lies that cover up the truth

3 people who make me laugh

The ONE would have been my dad.I used to be so happy when he was around, and we used to laugh so much together.But he is dead now.So my answer would be

4.Mr.Fab (yeah I know its a three meme--but how can I not mention mr.Fab?He is just fabulous)

3 things I love
1.spending time with my kids and husband
2.spending money with my husband without my kids
3.conversations that stimulate (my mind.Just clarifying)

3 things I hate
1.Fitting into Routine
2.Fitting into predefined modes
3.Not fitting into clothes

3 things I don’t understand

1. Insensitivity
2. Chemistry
3.My husband—oh sorry, he is not a thing. Well, make my answer ‘fetish for routine’

3 things on my desk

1. My daughter (yes that’s where she is right now)
2.My laptop
3.A knife (I use it for painting. Just clarifying)

3 things I’m doing right now

1. Trying to calm my fighting kids(if they weren't so cute I'd have thrown them out of the window)
2. Trying to finish a painting
3. Trying to appear cool and unruffled by the above two

3 things I want to do before I die

1. Read all the books in the world
2. Watch all the movies in the world
3. Visit Niall

3 things I can do

1. Shock people by talking outrageously so they don’t know what to say
2. Shoot a perfect basket from 90 degree and zero degree angles (in basket ball. Just clarifying)
3.Paint pictures that make no sense to anyone else till I explain it.

3 things you should never listen to

1.People who tell you that you cannot do it
2.People who tell you that you are crazy or weird
3.People who say “I’m too old for that”

3 things I’d like to learn

1. To be patient
2. To paraglide solo
3.To control my temper

3 favourite foods

1.Puttu-kadala(click on the word for recipe and description)


3.Any kind of vegetarian salad

3 people I'd like to tag

I wasnt going to tag anybody, but couldnt resist the temptation of passing on a task.Besides,I'd really like to know what they have to say.

1.Niall (he has a great sense of humour)
2.Tyler (he doesn’t write enough in his blog)
3.Gawpo (he is simply amazing)


  1. okay... 3 men are in love with you at any given time... assuming 1 is your husband... so your husband wants to kill the other two, but who's the third person he wants to kill?

    Promise me it isn't me, even though i'm so very irritating :P

  2. lol..laughed out loud at some of themm..good thing we clarified on the knife, huh ???
    P.S. ( no pun intended ) - Niall is linking to the puttu kadala page - just wondered.. if it aint a mistake, wow, you have some funny nonhuman friends :D

  3. Tyler: You assume too much!Note I said 'number of people my husband would like to kill'I didnt say number of men! Let me double check--I'll ask my husband.Just to check, ok? I'd hate to see you dead :-)

    Roshan:Poor poor Niall!How could I tun him into puttu kadala! Thanks pal--have corrected the mistake, and also edited the post a bit.This is what happens when you do a meme when your kids are trying to kill each other.

  4. Cool stuff, enjoyed it :)

  5. Oh my God, you're so funny!
    Your daughter in the desk just cracked me up! ;)
    I think you're quite good at this, most of the categories had an edge of contrast in them. Brilliant :)

  6. Devil Mood:Thanks!! It was supposed to be funny :-)My daughter was sitting ON my desk at that moment.By the way you have been tagged to do this meme--by Niall :-) Thought I'd give you the news in case you didnt know :-)

  7. hey never knew u had trouble controling ur temper :P

  8. Puttu Kadala man here!..yes I'm quite a 'dish!'..You know..on the face of it I really like the idea of 'meme'..but once I've done one..I worry about if I've said the wrong thing or forgotten something important. I am therefore pleased that one can go back and change things.

    Preeti..what a wonderfully nice thing to say that you want to visit me before you die!!..hopefully it will not be the thing you do JUST before you die!!or I will have to assume that I was to blame!(my cooking is to die for!)

  9. Anonymous3:31 AM

    I'd like to learn how to paraglide, but only with a fit instructor

  10. Anonymous12:57 PM

    made good reading ..what more can i a person of few words!

  11. Dia: that is because you havent lived with me long enough!

    Niall:Let me go and se if you changed things.Looking forward to tasting your cooking :-)

    Freelance:I did it with a really good instructor.Now I want to do a solo.

    Bharathi:I know!!

  12. Three things I wish to say about this post
    Really nice


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