A few blessings.

Most of last few weeks, Indian summer has been at it's full scorch.  But these days, Bangalore feels like heaven.It's cloudy,cool winds blow and the skies paint themselves into landscapes worthy of a Monet's painting.

This was my view.

And as I watched the sun set,  it changed to this:

Truly felt like paradise. It was breathtakingly stunning.

Then the kids were hungry. They wanted a snack. Junk food is something I dislike. I am all for lip-smacking, nutritious, healthy home cooked stuff, which can be made in a jiffy. Here is what I made:

In case you wish to make it, the recipe is here.

 This evening, I made another equally tasty (and healthy)  snack. Here is what I made:

 I spread butter on one side. Then I topped  the other with grated Cheddar cheese, granulated garlic and chilly flakes. (you could just use freshly crushed Garlic too). Grilled it in the oven at 150 degree centigrade for about 7-10 minutes or till the cheese melts.

The kids said it was delicious and  they  simply gobbled it up.

A peaceful day with  fabulous weather, great food and the love of a wonderful family.
Sometimes, the smallest things are the greatest blessings.
I am grateful.

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  1. I read somewhere, There is nothing called Junk Food, its either Junk or it is Food. :)

  2. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmylicious blog

  3. I agree...
    Bangalore has transformed into heaven... suddenly!!!

  4. Relishing sight-both food and sunset.


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