Hello June! A new post with latest updates from my end.

 Hey there! Hello :)

How have you been and what is new?

If you read this blog regularly, apologies for the delay in updates. I began a new photo challenge in May. I did complete the challenge on Instagram.  But I found it very tedious to constantly cross-post the same picture here as well. Hence I stopped and dropped off the radar here. I hope you forgive me for that :)  If you wish to see the pictures I posted every day, they are all there on my Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/preeti.shenoy/
I also post stories there regularly. Most days, I also post a good morning photo. So join in me on Instagram, to stay connected :)

I have been working hard on my new novel. It will be out later this year, probably in September or October. I am very excited about it and so lost in the world I created, at the moment.

I wanted to share some nice news from my end. I wrote for Dainik Bhaskar for their edit page a few weeks back, and my article was published in 63 editions across 13 states, including the latest Surat Hindi edition and also Surat Gujarati edition which has been published for the last 13 years.

 I felt wonderful about this. It is always a writer's dream to be widely read, and to reach a wide cross-section of the world's 2nd largest population is no mean feat! I got many messages (in Hindi!) telling my how much they loved the article.
Thank you for that!
धन्यवाद !
 This month Conde Nast India has published my poetry! It was a paid assignment. But what made it extra special is that it's a commissioned piece. (which means I wrote it specially for them, as they wrote to me and said they LOVED my poetry and wanted me to write for them)

Conde Nast is an International publisher with offices in  New York, London and many other  countries like Australia, Germany, France, China, Hungary, Italy, Japan , Korea, portugal, South Africa, Spain etc (to name a few). So you can imagine my delight.

For the month of June, I hope to be posting twice a week.
Doable I think!

Tell me news from your end in my comment box. What's new? What's exciting?
ps: See my new blog header? I designed it myself.


  1. Congratulations mam it's a beautiful poem . Eagerly looking forward your new book ..

  2. Mam nice poem. I have send you an email but it tells that recepient server is not accepting request.

    1. Please check the spelling ps(at)preetishenoy(dot)com
      Maybe you added an H in my name?
      I am getting mails from everyone else! There's nothing wrong with the server at my end.

  3. Madam as a fan of your writings i always find pleasure in reading your inspirational books. "Life is what you make It" and "The secret wishlist" are two books which i have read many times. I gifted "Life is What you make it" to many of my friends on their special days like anniverseries and birthdays. Later i recieved calls from many of them in which they thanked me for introducing me to such inspirational writing. May your next book also be such which inspires people to lead a positive and progressive life. So deeply thankful madam.

  4. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Finally we get to see you here. :) Photo challenge was something beautifully different-Shades of life. Loved it. Yesterday I was going through your BLOG and saw that May was just 7 posts and BLOG Marathon was way back in March. Seems the new book is keeping you quite busy. Hope see the first look of book soon. Header looks good, however dont you think, bright colors would have looked much better and noticeable?
    Waiting for next post and book and soon a BLOG Marathon.

    1. Yes--submerged in my new book! Somehow the colours I chose for the header seemed to fit in with my current mood and outlook :) Thanks for your support! Blog marathon--will probably be next year now! Or perhaps in Septemnber.

    2. Anonymous10:57 PM

      Eagerly waiting for the same.. :)

  5. Welcome Back, Preeti! So nice to read your blog post once again after a long time. The new header is really beautiful, simple and sweet! Congratulations on all your achievements, as always! Looking forward for the release of your new book. Will definitely wanna grab my copy once it has been published! Life is going on well. The monsoon has arrived in the coastal city of Mangaluru, so the weather is gloomy, cold, breezy, and dark. Happy Weekend to you and your family!

  6. Anonymous12:42 PM

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  7. Congrats Preeti and looking forward to your new book. Happy that your new column is in Hindi since I believe that writing shouldn't be limited but a bigger audience matters. It's winter here and reviving my rom-com novel moving at good pace. I am also planning to do a campus novella on blog.

  8. This header looks very attractive and soothing. Earlier, I had no idea, but now I like to create my book posters. :)

    Good to see this Hindi article and it's great that it was published in 63 edition. Your Road Trip poem is spot on! Recently, I wrote my first travel article (My Gangotri road trip) and it got published in Woman's Era magazine. Also, I wrote an article (on Rewiring your attitude for a peaceful life) for Huffington post India. Also, the kindle version of my book got selected for KDP promotions by Amazon. So it's exciting. :)

    Curious about your next book and blog marathon.

    My best wishes...:)

  9. Yes I am waiting ur blog posting.ur posting motivate always and give new new interesting idea

  10. Yes I am waiting ur blog posting.ur posting motivate always and give new new interesting idea

  11. The first thing I noticed was the header. Love it!


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