5 easy and useful tips to help you achieve your goals.

Dreams are goals with a deadline. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. I am a huge believer of these two statements.

Many a time, I have been asked this question
'How do you do so many things? How do you focus on your goals? How are you so dedicated?'

Many have written to me asking me to share my routine/ time-management/how I organise my day. So here goes:

Currently I am doing a challenge called Intkober where you do 31 drawings in Ink, in 31 days. The prompts are given in advance. Click on the link to know more. Thousands of artists all over the world do it, each year. I post my drawings on my Instagram art handle.

This is in addition to my writing which I do daily. I also make a portrait every single day, apart from Inktober.

I guess, to most people who see this, it looks like a LOT of things and they wonder how I manage it. Here are five  things I do, which help me. (and I hope they help you too)

1. Define the goals.

 At the beginning of each month, I write down (in a diary) what I want to achieve that month. For me, this month, it was to draw every day for Inktober, to read every day, and to write every single day.

A drawing I did for Inktober where the topic was 'clock'

2. Break down the goals into small time bits.

 Now the above goals, while they are defined, are not broken down. So what I typically do is break it down into executable bits. Thus, every day, from 9.00 am to about 4.00 pm, I write.  Again, it is not continuosly that I write. I might write from 9.00-10.00. Then I might research something related to my writing, Then I might wander for about 10-15 minutes in my garden. Then I might come back to my writing. Thus, short breaks rejuvenate me, and make me want to write more. At around 4.00, I take a break. I walk my dog, I have a cup of tea. Then I draw. I find drawing as my 'me-time'. It is a reward/ treat for me. So I look forward to it.
I might go back to my writing around 7.00 pm or so.

3. Schedule 'down time'.

 I think this is extremely important. By downtime, I mean time off from the social media. The latest ios update has something called 'screentime'. If you don't have an iphone you can easily install an app which checks this for you. When I discovered, how much time I was spending on social media, I was shocked! You will be too, if you track it. So right now, what I have done is
a. disabled all apps from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
b.Disabled notifications on whatsapp (so I am not tempted to check)
c. Put my ringer off. So i am not disturbed by calls. (I anyway do not pick up calls from unknown numbers)

4. Add an extra hour by waking up early.

 I can't tell you how IMPORTANT this is. Initially I found it very hard to do. But you will be surprised how quickly, your body gets used to it. I set my alarm for 5.00 am these days. But most days now, I am awake even before my alarm rings. I then cycle for an hour daily.  I have an app that measures how much I cycle. I am sharing a screenshot below (edited out my location details for obvious reasons):

Many of you who follow me on Instagram know that I post 'good morning' messages daily. These are mostly clicked when I am walking my dog, or cycling.(I stop to click whenever a stunning scene catches my eye)

Pic I shared on my Instagram stories recently

5. Add reminders.

 I use Alexa to remind me for my tasks! Be it to drink water, or to get to my drawing, or to read. You could use Google assistant, or set up your reminders in any other way. I find that audio reminders work best for me. Sometimes, even when we know things, we need that VOICE calling out to us.

Another pic from my Instagram stories

I hope these tips help you.

If you find it useful or if you have tips to add , let me know, in comments.
Also please let me know what topics you would like me to blog on. I am getting back to regular blogging, as many are writing to me telling me they miss my posts.

Thank you for all the love <3

Stay always happy


Buy my books: http://preeti.io/amazon

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash


  1. Wow so happy to see another post of yours....please continue blogging. I have many list of topics I would like you to give your inputs on...like law of attraction. What are your views about law of attraction and how much helpful this tool is. I have been recently listening to Abraham hicks audios on law of attraction and I would be very happy to know your views on this. Does it work? Is it real? Is it different from what is promoted in Geeta? Secondis on writing therapy and how it helps. . Third. How to influence others through your own values and still maintain your own independence.

    1. Mam can you give us some .Methods as to how to be positive always and in times of anger sadness when things are not in our control how to manage our emotions...

  2. It is a great thing that your routine passes through the path of your own script. Nice.

  3. These tips are indeed useful,Preeti if one tries to follow them.


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