A little love note

Susie in trouble p1 Pictures, Images and Photos

Most people who don't have children, have a  fairly stable routine and  days of work (unless of course you happen to be the official photographer for Kingfisher Calendar or a flight attendant or Rakhee Sawant,  in which case I doubt you would be reading this blog :-)). But people who have children--oh, they will agree with me, when I say  that each day there is a new drama which unfolds. You really don't need reality TV (move over Pamela Anderson)  when you have kids. There is enough entertainment provided on a daily basis, except that sometimes you are an active participant  (at times unwittingly the clown) in this reality show and you don't even realise it till you put your feet up at the end of the day.

But a lot of times it also seems  like we are transported back to our childhood, through our children. The kids these days might be natives to Internet, might have had far more exposure than we did at their ages and might be tech-savvy little geniuses but the fact is children always are children, be it in today's world or be it a hundred years back. The toys they play with might have changed but the qualities inherent in children (a curious nature, a playful attitude, and most importantly being unafraid to try out new things, unafraid to fail and the ability to quickly forgive and not carry grudges) are still the same. ( We adults would do well to emulate some of these qualities).

Each day when my two kids come back from school, I am there to greet them. This is one of the best times of the day for me. After they have been served (today it was aloo tikkis which they gobbled in a jiffy showering me with ample 'mmmmm mummy you are the best cook in the world')  and cajoled to change out of their school uniforms, they cuddle upto me and tell me about their day. I love listening. Each day there is something new.

Today my son (who will soon be 13) said " Mum, today a boy in the bus gave a note to a girl."
"Ooh" I said, "Did you see what was in the note?"
"I could just see it from outside. He had written 'from' and  'to'. That was all what was there on the outside."
"Oh, " I said, a bit disappointed to not know what was in the note.
But the story wasn't over.
"Mum, the girl took it from him and said awwwwwwww," continued my son.
"And? " I prompted him, now fully engrossed.
"Ma, when she opened it, it was a dead bee inside. She screamed her head off and then she threw it out of the window."

I  really collapsed on the floor with laughter as my son and daughter too joined in.

Like I was saying, kids will be kids.
Or maybe boys will be boys :-)


  1. hahaha--that was really funny.

  2. Hahaha. I've seen that done! With a bunch of dead mosquitoes :P
    ah, 13-17 is a FUN time in school!

    This was really funny!
    P.s. My mom used to wait for me after school too. It was something I really cherish. Many of my friends didn't have that privilege. Lucky kids, atul and purvi :)

  3. hahaha..really funny
    So now when you are back to India,you are watching television too.Any special reason for this change? :P

  4. Aish: OH NO! I dont even have a TV in my house. (my stuff is yet to come). But I read a lot of newspapers :)

    Suma: :) I did get your two texts but was busy.

    Sucheta: :) Yeah--best time :)

    Mihir: thanks :)

    Caterpillar: :D

    Seema; Thanks :)

  5. That was funny ! Kids do the darnest things !
    I used to hate a boy in my class when I was a kid so I put a dead grasshopper inside his textbook. (Yeah I know! dont tell this to Purvi and Atul it will spoil my image:)

  6. Lol!

    Awww...the poor girl! ;)

  7. LOL........

    Lovely way to start ur day,read Preeti's blog & ur worries go away..

    Lovely...simple..and makes me nostalgic..just like the vodafone delight advs.. Little things u do :))

  8. This reminded me of my school days, my classmate did this with me & I went up to my teacher to complain about him.
    Goshhh now it all sounds so stupid….

  9. hahaha...that was really funny!! So lovely to listen to kids n their innocent stories. :)

  10. Lovely! Looking forward to such moments myself. Welcome back!

  11. lovely blog, & every word of it is true though I dont get compliments for snacks which are served to them:(.
    Yes, but you really dont need reality shows when one can have live one at home.My elder daughter (13 yrs) is in a hurry to earn money to watch H Potter second time since I refused to pay, younger one(7 years) also wants to earn some money. So, it was fun to watch elder one cleaning the platform & younger one doing the dishes...
    Isn't this a great reality show!!!

  12. hahahaha :D thats the innocence of childhood :d

  13. :D Oh ..god .. these kids :)

  14. Sudha: They are life's greatest blessings :)

    Rajalakshmi: nothing so innocent about a dead bee as a gift :D

    Tejaswini: It would teach them the value of money and dignity of labour.

    Shades of grey: thank you :)

    Chandni: yes :) Thanks :)

  15. Bhavya: Heh heh heh :) its cute :)

    Ruj: Thats a big compliment--thanks! :)

    Sparkling: secretly I think sje might have liked :P :D

    Siddarth: Welcome to my blog and thanks :)

    Ruch: hahahahahahaha I HAVE to tell this to atul and purvi :D

  16. Comepletely agree with you :-)

  17. wonderful.. Children have this beautiful way to spark the dullest of days .. :)

  18. Guru: :) :)

    Sushobhan: yes they do :)

    Pia Vinay: About emulating qualities of kids? Yes that is true.

  19. LOL. Loved that age when girls were just meant to be stayed away from. And then, one day, you turn 16... and it all goes to hell.


  20. Haha...that was some prank...childhood is the best of life's all seasons:)...and by the way how is Bengaluru treating you...it is not the same as before but I hope there is some charm left in the city!:)

  21. For a second, I was actually thinking of several scenes from several classical movies. :) But, as you said,children are children


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