My Indore trip. (with lots of pictures from my talk at Acropolis college)

I have just got back from the beautiful city of Indore. My talk at Acropolis college was a HUGE success. I spoke about my journey and '5 Ways to a Happier You'.
A packed auditorium, giant hoardings all over the college (I was so surprised!), a very large turnout and so much love and respect, that just thinking about it envelops me in this warm feeling.

The Principal of the college presenting a memento

Was mobbed for signing books!

A section of the audience

With the students and the faculty members

Posing in front of one of the hoardings

A screenshot of  the Twitter reactions..Excuse the ad, I was too lazy to crop it out :)

Another shot of the audience

The hospitality and arrangements made by the faculty and students of Acropolis college Indore was exemplary. I do feel very blessed to have been in their midst and shared those few hours.  The students and the staff---all unequivocally told me that they found my talk outstanding---inspiring, entertaining, and that it helped and motivated them. Cherished memories indeed were made.

If you want to see more pics of the event, you can go here.

After that I got an opportunity to go around the city of Indore. The owners of Readers Paradise which was where the book event was held, were very sweet to me. His son, accompanied me, and we visited many sites in Indore. I am sharing one pic, clicked in front of Rajwada Indore.

I will be making sketches of these places, over the next few days and I will share them on my Instagram art page.

In the flight too I made a few sketches. I shall share them too very soon.

I am just about recovering from a very hectic trip.(I had to leave home at 2.30 to catch the only direct flight from Bangalore which leaves at 5.20 am)
But I feel so blessed, fortunate and happy.

My next stop will be NAGPUR, which will be on December 1st. Block your dates, if you live there.

Will blog again soon.
Till then, stay positive.'


  1. i had a great time!
    Really feel blessed with your teachings....Unforgetable moment is when you just signed in my diary, Thank's alot!

  2. Piyush---It was an amazing gathering and the love that you all showered on me remains in my heart.

  3. wow.. I haven't attended any of your book events because of my final exams..:(
    But your blog posts make me travel the places which I couldn't attend..:D

  4. Wow...that's great..I read ur book's all in planets and Preeti its lovely..I would recommend everyone to read that book..way u have depicted story is too characters...

  5. Infact Preeti I started reading a year back and have read 3-4 of ur books..34 bubblegums and is what u make it...tea for 2 and piece of cake..why do we love way we do...u inspire me to read...ur writing inspires me to live life lucky enough to have ur autograph on my copy as well

  6. Glad to know you had a wonderful time in Indore. You have so many fans in all the cities in India, and across the world too. Hope you can participate in a World Tour one day. Am sure it will be worth it! :-) Good Luck, Preeti.

  7. Blessed are you,Preeti and may you be so always upon the Almighty's grace.

  8. Wow! Feel good moments. Stay blessed. My best wishes...:)
    And, thank you for 'IAITNP' mug! That's cool! :)


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