The curse that wasn't
Expressionism and Surrealism are two branches of Art that fascinate me.
Many of my friends tell me that they don’t understand surrealism or don’t see any talent in expressionism. I don’t understand how they don’t understand! I tell them that if the picture moves you or speaks to you, it is Art.You don’t have to like it just because everyone else says it is great. Art is what you feel—what makes you think, and perhaps take a second look.
Most people find it hard to believe that I have had absolutely no formal training in Arts whatsoever. I have never been ‘taught’ art. I don’t know any techniques of painting, nor do I know angles, perspectives etc.Whatever I create, I just do it as a way of expressing myself.
I go with my good friend Niall, who says “I favour the viewer/listener/reader to discern their own meanings.”

This painting (The curse that wasn’t) that I completed two days ago is very meaningful to me.I have used symbolism, surrealism and expressionism here.
Don’t worry about the terms—tell me if the picture ‘spoke’ to you? Did you take a second look?Did you like it? :-)
Many of my friends tell me that they don’t understand surrealism or don’t see any talent in expressionism. I don’t understand how they don’t understand! I tell them that if the picture moves you or speaks to you, it is Art.You don’t have to like it just because everyone else says it is great. Art is what you feel—what makes you think, and perhaps take a second look.
Most people find it hard to believe that I have had absolutely no formal training in Arts whatsoever. I have never been ‘taught’ art. I don’t know any techniques of painting, nor do I know angles, perspectives etc.Whatever I create, I just do it as a way of expressing myself.
I go with my good friend Niall, who says “I favour the viewer/listener/reader to discern their own meanings.”

This painting (The curse that wasn’t) that I completed two days ago is very meaningful to me.I have used symbolism, surrealism and expressionism here.
Don’t worry about the terms—tell me if the picture ‘spoke’ to you? Did you take a second look?Did you like it? :-)
Many of my friends tell me that they don’t understand surrealism or don’t see any talent in expressionism
ReplyDeleteThey should drink Whiskey, they'll understand it quite well ;)
The painting... hmmm, i've always loved art, although i'm quite a novice at it.
tell if the picture ‘spoke’ to you
Ummm, I see fire, I see a nasty hand, a human and a chameleon.
I'm tempted to say... we tend to imitate the chameleons when going through hard times??
I love, love the colors. And you know what the first thing I though of was? Your story about when there was a lizard (or whatever reptile it was) in your shower. So, it definitely spoke to me since it reminded me of that great post.
ReplyDeletei am no art pics don;t speak to me.
ReplyDeletebut I like to pretend at times...
I see a tortured soul, like the chameleon, it has many shades but not knowing which is its true color. I see the person being disturbed for some reason, feeling guilty or angry.
The sheer brilliance of the darkened reddish colors illuminates the painting to a new level of surrealism etc etc etc...
what I see here really is a chameleon in hell..flames everywhere, and a demon like thingie below him...the only thing that it speaks out, "why on earth is a lizard in hell?"
seriously..what is with this painting? I don't get it. do waterscapes..I like waterscapes
I'm too stupid for art. I get how people can appreciate it and that they are moved by it but I'm a realist. Stuff like this makes me feel like an idiot. I went to an are museum about a month ago and was moved by som very beautiful things but it was all realistic. I sort of glazed over when I came across the symbolic stuff. I would relly like to get it nut I just don't. Your painting has very good use of color though and is pleasing to the eye.
ReplyDeleteMr.J :I dont like whiskey much but Vodka does the same for me
ReplyDelete:-).True, we do change colours like the chameleon.
Katherine:Thank you my friend.You are so good for my soul too.
Hershey:LOVED your comment.If you are pretending you are doing a DARN good job of it! Thank you! :-)
Glenn: My intention was NOT to make anyone feel stupid ot that they dont understand 'art'.What I was trying to convey is exactly the opposite--that if it doesnt make sense to you, its NOT art, no matter what ANYONE says.YOU decide what is Art--and what is not.I for instance do not like picasso, but adore Van gogh.I feel happy to know that my painting pleased you.Thank you.
