A book launch and a note from Singapore.

Hi there.

This is a quick post typed in under ten minutes from Singapore (where I am currently on vacation)  using the complimentary hotel wi-fi with a speed so good, you would think you are in a GTA game, driving a Mc.Laren F1, the scenery whizzing past in a blur, zooming from 0 to 180 in 8 seconds flat, adrenaline coursing through your veins with heart pounding madly. I could shift to Singapore, just for the Internet speeds.

The Book launch of 'The One You Cannot have' (on 6th December at Royal orchid Bangalore) went off marvelously.  It was a memorable event--easily one of the best book launches I have ever had. Every single person who attended it, would agree. There was warmth, camaraderie and a spirit of celebration.

Dr.Shyam Bhat (Psychiatrist and Integrative Medicine specialist)  and Vani Mahesh (founder of Easylib) were in conversation with me, about the book. They were both splendid and gracious.

A few readers, who attended the launch  blogged about it. You can read two of the posts about the launch, in the links below:



This is a picture of me, clicked just before I left home, for the launch.

And here are a few more pictures from the launch

Umesh and Vimala Malhotra (Founders of Hippocampus, Bangalore )

Signing the books, after the event

Shinie Antony (an amazing  author. I totally love her writing style and her books) and Vani Mahesh. We had a GREAT time.

For more pictures from the launch go here

The launch was covered by Bangalore times as well as Deccan Chronicle.

The book has been getting some amazing reviews (you can check them out here and here) , and I was thrilled to see it on number 10 in the Amazon bestseller list.

You also ought to see the book at all the leading book-stores in India. (if you don't find it, please let me know :) ) Some select Cafe Coffee Days too are selling my book!

Pic by Saffin Mathew

All in all, I am glad that my 5th baby, has got a grand welcome into this world.

So a large thank you to every single one who made an effort to attend my launch! And also a big thank you to each and every one who bought my book.

And with that I  sign off. I am heading towards all the fabulous malls in Singapore, planning to shop till I drop!

Ciao! Will write again soon.
Till then--keep that sunny smile.


Get  TOUCH!  (The One You Cannot Have) :)

Crossword: http://is.gd/Touchcrossword
Flipkart: http://is.gd/TouchFlipkart
Landmark: http://is.gd/TouchLandmark
Infibeam: http://is.gd/TouchInfibeam

Uread: http://is.gd/TouchUread (Uread ships internationally too)
Amazon: http://is.gd/AmazonTouch


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Thus waiting fr ur next book to read.........ur 5 baby is always warm welcome by urs readers....

    Yesterday I goes to bookstore fr ur 5 baby...but book does nt come in my hometown

    Cngrats fr ur review on ur 5 book in ur sense ur 5 baby....

    Waiting to read ur latest book..



  3. have a good time over there ma'am. YOU are always special n will remain as special forever :)

  4. Cngrats and all the best.

  5. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Feminism is stupid. See.

  6. Preeti, Thanks for the invite. I really had great fun and it is pleasure meeting you :-)

  7. So many positive feedback for your books i am going to get one copy to know more about this books.

  8. nice blog

  9. bought it and read the one you cannot have :) i love how your books always have a lesson. the paragraph on indian parents was really funny. the line - the person who cares less has more power in a relationship holds good !


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