Love, friendship and a guy called Wreck-it-Ralph

Sometimes a movie you watch leaves a lingering imprint in your mind and touches your soul. It makes you laugh, it makes you cry, it inspires you and makes you want to be a better person. It transports you to another world for a few hours and you become one with the characters. You find your heart beating wildly when they are about to do something dangerous you find yourself wiping a tear that has slipped out when something terrible happens to them and when they finally succeed you want to stand up hug them and give them an ovation.
Instead you sit glued to your seat, staring at the screen even as the credits roll.

I watched such a movie the other day. It was an animation movie. The graphics were brilliant and though the story had the usual twists and turns of a good commercial movie, what had me was the brilliant concept of a bad guy in an arcade game, wanting to be good. I fell in love with Wreck-it ralph just a few minutes into the movie.

Here is a trailer (which I really think does not do justice to what the movie is all about)

If you have a child in your life watch it with them. And if you do not have a child in your life, watch it for the child inside you.

It makes you feel grateful for all your  good friendships (oh yes there can be horrible friendships too--but I will save that for another post)  and  it makes you go awww.

And it makes you believe that Love and Friendship make life worth living. (Perhaps it resonated so much with me as that is the core theme of all my books)


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  1. Very true! I loved it too. And suddenly i realized that your Facebook followers have increased manifold in the past few months. Kudos to you. Waiting for the next book. Till then, Happy Writing!

    1. Thanks Bharathi. I must mention that all the Facebook likes are completely organic. I do feel happy about that. Yes, on the next book :)

  2. a good movie, a good book, a good person,,,,it can be anything. they all teach us something or the other. and secondly, even the minute things can give immense joy to our soul

  3. Can I know what is Your next books title or About...?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. A good book or movie can teach us alot!!
    It depends on us what we gain from it..
    Life is what u make it is da same
    Happy writing!!

  6. Hi,

    I love all animated movies. up, hotel transylvania,smurfs,frozen,Ratatouille. they are funny and they create strong emotions in people's mind. its good to watch animation movies. ty for this post ~~!!

  7. Not only book or movie but some news or even a word sometimes brings sublime to our soul.

  8. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Could you please get me in touch with the content manager of this website?


  9. Preeti mam ... I want to work with you for your stories ......i will never beliitle my love for your books and its author :)
    Your stories are like a drug for me ....especially It Happens For a Reason.
    Your words shines like a stars .....and perfect combination of these stars make your sky ( story ) beautiful :) hope u will reply .


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