A letter from France, Bruce Dickinson and BNLF 2015

Something lovely happened the other day. I got a nice email from a reader in France.

I share it below with her permission:(click to enlarge)

It always feels wonderful when people from a different culture are able to relate to my writing.

Another bit of news from my end is that I will be a keynote speaker along with Bruce Dickinson (yes yes--the same Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden!) at Mumbai as a part of BNLF 2015
Here is my profile on the site: https://www.indiblogger.in/bnlf/preeti-shenoy
You can find all details on the site--read their FAQs too.

Other than that I have been BURIED under the second edits of my book. I had mentioned what writing a book involves.  So you can imagine how it has been for me. I emerge from my cocoon only for coffee/chai breaks. I am quite excited about this book, and will give you details soon.

Guess what I will be doing over the weekend? Of course you guessed it---finishing my edits. Sigh. Writer's life.
But I am not complaining. I really am not :) One has to endure the discomfort of pregnancy to have a baby!
Will post again soon and next time nothing about the book--I promise :)

What are your plans for the weekend? Share with me in my comment box so I get some vicarious pleasure!

Buy my books:  : http://is.gd/preetibooks


  1. Hi ! Glad to know that your writing is appreciated Internationally as much as in India ! I felt proud while reading this post that my favourite author has this kind of recognition ! Please keep up the good work and ALL THE BEST WISHES to you for your excellent literary work !

    1. Thanks a lot Vaishali--Much appreciate!

  2. I would just mask the email address in the pic for the sender, just avoid unwanted attention to her.

    1. I did that now Kurund. Although I would imagine it isn't hard to track ANYONE's email id now if they are on social media!

  3. Hey was waiting a lot for your post.. So good to listen from you.. All d very best for the the edits! Waiting for the book :-)

  4. Even i have read all your books nd cant wait to read the next one..all da bst

  5. Even i have read all your books nd cant wait to read the next one..all da bst

  6. Even i have read all your books nd cant wait to read the next one..all da bst

  7. I've read Indian writer. writing romance or other fiction but at a point you realize the story is unreal and sometimes even childish or too much coincidences. your stories are real and a way different. would like to read more

  8. This is a great news. As an Indian we should feel proud of this moment and I am proud of you, thank you for being the inspiration you are
    I couldn't grab the copy of your latest book because I was writing my debut. You are the inspiration. Waiting for the publishers.....

  9. Hii I feel soo proud of u. Your books I don't know what to say. But all your books are close to my heart. I know you n even no one in this world will believe this fact that tha "Ankita"" of "life is what you make it" or ""Anjali" of "The one you cannot have" are similar to me. I can feel the pain the joy each and every emotion. I have gone through all these things. I just want to thank you for your books. Just thank you.I wish you will soon reply to my message. I want to share my feelings with you as a reader. N once again thanks for your good books
    N m looking forward to read your new stories. Eagerly waiting for you new book.


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