So (to you) Picasso is not art then? I guess I don't really feel stupid about art. It's not like I can't appreciate the work and emotion that goes into some pieces. Sometimes though, I look at a piece and wonder how it managed to get into a museum. For example, there was a display at the afore mentioned gallery and it consisted of old rail road ties stacked and set up in a square spiral pattern. To me this is not art. It's really big lincoln logs. Also there was an area that had four white canvases set up on the walls. They were rather big 10'x10' or so and had odd shapes. There was no paint just streched canvas over a wood frame mounted on a white wall. This is not art any more than the canvases at Wal-Mart. I guess what upsets me sometimes is that some artists seem to be trying "get over" on me. I've seen struggling gelleries and people with true talent barely scraping by and when I see garbage in a respected institution, it seems like a slap in the face to those that are more deserving. At least I can look at your work here and see that effort was made and that there is something to it, even if it's not my favorite form.
ReplyDeleteI agree so completely with your definition of art that I abstain from saying anything else. You're an artist and you know art :)
ReplyDeleteHey, you haven't said what the picture means to you.
ReplyDeleteA beautiful site. Your pictures, drawings, writings and poetry were greatly enjoyed and appreciated. You're a mom of two with many fine talents and I thank you for sharing them. I have just begun my own site's creation, Yet I found much in common of Your's and my own thoughts. I've added yours to my favorites. Thank you
this might sound daft, but its honest atleast,I peered and looked at it more intensely than i have at any mathematical intrigues.The picture didn't speak to me..sorry!However I liked the colours.Despite the fact that i am no reptile lover,the lizard did look 'guapo pero simpatico'..'good looking and yet kind' in spanish ...i saw distinct expressions in that thing which was i guess , was supposed to look menacing???enlighten me !
ReplyDeleteOf course I took a second look - I always do with your art :0)
ReplyDeleteThe colours are wonderful. The background is so vivid that I wonder if the chameleon can mimic it? The human figure seems less well formed so I get the impression that it is a tortured soul trying to decide what to be, just as the chameleon is trying to decide what colour to be. It reminds me of your post about the box of crayons.
Thanks very much for your kind comment on my blog by the way. I have posted an update if youa re interested, but basically still feel awful. The identity thing and my notes adn books are worrying me.
Glenn: You expressed my sentiments COMPLETELY.Even I cannot relate to bank canvases in the name of Art.By the way do you use orkut?If so I'll add you on that.Its a great way to keep in touch.
ReplyDeleteDevil-Mood:We think so much alike.
Opal:Thank you.You made my day!Will visit you soon.
J: I leave it to the reader/viewer to decide
Bharathi:The picture so completely spoke to you my friend!!You are so so right.I'm amazed and thrilled that you understood what i was trying to convey.Yes, the lizard seems menacing, but is actually kind hearted.People just look at the external and judge him.
Bob-Kat: Will read your update.Last night before going to bed, i double checked the doors in my home.(husband is out of town--In fact he is in your country!)
You understood perfectly about the human figure being a tortured soul.That is what I intended to convey.
I love the Chameleon ..aren't we all changable and adaptable to the place we are? least to some degree.
ReplyDeleteI often have conversations about the nature of art with people at my exhibitions. It's very gentleman I spoke to toild me that my pictures were "real art".."not like that pile of bricks in the Tate gallery in 1971...not lke that Damien Hurst stuff..not like Tracy Emin's unmade bed..."etc..etc.. I told him that art is art if it illicits a reaction from the viewer...the very fact that he could remember and site each of those artists works meant they had done their job and affected his view of art and therefore the world. My pictures may look like what they represent..but it doesn't make them 'Art'.
PS:..I like Salamanders too!..
am not the arty type. Cannot for the life of me understand art in the modern form with or without alchohol. Guess either you have it or do not. For me art is a beautiful scenery picture. However when someone explains art to you then I guess you begin to understand. My 9 year old son talks about what he sees in a painting and I listen to his thoughts. It never appeared to me to be what he says until he syas what he says and then it strikes me as " god what he says is true and I am blind inspite of having eyes. However that still cannot get me to change myself and appreciate modern art better. However PS's colours are fantastic and the lizard drawing is amazing...
ReplyDeleteWow Mom, the painting is very cool. Especially the scales and the colours and blends used.