Hello! Updates from me!



Hello dear dear reader!

How are you? Hope all is well (and it is something to be grateful for  these days if the honest answer is yes, all is well)

It's been really long since I posted here. I did post for 30 consecutive days during the first lockdown. Then I extended it, as the lock-down got extended.  But the last post here was in September.

The reason for not posting were many. I faced some deep personal losses (I am still recovering). I moved homes. I had a million things to take care of on the personal front. And amidst all of this, I also wrote a book on positivity! I signed a two book deal with Harper Collins. (Click on the link to know more). It became increasingly difficult to do unpaid work (like writing in this blog. To write here, I have to take out extra time, after completing the work that I get paid for.) 

Many of you wrote to me saying you miss my blog, and that you have been loyal readers for over 14 years! (yes, I started this blog in 2006 and have kept it going since then.) All your love and requests were enough to bring me back :)

So here I am (big wave).


One other thing that happened during my silence here is that I got featured on the cover of e-she magazine. They did a beautiful in depth story on me.

If you wish to read the issue, you can download it for free  HERE (or you can also read it online). I have spoken in detail on various topics.

I have been regularly posting on my Twitter and on Instagram.

I just posted this update today:

The above movie is streaming only on Neestream  (you can subscribe for just a month or you can just get this movie alone) as Netflix and Amazon prime refused to take it as it has some controversial issues. 

If you have watched it, do let me know your thoughts.

If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it.


More soon, after I read all your comments (Please use my comment box if you are reading this on mail. Head over to my blog and comment there please) . Now that I am back, I intend writing here regularly.

Take care of yourself. Sleep well. Eat healthy and don't forget to get some exercise, even if it is for just 15 minutes a day.

See you in my comment box!



Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash



  1. Loved to read your blog again.It reminded me of the wonderful lockdown days.Yes I enjoyed the lockdown...I wish we humans maybe can just stop for a while in a year (without any more pandemics) and just let our hair down and let nature relax too.
    I am sorry to hear about your personal losses Preetiji.May Mahadev give you all the strength and happiness.
    Congratulations on your book deals and that Cover story on She was fantastic.Would certainly see your recommended movie.
    Hope to meet you somewhere (that is on my secret wish list )and thank you personally for your amazing writing which keep on touching my heart and bring beautiful changes in my life...One book a time..Thanks for blogging again.🙏🙏🙏

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words sourabh. Yes, I do hope you come to any of my events once the pandemic gets over. Where are you based? Do fill preeti.io/form (if you haven't already) and my team will notify you of any event in your city!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hi Preetiji.I am from the land of Mishti Doi and Rosogollas...Kolkata.Would live to meet you soon so I have filled up the form.
      NB:I deleted the two previous comments coz there were spelling mistakes due to autocorrect.
      Sorry and Thank you Mam.

  2. Good to see your blog back.. now I know what I was missing 😊 your posts are a good read always without a miss. Would like to meet you one day, wishing ASAP.. waiting for another read from you and meantime finishing off other books making it to my reading list.. stay blessed 😊

    1. Thank you so very much. Encouraging words like yours keeps me going on this blog!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. :)
      Great to see you back.
      You have been a great source of positivity for us.
      Your every blog is like those bubblegums and candies.. :)

    2. Thank you so much , although now it is 'Love a little stronger'

  4. Hi Preeti! Wow, it is so good to see your post. I must add that the first email I received this morning was yours about your latest blog post 🤗. With March just around the corner, I can recall how I used to look forward to your posts in the Blog Marathon in 2020. Sorry to hear about your personal losses. I hope things get better soon. Congratulations to you and your family on your new home! 🏠. Also, Congratulations on signing a two book deal with Harper Collins. 📕📕👏👏 I cannot wait to read about you in E She Magazine. With reference to the movie, 'The Great Indian Kitchen,' I had heard it is an amazing movie, but after reading your tweet, I am more eager to watch it. Thanks to your blog posts, I am happy that I have started exercising at least 30 minutes a day. It really energizes me and makes me feel so good. Thank you for being an inspiration in many ways! Have a beautiful day! 💐🤗🌟📕

    1. Thank you so very much dear Prathibha. (Hope I got your name right, if not, please forgive me and tell me your name!)
      So glad my writing is making a positive change in your life and keep up the exercise.

  5. Happy seeing your blog notification in the morning. Just read the article on e she about you. Though the things mentioned in it are already known to me just having a look on it again made my day. It was like re reading some books or seeing our favourite movie for the second time or third time. You are a great motivation for me, In everything you do. Looking forward for more blogs or a blog marathon soon. Happy blogging
    Sunandha E B

    1. Thank you so very much dear Sunandha. Hope to blog more regularly now on.

  6. Hey Preeti! ❤️
    Just loved your come back blog ❤️❤️❤️
    Just as we are embarking the Spring 21, you well in time poured the memories of Lockdown 2020 and yes your blogs were longed not less than the daily essentials then😍😍😋
    Look forward to have you more here at your pro bono platform 😉🤗
    Love and take care! ❤️

    1. Hi Upma,
      That's a nice term: pro-bono platform :) I like it. It will always remain that way! <3 Thank you so very much for the kind words .

  7. It is always a pleasure and bundle of joy to read your posts. This one was a surprise and thanks for the same. Eagerly awaiting your next book. Congratulations for the feature with Eshe and the new publisher...

    1. Dear Shally--thank you so very much. Feels good to get replies here!

  8. Hi Ma'am. The First thing that I did on this morning was reading ur blog. Thanks for always there for ur readers, for always motivating us no matter what you are going through. Love you loads 💖

    1. Thank you so much dear Amoolya! Love to you too!


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