BNLF--a memorable event!

So, I had told you in the last post about BNLF--an international blogging conference, where I was a keynote speaker along with Bruce Dickinson.
I have just got back home---and am revelling in the hangover of a BRILLIANT event. i enjoyed every moment spent there, and my talk was superbly received too.
You can see some of the reactions from my Twitter screenshots that I  am sharing here. (There were many many such! But you get the idea. I am not sharing all of them.)

Then there was my meeting with Bruce Dickinson. We had a nice conversation, in the green room just before he went on stage, as he was speaking after me.
Here is a pic!

And here are two pictures of me speaking. Pic courtesy: Indiblogger 

With the fabulous Indiblogger team.

The journey for me, from an unknown blogger to a best-selling author has been a dream come true. Conferences like these give me an opportunity to connect with like-minded souls.

I met so many new people, made so many friends and came back, richer, happier, more content.

When we connect with the ones we can relate to, the joy we feel is indescribable.
A meeting of hearts, a meeting of minds and above all  a euphoria that lingers, laced with treasured memories that you carry for a life time.

Will blog again soon.
Till then stay positive and look at the bright side.
GRAB my new book. ALL pre-orders will be signed by me


  1. Fantastic Preeti! I loved the pictures. You look great! :) I wish I could attend your conference one day and meet you in personal.
    I have already pre ordered your new book and waiting for the signed copy. :)

    1. Thanks Pooja! You are most welcome to attend any of my events! Will announce the book tours soon :)

  2. The pictures look awesome! thanks for sharing ma'm and once again congratulations on your success

    1. Thank you so much Akshitha! i appreciate your leaving me a comment :)

  3. Wonderful post, Preeti. You look fantastic in the photos. Hope to meet you one day and attend an event where you are speaking. That would be my dream come true! Congratulations and all the best to you.


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