A matter of interest.

The last two days, I was single parenting as Satish was travelling on work. Handling a hundred things, I realised that i had forgotten to withdraw money from the ATM and I was now out of cash. Not only that, I had selected a 'Pay cash on delivery option' for an online purchase, which would be delivered in the next half an hour.

I told my daugther that I had to rush to the ATM and was grumbling that I was short of time and really tired.

"Don't worry Mama, I will lend you money and it will save you a trip to the ATM," she said. I had forgotten about her 'secret stash'--the money she has been saving from birthday presents and tooth fairies.

"Oh, thank you. Can you lend me Rs.500/-? I shall give it back to you soon,' I replied, relieved and happy at her offer.

"You will have to pay interest." comes her reply.

"No way, You don't pay interest for such a short period of time. I will return back the money, this evening."

"In that case, there will only be a service tax," she says.

Yes--I know :) I am still smiling :) [ and yes, I  took her permission to share this--and there was no service tax for that ;-) ]


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   photo credit: mynameisharsha via photopin cc


  1. Ha ha ha.... So cute....

  2. Kids are so wise. I tried to fool my son by disagreeing to purchase him a game stating that I didn't have enough money. I went through the worst trauma for the next 15 minutes when my five year old told me very clearly and loud enough for the entire super market to hear that I didn't have money to buy the things I was putting into my shopping trolley, each and every time I selected an item....!!!

  3. Ha ha. Shame on Ramamritham for becoming part of the culture, so much so that even kids mouth it.

    By the way; Boo on you for not paying interest. You should have paid 5 hours interest at least :):)

    1. Heh heh.. Let her learn negotiation skills, Ramesh! It will come in handy later ;-) :)

      I was also quite surprised at the *service tax* bit! God knows where she picked that up from!

  4. sooooooooooooooo lovely! you had a precious time with your daughter ma'am... there are lots with children, we could learn from them beyond the syllabus of matured people... may the almighty be blessed to your solid family... and very all the best for ur upcoming book...!

  5. Wow.... So Cute To Hear Abt Ur daughter Words....

  6. LOL :) spoken like a chartered accountant's daughter ;) cute conversation:)

  7. hahaha very cute!

  8. I think you still owe her the tax! A warm hug shall suffice :-)

  9. Ha ha lol..
    So cute. You should give her additional pay for every comment of this post here. ;)

  10. Ha ha lol..
    So cute. You should give her additional pay for every comment of this post here. ;)

  11. Haha.. so cute... How I wish I could learn to say the same thing when I lend money... ;) :)

  12. No wonder there, Ma'm :) We CAs live and breathe Tax and Service Tax and Interest ;) and her dad belongs to our fraternity :)
    Lovely :D


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