Moms are always special

Mothers—Aren’t they darlings?

I never understood my own mother, till I became a mom. When I was expecting my first child, I had absolutely no clue what it all involved. As I went from stage to stage, realization dawned on me for the first time, that this is exactly what my mother must have gone through, when she was having me. My respect for her increased hundredfold. Instantly.

When I was in college and she worried about me when I got home late, I used to laugh at her concern and tell her not be paranoid. When my own two, started going to school, I understood exactly why she worried.

When she used to proudly tell her close friends about my achievements in sports as well as academics, I used to be embarrassed and insist that she should NOT talk about me. Now that I have my own children, I know just how much it must have meant to her.

When she used to stay up the whole night, just because I had a fever, I used to tell her to stop being fussy, and it was only a fever, for God’s sake. Now, when the slightest cough, from one of my kids wakes me and I am at their bedside, in a jiffy, I understand why my mom could not sleep.

I had got this in an email forward and I could so relate to it---as all mothers can, I guess.

You Know You're a Mom When...

You count the sprinkles on each kid's cupcake to make sure they're equal.

You find yourself cutting your husbands' sandwiches into cute shapes.

You can't bear to give away baby clothes - it's so final.

You stop criticizing the way your mother raised you.

You hire a sitter because you haven't been out with your husband in ages, then spend half the night checking on the kids.

You have time to shave only one leg at a time.

You hide in the bathroom to be alone.

Your kid throws up and you catch it. Someone else's kid throws up at a party. You keep eating.

You use your own saliva to clean your child's face.

You've mastered the art of placing large quantities of pancakes and eggs on a plate without anything touching.

You cling to the high moral ground on toy weapons; your child chews his toast into the shape of a gun.

You hope ketchup is a vegetable, since it's the only one your child eats.

Your feet stick to the kitchen floor, and you don't care.
You no longer object to cold pizza for breakfast.

Your purse is crammed with emergency toys, candy and first aid supplies.

You can talk on the phone, pack a lunch & breast feed all once.

You wonder why it was you ever feared being alone.

You spend an entire week wearing sweats.

You can remove chewing gum from just about anything. You say at least once a day, "I'm not cut out for this job", but you know you wouldn't trade it for anything.

The older one gets, the more one realizes how precious these relationships are and how short life really is. Many a time, you don’t realize the value of what you have, till you lose it. (click here for a detailed explanation)

My mom lives in Kerala, which is about 1200 kilometers, from where I live. I speak to my mom every single day. Sometimes, several times—just a short call to tell her that I am thinking of her and I love her. Today too, I did—but today is special, because it is her birthday.

Happy birthday, Mom! When I reach your age, if I am half as pretty as you and half as courageous as you, and I do half as good a job as you did in raising your kids (wink!) I would truly be thrilled!


  1. I totally agree with everything written here today.
    I used to think that as my children grew I would be able to relax more, but now as we prepare to send my oldest daughter off to college I am more afraid than ever. I am releasing her to the world and I fear for her safety and her heart.

  2. Lovely tribute :)

    I am guilty of almost all you've stated!

  3. Rayne:I too used to think that once my children are grown I'll worry less.I guess one never stops worrying.

    Rads: :-)

  4. Happy birthday to your Mom! She looks great and that e-mail is funny.

  5. what about us guys, when will we realize the importance of our moms :)
    just kidding...

    mostly I end up having huge arguments with my mom, but somewhere I know its tough to even go away from her for a while

  6. Devil Mood:Yep--it is really funny--mostly because it has this underlying patina of truth!Will pass on your compliments to my mom.


  7. i couldn't agree with you more. i feel the umbilical cord between me and mom is still left uncut. it's so difficult to be away from her and i appreciate her more and more everyday. i miss wiping my face with the corner of her saree :)

  8. first of all, a very happy birthday to u mom:-)

    And i guess the rest of the post i'll understand when i have my own kids;-)

  9. Touchy post. I go with what you say...iam a mother of a 14 mth old and i realise how much my mom meant to me. I live so far from her but make it a point to speak to her every single day. I do miss her. Cheers & Happy Happy Birthday to your mom.
    My Best ~ Chitra

  10. What a coincidence...i've just posted something on similar lines...

    **you know you wouldn't trade it for anything.** so true...

    Wishes to your mom

    i fully echo your sentiments...a beautiful post straight from the heart

  11. Ranjini:Even when one has one's own kids, feelings still are the same!

    Akanksha:very true--You'll understand only then.Be sure to remember me!!!

    Chitra:Yes--Like an epiphany,na?

    Thinking aloud:Yes?(!)--the blogosphere is full of so many coincidences!!will drop by.

  12. Your mama is beautiful. Send her my best wishes on her birthday!

  13. @ps
    O sure...u wont be forgotten anyways..blogging to chalti rahegi na forever.

  14. Happy Birthday, PS' Mom. So, true, everything you said.

  15. wonderful post!
    it indeed takes a lot to be a mother...
    here's wishing ur mom a very happy birthday on my behalf too :)

    cheers to all the supermoms in the world (including mine ofcourse) :D

  16. Anonymous11:13 PM

    You use your own saliva to clean your child's face.

    Shudder. That smell will haunt me all my life

  17. Sue:will do!

    Akanksha: :-)

    Nessa:So universal right?


    Freelance:Good to see you back.E mail was supposed to be funny.I dont hang on to baby clothes nor do i count the sprinkles on the cup cakes either.

  18. Happy birthday to your momma...
    I loved this article of yours and itsso beautiful. Yes, and i'd never trade my place for anything...
    Each time I look at a full piece of potato wafer, I think of my sons, though my heart yearns for one....the joy of having a full whole , unburnt piece....but still I keep it aside thinking that maybe my son might want this more than I.

    And i'm sure, you'll reach that age and you'll achieve almost everything ...U have the conviction in you :)

  19. Mums are FANTASTIC!..sadly I don't have mine anymore, but there is never a day goes by that i don't think about her...

  20. Very beautiful post. I totally agree. I call my mum once a week and its always nice. My daughter is now a teenager so Now I realise what my mum went through. I get it all back.
    What a very touching picture.

  21. b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l . The words that sums this post.

    I guess i will only understand my Strong mummy once i become a mummy myself.


  22. Yours is a lovely mom. Please send her my best wishes and my congratulations for having raised such a special daughter... I'm sure Satish also thanks her a lot ;-)

  23. Beautiful, hope she had a wonderful bday! and i am sure she is proud of her kids :)

  24. Written so beautifully. It moved me...

  25. wow...gr8 post...i'm not a mom yet but i've seen moms with kids n i know being a mother is a full time mom did a gr8 job raising two kids n i am wht i am becoz of her...i think being a mother is whole new life n i'm hoping to get there one day...lets see..


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