A writer and the beanstalk.

For the first time in my life, I have actually grown beans! The picture above was clicked this morning, my first crop of beans from my terrace garden.  For the first time in my life, I am actually able to comprehend how hard it must be for the farmers, who depend on this to make a living.

I had sown the seeds about 3 months back, without thinking much about it. In fact, I didn't even sow them in a separate pot, but just buried them in a pot which had a curry-leaf plant, and some I buried in other pots which had decorative palms. To my surprise they flourished. They are creepers and  so I began looking for sticks  to give them some kind of a support. Finally I  ended up using PVC pipes  which Satish bought from the local hardware store. I made a little bridge from the pot to the railing on the balcony so that the beans would climb it and reach the railings.

They were like disobedient children. They wanted the easy way out and each morning when I woke up they would have wound themselves around the curry leaf plant or the palm, refusing to use the sticks buried for them. I persisted. I am not a mom to two teenagers for nothing. :-) Each morning I would unwind the vines and make them go on the PVC pipes. Finally, they got the idea and then began spreading themselves out on the balcony railings.

I fed them some organic fertiliser and watered them regularly. Beans are particularily prone to black little insects that attack the plant and if you aren't careful, they eat it all up. Overnight your plants can be gone, and all you will be left with is a skeleton of half eaten leaves. I used an organic solution of  tiny bit of soap and neem oil to repel the insects.
Every single day, morning and evening I would check on the beans. One day they  blossomed and  there were many pretty pale purple flowers. They looked beautiful. 'Good,' I thought, 'even if I don't have beans, at least it looks pretty.'

But they surprised me when they actually began growing into beans. I was still skeptical. I was sure that it was a trick and the tiny beans that were sprouting would fall off, and then the plant would probably have the last laugh saying "Fooled you." So I waited and watched.

And today, I can finally tell you that I have actually grown beans. Hooray!

Guess what I have done now--yes, you guessed it---I have sown more beans now! In their individual proper containers.

So apart from working on my new novel, the beans are what kept me occupied today.

And hey---if you want me to keep writing, please leave me nice comments here, and please go and buy my books.

Else I might just decide to become a farmer. :)

 The lure of the magic beans is hard to resist.


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  1. I wonder how you manage to do all these things... Kudos to you Preeti.. Please don't let them lure you too much. We are waiting for your new book.

  2. took inspiration from you and decided to plant ....made few rounds to many shop and finally started with one indoor and outdoor plant...feeling is just awesome

    1. Congrats on the new plants! Look after them well and when they blossom, the feeling is truly awesome.

  3. Anonymous8:11 PM

    LOL... now-a-days farming is an lucrative job.. isn't?
    Great job on being patient and your persistence.

    1. Yet to sell my farm produce ;) Somehow it is easier to sell my books :D :) Thank you so much :)

  4. mother nature is so kind that what you reap is what you have sown.

    1. Yes--unless they are eaten by pests! :)

  5. he he..please don't stop writing ..Truly an inspiration for me :) looking forward for articles always :)

  6. some how u people r making d city greener.. great contribution.. living down to earth is what today's necessity .. i hv jus decided to become one :-)

  7. Wow...sounds interesting! I don't have a green thumb though. Wish you all the luck for your novel and ofcourse more of those beans!
    Love the picture here.

    1. Thanks Vinodini. i too never had a green thumb. Still don't. It's sheer persistence!

  8. Loved this post. Having recently grown tomatoes in my backyard, I know how jubiliant you must be. Enjoying your gardening posts a lot.

    Good luck with your novel.

    1. Thanks a lot nandana! How have you been? It's been such a long long time since you left a comment on my blog!

  9. I enjoy your gardening posts a lot. I grow a few veggies in my backyard too. It feels amazing to see the plant grow/bear vegetables. :-)

  10. Hi Mam,
    Recently I went to Dubai for a job search for two months. Apart from Job search the thing which made me engaged was your books. I bought and packed all of your books in my backpack and left the country. Thanks to you. I dint feel homesick. And your new child bean post is so good. Please keep posting such things. You are my inspiration. Waiting for your next book to be kept in my shelf. (not only for stalking but also for reading) :-P

  11. Growing a plant is a lot like writing. except for the beginning, the rest of the journey is quite the same. in the former you plant the seed, but in writing the seed of idea just strikes you like a bolt. but from then on...both the farmer and writer trudge the similar path of patiently watering, tending, preening, eliminating insects (read editing!)...and then after what seems like an odyssey one gets to see the result of sweet hard labour. hope you grow many more. right now i m nurturing my little plant.

  12. I really wonder how in the world you have so much time for doing different things; also explaining them in your blog. You are a wonderful person with some magic as well. May God bless you and all your family members. Also, I wish God bless all your followers. Long Live Preeti..


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